Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1832: Tree spirit heritage, mysterious channel!

Kilry is a little incredible at this moment, Su Yu's plan was really successful.

They won, and they won with absolute advantage.

In the whole world, no matter whether it is the Temple of Abandoned God, the Patriarch, or the Cosmic Arena, there is no one of them.

Unless these three forces join forces, it will be possible.

Of the remaining thirty people, five are from the Machinery Association, ten are from the Orc Alliance, and fifteen are from Immortal College.

If you add Xia Yumo and Liu Fan, there are still 17 people in Xian College.

"Su Yu, Wen Qingzhi and Xia Houyi were just eliminated." Yao Jie whispered.

"I know." Su Yu sighed. "Meng Qingzhi was besieged by seven people and finally eliminated the other five people. However, at that time, his immortal power was severely consumed. In order not to damage his immortal body, it would affect future cultivation. He was forced to fire the teleporter. Xia Houyi was a bit unlucky. He encountered a space collapse. If he did n’t teleport to leave, he would have the power of life. This was the teleporter.

Yao Jie nodded, and he pondered for a moment: "If the world fruit obtained this time is enough, one must be given to Mungyeong."

Mungyeong is the Brahma League, and the president of the Brahma League is Liu Fan.

As everyone knows, Su Yu and Liu Fan have always been a little bit uncomfortable. Yao Jie is worried that Meng Qingzhi will be eliminated prematurely. Su Yu will not give him a thousand world fruits.

Su Yu smiled: "You think too much, I'm not so stingy. As long as there are more than ten Zhongqi World Fruits this time, there will definitely be one for Mungyeong. In addition to Mungyeong, including the earliest Pang Zhen who was eliminated, as long as there are more than ten fruits in the world, I also want to give him one. "

Yao Jie heard this and admired Su Yu's character again.

It is possible that Mung Qingzhi did a lot of contribution, but to Pang Zhen, it was all about classmates.

Pang Zhen's talent is average, and his strength is also the weakest among the crowd. This Zhongqian world fruit is of great significance to him.

Su Yu did not have this Zhongqian world fruit, and it took thousands of years to break through, but Pang Zhen would probably take tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Yao Jie no longer said anything. As for whether they can get ten Zhongqian World Fruits, it can be said that they are absolutely stable.

However, this Zhongqian world fruit can no longer be given to Kilrie, and Su Yu collects it first, and then distributes it after all the world fruit competition is over.


On the spacecraft, Telfer's face was not good-looking.

A total of eighty-one people from the League of Nations and the Ministry of Military Affairs were eliminated in this way, and because they previously distributed the World Fruits to the Ministry of Warriors, they ended up with nothing.

Without any gains, the losses would be great.

Not to mention the 660 billion merits paid to the 66 super soldiers of the military in the early stage, the 15 geniuses they entered now are seriously injured, and it is not known how much resources it will take to recover.

In addition, Brittel of the Cosmic Bank Association and Manson of the Alliance of Adventurers are also cold.

All of them were eliminated. Although the situation is better than that of the League of Nations, but none of the Zhongqian World Fruits has been obtained, but it has not achieved the purpose of entering this time.

As for Cronshaw of the Machinery Association, he was a bit excited.

He was originally going to finish a mechanical association. This time, he certainly couldn't get a Zhongqian world fruit.

But who knows that in the end, Xianxian College took the initiative to cooperate with their machinery association and promised to give them four Zhongqian World Fruits.

Now Kirry has received a Zhongqian World Fruit as a deposit, and now Xianxian Academy has such a big advantage, and most of them can get most of the World Fruit.

By that time, as long as the immortal college is not bad, these four Zhongqian World Fruits will certainly be invincible.


World tree interior space.

This is completely independent of the space where the world tree is located, and belongs to the inner space opened by the world tree.

"Congratulations on your passing my test. What's your name?" Shu Ling's voice sounded slowly.

"Liu Fan."

Here is Liu Fan, who has not joined with everyone. The main purpose of his entry is not the world fruit, but the inheritance of the world tree.

The world tree in his Brahma realm is still very small, and he needs to make the tree grow quickly.

The inheritance of the world-class tree of God level is precious to him.

The tree spirit knew Liu Fan's intentions, and set three tests for Liu Fan. The first test was Liu Fan's mentality, the second test was Liu Fan's cultivation, and the third test was Liu Fan's understanding.

In the end, Liu Fan successfully passed the test and gained the inheritance of the tree spirit.

The tree spirit nodded: "After all the world fruits have matured, my life will come to an end. At that time, I will connect your Brahma and inject all my energy into that small world tree. Your A small world tree completely absorbed me, and he should be able to be promoted to the immortal realm and become an immortal level world tree. But compared to my energy, the coordinates of the world and space I connect are the most precious Yes, that's the core of our world tree. "

The World Tree draws energy from various worlds and spaces and grows itself.

The world and space are the soil on which they grow, and they are the foundation for their own growth.

The growth soil of a small world tree may be a flower pot, while the growth space of a slightly larger large world tree may be a few acres of land, and the largest may be an island, which is a planet.

Liu Fan's small world tree has obtained the living soil of the tree spirit, then he has the capital to become a world-level tree of the perfect god.

"Thank you."

Liu Fan bowed himself towards the world tree, and was full of gratitude to the tree spirit.

The tree spirit's life is far from the end, but it is not necessary to bother him, but in the end, he still chooses to fulfill him. This is what he must be grateful for.


At the same time, in another place.

Xia Yumo was looking at a very unstable space channel, which didn't know where to go, and looked very secluded.

"Are you also a student of Immortal College?" Shu Lingdao.

Actually, she noticed Xia Yumo a long time ago.

Xia Yumo passed through the layers of space barriers she set up, and finally found this space passage where she didn't even know what was behind it, which made her shocked and curious.

This space passage was discovered by her one hundred epochs. She tried to get in by connecting this space, but a strange wind at the entrance of the space could hurt her soul.

She tried many times, and her soul was severely damaged in the end, which is one of the reasons why she was unable to break through to the great consummation.

Later, she gradually gave up entering the space.

However, she did not cut off the connection with this space, because the energy infiltrating from this space is very high, even if only a few wires can be absorbed to make her rejuvenated.

"Yes, first-year student of the University of Xianxue. You ask me like this, it seems that you should also pay attention to other students in our college. How are they now?" Xia Yumo looked at a place of nothingness, although there was something None, but she felt the consciousness of the world tree was there.

"They are all very good. Among them, the student named Su Yu led the others in your college, and the people of the Orc Alliance have eliminated the other three parties. There is another person named Liu Fan who passed my test. Acquired my inheritance. "Shu Ling said indifferently," I have to say that the people in your college are really amazing. My three most precious things, the world fruit, inheritance, and this mysterious space channel, have all been obtained by you . "

Is this a coincidence?

World Tree didn't think so. The students at Xianxian College were obviously different from those people.

"Shu Ling, I want to enter this space channel and see what's behind." Xia Yumo thought about it.

"I advise you not to go in. I tried to go in hundreds of times, and I almost lost my soul." Shu Ling said.

Xia Yumo is just a higher god, Shu Ling doesn't think Xia Yumo can live in.

Xia Yumo breathed a deep breath: "Thank you for your kindness, but I still want to go in. I came here all the way, and felt that there was a huge benefit behind this space channel. It would be a pity to give up this way. . As for the danger you said, I also deduced it. In the past thousand hours, there were a total of 3,000 points in time when I went in and there would be a chance of survival. At one point in time, the probability of survival that I went in was even more than percent Ninety, and the other 2,980 points in time, my probability of survival is more than one-thousandth. I think that something that can bring me danger after this space channel is in a certain law It works, and as long as I choose the right time, there is a high probability that I can live. "

Shu Ling looked at Xia Yumo in surprise, she did not expect Xia Yumo to have this ability.

At this time, she noticed that in Xia Yumo's palm, there were seven golden dice spinning rapidly. The dice stopped almost once every second, but the dice had seven points each time it stopped. One, few other points will appear.

"Your dice ..." Shu Ling felt a peculiar power ~ ~ that power seemed to penetrate time into the future.

"This is Liu Renshen dice, my magic weapon." Xia Yumo smiled. "As for the power above ... you have seen Su Yu, He Yunze, Hua Tianjun, Zhang Xiaomeng, they know that they are practicing one The law of waiting is actually a first-rate law of my great deduction. "

The tree spirit lingered for a long time before this slowed down God.

To be honest, it was the first time she had seen such a first-class rule, which was simply amazing.

Then she observed Xia Yumo for half an hour, and found that Xia Yumo's seven dice had the largest points of one, one, two, two, two and three.

In a blink of an eye, it was one month and three days. During this period, Xia Yumo's seven dice continued to change points. Among the almost three million times, the largest point ever appeared in five four three five six three five.

Shu Ling didn't know what Xia Yumo was waiting for, but suddenly she only saw Xia Yumo's eyes light up.

She seemed to be waiting for the points she wanted.

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