Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1816: Zhang Xiaomeng's adventures!

Wu Suyu is the same, but he is more curious than others, so he asked first, "Xiao Meng, is this spaceship really yours?"

Others are curious when they hear this. Even if the ancestral beast palace is as strong as it is, it is impossible to equip a saint with only a higher **** to equip him with a spaceship.

After all, many Supreme Gods do not have spaceships.

Zhang Xiaomeng seemed to know that someone would ask this, and laughed, "Of course it's not mine. Actually, my three brothers are not here. I secretly opened his spaceship. This spaceship looks domineering, but it consumes energy. It is also a great horror. It has accumulated millions of years of energy by itself, and it may be consumed by sailing for a year or after a battle. So if you want to control the spaceship as you want, you must also recharge it. The energy equivalent to 100 million pieces of immortal crystals would be burned out of the open space at once, and I was expected to recharge him. Where can I afford it? At present, the flying boat uses all the energy it has accumulated until it returns. It's almost time to run out. "

若 If the spaceship is not moving, it is definitely a monster burning money.

As for Zhang Xiaomeng's suggestion of recharging the spaceship, there are actually many ways. You can use Divine Liquid and Immortal Crystal, and you can even inject the spiritual power of the practitioner.

Yao Jie nodded and smiled: "It's okay not yours, otherwise we people can't even afford a Godship, and you're on a spaceship, which is too great for us. This is like In the era we lived in before, we had a car that did n’t even have a car, but you were driving supercars and carrying famous bags. It felt like we were not a class at all. "

Other students feel the same way.

Zhang Xiaomeng froze and hesitated and laughed: "But my brother said, when I practice to the level of the Lord God, I will give this spaceship as a gift!"

Yao Jie Hehe, can you say what I said just now?

笑 The smiles on the faces of other students also disappeared.

Xiao Fengyun could not help but laughed out: "Xiao Meng, your brother is really generous, this flying boat is comparable to an eternal magic weapon, so just give it to you."

Zhang Xiaomengzi was a little puzzled: "Is this spaceship precious? I just heard from my 3rd brother that this spaceship was grabbed by him, and when he was fighting with others before, he was too lazy to grab this tattered stuff. Generally speaking, When he took out the spaceship, he broke it with a punch. "

This time I ca n’t even laugh at the situation. You girl is here to come back and hit people with all your heart.

The students didn't say anything on their lips, but they secretly held their strength and waited for Zhang Xiaomeng to break through to the realm of the main god. How could they then use a godship as a vehicle at that time.

But there are still people who are not dead, like Yin Haojun, he asked, "What about the 17 main gods outside, are they really your bodyguards?"

Zhang Xiaomeng shook his head: "How could they be my bodyguard, you think too much."

Hearing this, Yin Haojun felt much more comfortable.

After all, even Fengyun Wuji is strictly a **** with a king-level combat power. If Zhang Xiaomeng had 17 masters as bodyguards, this would be too high.

However, I followed only Zhang Xiaomeng and said, "They are actually servants of the ancestral beast palace. Let me tell you this. The ancestral beast palace is not only the Holy Son and Virgin. The immortality of the clan's guidance. Many of these people are thinking of worshiping under the beast ancestor's door, but it is difficult for them to even see the beast ancestor. How can they worship under the beast ancestor's door, but what do these people do not want to leave? So they are willing to serve, just to get the chance to stay in the ancestral beast palace. "

Everyone took a breath. The seventeen people turned out to be servants, and they dare to use the Lord God as their servants. This can only be done in the Palace of the Beast.

I ca n’t help but say that this servant is your bodyguard.

After Fengyun listened carefully, it was not surprising: "People like this are generally exhausted of their potential, and they ca n’t improve or break through the immortality. They are extremely unwilling and unwilling to confess their fate. Hopefully, choosing to be a servant is perfectly normal. "

Zhang Xiaomeng thought for a while and nodded.

After all, the beast ancestors of the ancestral beast palace are the top existence in this universe. If they can get the guidance of the beast ancestors, they can naturally be born and reborn.

A group of students talked for a while, and Yi Tian suddenly said, "Xiao Meng, don't just talk about these, talk about how you entered the ancestral beast palace?"

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaomeng was quite excited: "Speaking of which, I can enter the ancestral beast palace, but that has gone through numerous obstacles and countless trials. First of all, I am in the Nirvana Pool of the Taigu Zhenhuang Tribe. A strong law of immortality came out, and then I accidentally practiced an immortal body that no one has been able to practice so far in the three epochs. Then, I defeated several powerful opponents and entered the beast king palace repair, and This is the beginning of another legend ... "

At first everyone was interested, but everyone was speechless.

I said that there are many obstacles and good trials. The gap between your plot and your profile is too big.

In the end, Xia Yumo couldn't help but grin: "Xiao Meng, let me summarize that. In short, when you first used Nirvana Pool Nirvana, you learned the first-rate rules of immortality, and even practiced a lot by accident. The immortal body that has never appeared in years. Later in the Beast King's Palace, when you renewed Nirvana, the bloodline was advanced, allowing you to have the true bloodline of the first-level beast ancestor. Then I need not say, the beast ancestors were all moved Now, I received you personally. "

Zhang Xiaomeng scratched his head, as if it really were.

At this moment, Feng Fengyun was afraid of crying and laughing. There is no danger or test here. You are lying all the way into the ancestral beast palace.

Understand the first-class rules, cultivate an immortal body, and the bloodline mutation reaches the level of the first-order beast ancestor. What luck is this? You have spread so many good things on your own.

Zhang Xiaomeng smiled: "In fact, the process is not important. Anyway, I am now an ancestor disciple, and few people dare to bully me in the future."

Everyone nodded, but most people didn't dare to provoke disciples of the beast ancestors. This identity was a bit scary.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

The spaceship stopped and many people came out.

"Everyone, we are here." Brocky said, looking at the extremely unstable space above his head ~ ~ From here, the world where the world tree is located, but because the world tree can no longer control this side The world, the space inside it is extremely unstable, there is space collapse and space turbulence everywhere. Once you are caught in it, it is best to activate the teleporter immediately, or you will be strangled by the force of space, and no one can save you. "

一次 This time even Su Yu is a little dignified, he knows that the power of space is terrible.

Don't say that he is only a **** now. Even if he breaks through to the realm of perfection, if he encounters space collapse and turbulence, he must immediately avoid it.

Feng Yun thought for a while and warned the students: "I do n’t know what is behind the turbulent space and the collapse of space. It is best not to fall into it. With your strength, you can't resist the tearing of this space force. In fact, even if It is the King of God. If they encounter the space collapse and turbulence caused by the destruction of the large universe, the power of space can also tear their gods into pieces. "

The students nodded, and when they really got in, they must choose to excite the teleporter to leave.

At this time, the space slowly opened an entrance, and everyone had seen a towering tree through the entrance.

Tamarix Fan immediately fluttered his body. Compared with this world tree, the world tree in his Brahma realm was just a baby just born.

Uh ...

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