Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1817: Cosmic Ecosystem Theory, Su Yu talking to Shu Ling!

Brochi's voice sounded at this time: "Tree spirit, these are the three hundred people behind me who are going to fight for the fruit of the world, and they will give it to you. Thank you again for your contribution to the Universe universe at the last moment of your life."

After hearing this, a slightly hoarse woman voice came from the space: "The life of our universe has damaged the universe too much, and even the laws of the universe's origin have collapsed. The lives of the immortals are shortening, Countless thousands, thousands, and even thousands of worlds are also going to ruin. In the future, the fate of our universe is actually made by us. "

Several **** kings had dignified expressions, and a group of geniuses couldn't understand the meaning.

Yao Jie pondered for a moment and whispered: "Su Yu, what does the world tree mean? Does n’t it mean that the collapse of the origin of the universe is mainly caused by alien invasion? And what ’s wrong with the collapse of the origin of the universe? Everyone is obviously practicing faster now. The suppression of immortals is weakening. Many people who could not break through to the immortal realm have broken through. "

Su Yu thought for a while and replied, "In fact, I don't understand very well, but the dean seems to be studying this too. In the book of energy theory, the dean once put forward such a view, saying that the law of the origin of the universe is like the ecology of the planet System, alien invasion is like alien species entering the planet's ecosystem, but alien invasion should not cause our ecosystem to collapse. So the dean suspects that the collapse of the universe's original law is largely caused by our own reasons. Like in our previous era, people fell trees and caused soil erosion, and excessive burning of coal, oil, and natural gas caused the greenhouse effect. "

After listening to a group of students, they understood a lot.

Yao Jieren looked at Su Yu with shock: "The Dean's Energy Theory book is so esoteric, you can still read it? Really admire! Why, you will not want to do research with the Dean in the future?"

After listening, Su Yu nodded: "We practice not only to become stronger, but to study the truth. Cultivation is a science. Only by understanding this knowledge can we do more with less. I think not only It is me. After we graduate from university, we should all be devoted to the research of various cultivations like the dean. This may be the real meaning of running our college. "

一群 At first, a group of students thought that Su Yu was joking, but at this moment everyone was dumbfounded.

After they graduate from college, they have to do research, is it true?

What are they, graduate students?

Wu Suyu is not talking about anything. He has always been a person who loves to learn. Before he entered the college, he was a school bully. If he is allowed to do research in cultivation, he is actually very willing to do it.

A group of students from Xianxian University said this, but the situation was frightening, but they felt a sense of consciousness sweeping away, and immediately frowned.

Jain's consciousness receded immediately and seemed unintentionally offensive.

"Well, let's go in."

Brocky waved his hand, and the army's 150 people went first.

The geniuses of the Eighth Powers followed closely after getting a signal.

"Let's meet inside."

Qi Liufan said to Zhang Xiaomeng, and then the students of the college also entered in turn.

Outside, Broki and others returned to the spaceship.

At this time, three hundred screens appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the three hundred people who competed for the fruit of the world were displayed on it.

Jiang Lan sat in the first place and said lightly: "After they enter, the World Tree will catalyze the world fruit to maturity. It may take two or three years for it. Please be calm and calm. Alright. But I said the ugly things ahead of time. No matter what the outcome of the battle, no one can complain or let anyone retaliate. "

The eight commanders groaned and nodded.

报 It is not worth revenge for a little world fruit, the world fruit is not so precious. The battle for the world this time is only about the face of their forces, otherwise they are all **** kings, and they will never condescend.

The world of the World Tree is one billion light years in size, and the entire world is shrouded in the World Tree.

However, it is obvious that the leaves of the World Tree have turned yellow, and many trunks have also been split, exuding a faint energy from the inside out. The roots of the tree, those roots that should have penetrated into countless dimensions of the world, have also dried up, and are unable to penetrate into them at all.

世界 This world tree has reached the end of his life, and his life span is only 120 epochs.

One era is 47304000 years and 120 epochs. In fact, it is 5.670 billion years, which is equivalent to a time of disaster in floods.

If the law of the origin of the universe has not collapsed, in fact, he can live for one hundred and eighty epochs. If he breaks through to the realm of great consummation, he can live for three hundred epochs.

Su Yu frowned on a branch of the World Tree.

发现 He found that instead of being with other students after he came in, he was randomly transferred to a place, and everyone else should be the same.

He thought for a while, the consciousness shrouded in the surroundings, because the space here was very unstable, and it was accompanied by the turbulence and collapse of the space, so his consciousness could only see less than eight million miles. Case. Even if this is the case, because his consciousness is to avoid a lot of space turbulence and space collapse, there are still many blind spots in the scope of consciousness.

Wu Suyu didn't find the world fruit within these eight million miles, so he wanted to leave.

But at this moment, a voice came into his mind.

"Can I ask you a few questions? Without speaking, we can communicate with God."

"You are ... Shu Ling!" Su Yu didn't feel a look of expression, but he couldn't believe it, but he nodded after thinking about it.

"I just heard what you said and found it very interesting. You said that your dean thinks that the collapse of the law of the origin of the universe is caused by our own reasons, and compared the law of the universe to the ecosystem of the planet. Can you tell me more about this? "Shu Ling seemed curious.

Wu Suyu did not expect that this tree's thirst for knowledge is so strong, but he only knows a little about this, so there are not many people who can tell the world tree.

Just listen to Su Yudao: "These are just the speculations of our dean. Our dean has mentioned similar views in several books. Our dean believes that the existence of the law of the origin of the universe is a limitation on us and also on us. Protection. This is like if some species on the planet of life would grow wild without natural enemies, and eventually flooded and caused serious damage to ecology and the environment. Is this not the case in our current universe? If every immortal life is Infinitely long, everyone can easily become immortal. Sooner or later, the energy of this universe will be consumed by the immortals, and then the universe will inevitably be destroyed. The collapse of the law of the universe's origin is actually a sign of the universe's destruction That's it. "

Listening, Shu Ling said for a long time: "Your dean is really a wise man, and I think he makes a lot of sense. As a tree of the world, I can feel the wailing of this universe, but what has caused it all, indeed It's not very easy to judge. If it was an alien invasion, it would be fine. If it was us, who would it be, or who caused all this, and for what? "

Qi Suyu was silent and couldn't give an answer, because even Wang Xing didn't figure it out.

Lin Shuling thought about it and asked again, "I feel that you have the breath of the laws of the world. You should have practiced the laws of the world. I don't know about you ... what do your deans think of the laws?"

Su Yu pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "Our dean said in the article on the analysis of the laws of the universe that the law is a way of using energy. The higher the level of the law, the higher the utilization of energy and the power. Bigger. In analogy, the strength exerted by someone's law of action is only equivalent to mechanical energy, but the strength exerted by someone using the law is equivalent to electricity, and even some people have reached the strength of atomic energy. "

Xu Shuling nodded and asked a few more questions, and Su Yu answered them one by one. However, his level of knowledge is also very limited, so many answers are just copying Wang Xing's words.

Finally Shu Ling no longer asked, and at this time a map appeared in Su Yu's mind. There were many light spots in the map, of which 36 were particularly large and bright.

As soon as Su Yu knew it, this was the map of the world where the world tree was.

"I think you and the people who come in with you are very different ~ ~ You seem to have something that other people don't have. These are the positions of Zhong Qian Shi Guo Guo, you go along to find one You can break through to the realm of perfection. "Shu Ling said, this is the reward she gave Su Yu for answering questions.

"Thank you very much," Su Yu replied, "Well ... are you really going to perish, is there really no way to save it?"

"If I don't condense these world fruits, I can actually live a million more years, but I don't think it's necessary anymore. The law of the origin of the universe is calling me. He needs my energy, which is my own choice." The spirit of Shu Ling receded, and from her words, Su Yu did not feel any grief.

Wu Suyu was silent for a long time, and at this moment his understanding of the laws of the world suddenly had a lot of insights.

The world should not only have new life, but also destruction.

Whether it is a small thousand world, a medium thousand world or a large thousand world, they are all members of this universe, like children of the universe. When the universe is about to be destroyed, these worlds will also instinctively choose to incarnate as the most basic cosmic energy to return to the universe and repay the mother who gave birth to her.

Qi Suyu's world law took to a higher level at this moment, seeming to have a slight resonance with the universe.

Next, Su Yu disappeared as soon as she appeared.

Uh ...

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