Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1815: Husband and wife, the rules of robbing the world fruit!

Jiang Lan did not hesitate at this time, and waved his hand: "Master Berg, please arrange for everyone outside to come in."

Berger stunned for a moment, to be honest he has not yet understood what Zhang Xiaomeng said about her husband.

At this time when he heard Jiang Lan calling his name, his instinct was a little yellow, and he looked at Jiang Lan with some plea.

The meaning of is so obvious that naturally, Jiang Lan should not tell Zhang Xiaomeng what he just said.

Jiang Lan smiled without saying a word: "You see what I'm doing, don't go fast yet, should the maiden order you in person."

As soon as he heard the word sage, Berger trembled. Where would he dare to say anything, he would arrange it immediately.

外面 outside the hall.

The geniuses of the major forces are now looking at the temple frequently, full of curiosity.

After all, they all got on the spaceship, but until now they have not even seen the maiden of the ancestral beast palace.

Qiu Liufan leaned in front. He felt a familiar atmosphere that attracted him into the hall, but there was a layer of restraint outside the hall, and he could not enter at all.

He happened to come out at this time. He looked at Liu Fan who was trying to enter the main hall. He was already a little angry. At this moment, he couldn't help but hum: "I don't understand any rules, stand back."

Gao Liufan was embarrassed and reluctantly took a few steps towards the back.

Berg then looked at the geniuses of the major forces and said coldly: "The maiden invited you to enter the hall, but after you enter, please pay attention to me, don't damage the contents. Also, the maiden is noble, you It's best not to talk nonsense, if you are hated by the maiden, your future path will be very difficult. "

When I heard this, the soldiers and many geniuses in the army were frightened.

But people like Brenton and Adelie of the Desert Temple, Kilry of the Machinery Association, Langley and Belit of Patriarchs, Alley of the Adventurer League, Okan and Bagley of the Cosmic Arena It's not that much at all.

The ancestral maiden of the ancestral beast palace is noble, and their identities are not low.

Even if the identity of the maiden of the ancestral palace is a little more noble, but what about that, who is stronger in the future may not be sure.

Bergberg was banned separately, and everyone walked into the hall in turn.

Qiu Liufan is the same, but when he stepped into the palace, the whole person was dumbfounded. How could this maiden in front of him look like his wife Zhang Xiaomeng.

Wu Suyu and other college students also discovered it, all surprised.

Yin Haojun couldn't help but touch Liu Fan and whispered, "Fan, this virgin is exactly like your wife Zhang Xiaomeng. I really didn't expect that there is such a similar person in the universe. If it is not Xiaomeng It is a native human being, and I suspect she has a twin sister in the Ancestral Palace. "

Yao Jie couldn't help but look at Liu Fan: "It's too similar, but how do I feel she is Zhang Xiaomeng."

I heard that, Su Yu could not laugh or cry: "Did you really not see it or did you not see it, she is Zhang Xiaomeng."

Yin Haojun first retorted at this time: "What are you kidding, Zhang Xiaomeng went to the Taigu Zhenhuang family, and this saint is from the Ancestral Palace. Wait, the Taigu true Phoenix family will not belong to the Orc. Alliance, right? "

I heard this, Su Yu couldn't help but give Yin Haojun a glance. Your cosmic knowledge course must have passed through the back door.

At this time, Berg said, "Sir, these are the military fighters and the geniuses of the major forces who want to go in with you to fight for the fruit of the world."

Zhang Xiaomeng nodded, and then looked straight at Liu Fan and a group of college students.

Qiu Liufan was so excited that he couldn't help but shout, "Wife, you really are."

Zhang Xiaomeng nodded, and was also very excited: "Come over and sit next to me, I want everyone to see, this is my man, and my wife is not nobody."

Yan Liufan did not hesitate, bypassing the crowd at this time and went directly.

At this time, Bergberg probably understood the meaning of her husband and wife, but when he noticed that the maiden was actually the young man whom he had just reprimanded, he really wished to find a pillar and hit him.

He was really busy and he didn't die fast enough.

The other group of college students is okay. The geniuses of the Orc Alliance, the soldiers of the army, and the geniuses of other forces are all envious.

At this moment, Liu Fan is the real winner of life.

Inside the student, Yin Haojun suddenly turned his eyes and said, "You wait, I'll come back immediately after a trip."

He Yunze saw that his face was not right, and hurriedly held him: "What are you going to do?"

"Go out and turn around, the scenery on this spaceship is good, it's worth a visit." Yin Haojun smiled slightly. "Are you, like me, fascinated by the beauty of this spaceship. Well, I will Take more photos and send them to you, so you don't have to follow along. "

"The scenery is good? When you all of us are idiots, talk human!" He Yunze couldn't help but yelled, "You guy who doesn't even know the beauty and ugliness, will be fascinated by what scenery, you can lie next time you can No other reason. "

Xi Xia Yumo covered her mouth and smiled at this moment: "I bet this guy must have learned that Xiao Meng is the maiden of the ancestral palace, so she wanted to go out and get some benefits."

Everyone was shocked and looked at Yin Haojun, this idea that you even had.

Yin Haojun was pierced by Xia Yumo, but instead calmly said, "I just went outside and pulled Tian Xuan's silver grass, and Roshkin's railings were removed. Anyway, the maiden is Zhang Xiaomeng, everyone is his own, this is also It ’s okay for me to disassemble my own things. ”

Own things?

Everyone is defeated by Yin Haojun's powerful logic. Are you really not polite at all? Is this something of your own?

Su Yu frowned at this time: "It is forbidden to go, shameless, and you are useless. The outside railings and the elixir in the flower garden are forbidden to guard. Power cannot break those restrictions. "

Yin Haojun suddenly said: "There is still a ban?"

Several students are just like him, you won't even find out about it.

Yin Haojun became discouraged, and then less than three seconds, he saw his head suddenly raised, his face was right: "I'm just kidding you, you really think I will take down the railings and dig People's spirit grass. You think of me as someone, how can I do this kind of thing.

其实 "In fact, I can break the ban." He Yunze smiled at this time.

"Really, how about our cooperation ..." Yin Haojun almost blurted out, followed him and noticed that He Yunze seemed to laugh and laugh, and immediately knew that he had been flickered, and he simply stopped talking.

The students sighed endlessly. Seeing you was so shameless, we assured as classmates.

Yun Yin Haojun turned his face to one side, ignoring the scornful eyes of everyone.

You ignorant mortals, what do you know.

Next, everyone dare not delay.

Jiang Lan motioned for a moment, and Lord Broki stood up: "Well, you commanders, the time is almost up. Let me talk about the rules for the world fruit this time, and then we set off."

Everyone is attentive now, this rule is still very important.

Brockie gestured to Zhang Xiaomeng again before he began to say, "This rule was set by our military chief, Jiang Lan, in order to prevent everyone from hurting peace and avoiding casualties. As for the rules, You can read for yourself. "

I said a few lines of text appeared in front of him with a wave of his hand. I saw two rules for the world fruit:

Article 1: Everyone must wear a teleporter made by the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the teleporter can be teleported when activated.

Article 2: Everyone must do so till the end. In the process of fighting for the world fruit, the lives of others must not be hurt. Otherwise, they will not only be taken away from the world fruit, but also be held accountable.

After reading this rule, everyone frowned, which was completely different from what they imagined.

Especially the second article is forbidden to hurt the lives of others. This seems to be a deliberate effort to protect the students of Xianxian College.

Asqiu couldn't help but whispered sarcastically: "This Jiang Lan is a good abacus. He knows that the students in their college are the weakest, so he has formulated such a rule. So whether they can get the world fruit, their college All the students can come out alive. Otherwise, if they really fight, the twenty people who went into their academy might be wiped out. "

Several other commanders also nodded, thinking that this is a rule that Jiang Lan deliberately designed to benefit the students of Xian Academy ~ ~ Manson was also dissatisfied with her thoughts, "I have a question, It is forbidden to hurt the lives of others, but what if the body of another is broken? "

Brockie smiled at this time: "As long as it doesn't hurt your life, let alone break the gods of others, it's OK to break the gods of others. So when you fight for the fruit of the world, you must do your best and meet Danger to activate the teleporter in time to send it back. "

Manson and others nodded with satisfaction when they heard this.

However, they also thought that this was still Jiang Lan in order to protect the students of Xian Academy. It was speculated that maybe soon, the students of Xian Academy would be eliminated by the entire staff.

Brockie didn't say anything at this time either: "I will send a teleporter to everyone right away, everyone must wear this teleporter, and can't put it into the storage space. Because this teleporter can not only transfer you Ability, and at the same time monitor what you are doing inside the rules. "

When these three hundred people heard this, they did not dare to mess up.

After sending the teleportation rune, the spacecraft ripped open the space and headed for the set point.

At this time in the hall, Zhang Xiaomeng had taken everyone out, leaving only the students and teachers of Xianxian College.

Everyone has most questions to ask Zhang Xiaomeng.

Uh ...

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