Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1831: Won!

Thirteen immortal college students and fifteen orc geniuses.

At this moment, they are all struggling, all of them are red-eyed, and they look like they can eat people.

The four Beidou Qixing arrays blocked the east, west, and north directions, and it was like a fishing net to hold the people inside firmly.

The hundreds of people trapped in it kept pounding, and they were intercepted again and again.

This is the formation!

Whether it is the super soldiers of the military, or the geniuses of the League of Nations, the Alliance of Adventurers, and the Cosmic Bank Association, it is now obvious.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to trap hundreds of them with 28 people.

The power of the formation was once again revealed.

Outside of the formation, Su Yu was chasing after Kilry. Killy was naturally not an opponent, and he had to join forces with Acheson to deal with Su Yu.

The three of them fought in a team, and it was difficult to separate the winners and losers at one time.

Zhang Xiaomeng also found Ai Lei. The two of them practiced the law of life, and one practiced the law of immortality. The two laws also had certain commonality.

In principle, the law of life is slightly better than the law of immortality.

But under the bonus of Zhang Xiaomeng's immortal body, Ai Lei was beaten one after another.


Zhang Xiaomeng went out with a punch, and the flames burned the void.

Ai Lei only felt that all life would turn into flying ash under this flame, and now there was a sense of restraint.

She was suppressed by Zhang Xiaomeng.

Zhang Xiaomeng smiled grinning, "Miss, your rules of life are very powerful, but unfortunately you are too shallow to understand this rule, just come back and forth for a few tricks."

Zhang Xiaomeng has seen the weakness of Ai Lei.

Ai Leikong masters a deep and deep rule, but will never fight with it.

It's like a person who has studied mathematics, but can add, subtract, multiply, and divide. What kind of higher-order operations can't be ignored, even a one-ary equation can't be solved.

Zhang Xiaomeng is different. She knows all the variations, combinations, and advancements of the immortality rule. She can perform more than thirty types of immortal mysteries.

But Elle has fewer than five.

Ai Lei is also extremely hated at this moment. Everyone is aware of the first-class rules, and you have too many means.

Especially the immortal body, even her laws of life could not be analyzed, every time she carried out a physical attack, she would be ignored by Zhang Xiaomeng directly.

On the side of Yao Jie, he caught Chadok of the League of Nations.

Chadok is not an opponent alone, but fortunately, there are two geniuses from the League of Nations and a genius from the Machinery Association to assist.

They beat one another four to one to compete with Yao Jie.

Hua Tianjun's side was entangled in Kingsman, and Kingsman also joined forces to resist Yao Jie.

He Yunze was besieged by the geniuses of the six adventurer alliances, the League of Nations, and the Cosmos Bank Association.

Half a minute passed quickly.

The five of Su Yu were okay, but the four Beidou Qixing arrays were all scattered.

Located in the east of the Big Dipper, both the geniuses of the two Orc Alliances were damaged by the hit gods, the most serious of which was more than 30%.

In the other west, south, and north directions, some people were also injured, and the power of the formation was being weakened.

Then just wait for the collapse in one direction, the Beidou Qixing array will be completely useless.


During the formation, Yin Haojun shouted, beheaded at a military soldier without mercy.

His eyes were blood red, like crazy.

Seeing that he was also stabbed in the body, his body was damaged by nearly 10%.

At this moment Yin Haojun fell down, and the super soldier in the military department was killed. Didn't he say that killing is not allowed? This knife will definitely kill him.

"You killed me and you will be held accountable after you go out!"

"Idiot, what can I do, even if I'm being held accountable? It's a big deal to take away all the world fruits I get and deduct all my merits. Don't you think I'll lose my life for you?"

Yin Haojun sneered, he didn't care.

What is the deduction of my world fruit, and what is the deduction of my merits? As long as this battle can win, Su Yu has not distinguished me as a Zhongqian world fruit.

Instead, these super soldiers in your military department died in vain.

The super soldier of the military department was speechless at this moment, which is very reasonable.

When it comes to accountability, it must be a deduction in the end.

Yin Haojun shouted when he saw the other side's fear: "All the soldiers in the military department listened. At this stage of the battle, we must win the Xian Academy and the Orc Alliance must also win. We have no choice. Each of our moves is a must-kill. Each move has the belief of sharing the same goals. If you choose to resist, you will die in vain. Listen to me to persuade that things belong to others and their lives are their own. However, immediately inspire the teleporter to go out. You have reached the point where you are about to die, and you are doing your duty. You ca n’t really take your life! ”

Speaking, Yin Haojun stabbed directly into the body of the military super soldier.

The other side was terrified.

This is really about killing him, not a joke at all.

If he doesn't leave, the sword will pierce his kingdom and crush his kingdom.

Leaving, or not leaving?

I really want him to play a small life for the League of Nations, stop joking, how can this be.

"I quit!"

He panicked, triggering the teleporter while covering his stomach and disappeared into the battlefield.

Everyone was horrified to see this scene.

The geniuses of the Immortal College and the Orc Alliance were all infected, and the killing intentions were amazing.

The move is also more vicious and fatal.

Crazy, all crazy.

Many super soldiers in the military were forced out of the game at the moment.

In a blink of an eye, sixteen people were out.

"Waste, all waste."

Kingsman couldn't help yelling, but as soon as his words fell, Hua Tianjun slammed and flew out.

Dare to be distracted when fighting, I really don't know how to write the dead words.

The one-minute agreement is getting closer.

But at this time, the Big Dipper in the east finally couldn't keep up, and a beast alliance genius who controlled the formation was eliminated.

With one person missing, the Big Dipper Array cannot be called the Big Dipper Array.

"Break out from the east."

Someone shouted at this scene.

Suddenly, everyone went straight to the east to break the array and escape the siege of the four Beidou Qixing array.


Chadok couldn't help getting excited. These people got rid of the siege of the formation, and they could in turn trap the people of the Immortal College and the Orc Alliance.

By that time, victory will not be far away.

Ai Lei was also overjoyed: "Zhang Xiaomeng, your Xianxian College lost this time, and the Orc Alliance lost. The 80 people out of the trap there will be able to fight the 27 of you without a fight. "

Eighty people to twenty-seven are absolutely repressive.

Twenty-seven people who have lost their formation cannot be stopped.

Zhang Xiaomeng hummed: "Sister, we won't lose, because ..."

Then, she looked at Su Yu.

Just seeing Su Yu's eyes blink at this time, Kilry understood that.

As a result, ten members of the Machinery Association pounced on the geniuses of the nearest Alliance of Nations, the Alliance of Adventurers, and the Space Bank Association at the same time.


The first was Acheson, Kilry was behind him, and at the moment he cut off half of his body.

At this moment, the damage of his deities reached 50%.

Acheson looked at Kilrie in horror, his eyes full of horror, it was absolutely unbelievable.


At this time, Su Yu did not hesitate to punch Acheson with a punch, and wanted to defeat Acheson's body further.

"Do not!"

Acheson yelled, and if the real question was defeated again, he would not want to break through the realm of perfection for the next 10,000 years.


He growled, "You traitor!"

Following this, he inspired the teleporter to escape.

Kilrie poked his lips, dismissed at all, you are too naive to be a traitor.

Everyone is here for the Zhong Qian Shi Jie, it is ridiculous to say that I am a traitor.

At the same time, eight of the other nine members of the Machinery Association also succeeded in attacking, even Chadok was hit, and his physical damage reached 40%.

Two of the geniuses of the Adventurer Alliance, two of the Universal Banking Association genius, and one of the Universal League geniuses were eliminated directly.

Misery, really miserable.

Everyone is aggressive at this moment ~ ~ The sudden scene made everyone dumbfounded.

The situation on the court also reversed.

There were a total of 113 people from the Quartet. At the moment, ten people from the Machinery Association were removed, and those who were eliminated were removed. The remaining people were only seventy-one.

On the other hand, the immortal college and the Orc Alliance, together with ten members of the Machinery Association, now have 42 people.

Seventy-one to forty-two seems to have an advantage, but in fact there are close to fifty people in the military who are super soldiers with average combat power.

Coupled with the fact that Captain Acheson of the Cosmopolitan Bank Association has been eliminated, and Chadok of the League of Nations has suffered 40% physical damage, he will soon be out.

Therefore, the real advantage is actually the Xianxian and the Orc Alliance.

Su Yu looked at all this indifferently: "Go ahead and eliminate all the remaining people from the game and establish our absolute advantage."

No one hesitates at this moment.

He Yunze also arrived at the Beidou Qixing array to the east at this time, replacing the genius who had been eliminated from the Orc Alliance.


Chadock roared, killing Kilry at the moment.

However, Yao Jie had been prepared for a long time and forced Chadock, who was severely damaged, out.

Ten minutes later.

The super soldiers of the military were almost eliminated, and there were less than ten people left in the League of Nations, the Alliance of Adventurers, and the Space Bank Association.

Elle and Kingsman were besieged and escaped without a gate. They were forced to fire a teleporter.

The rest saw that Ai Lei was out, and they no longer struggled, and finally chose to inspire the teleporter.

There is no way. There are only 30 people left in the Immortal Academy, the Orc Alliance, and the Machinery Association. This advantage is too great.


Su Yu said, and everyone couldn't help cheering at the moment.

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