Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1833: United, Liu Fan shot!

I only saw Xia Yumo's seven golden dice, and the number of points appears to be 6665, 5566, which is by far the largest point.

Xia Yumo walked towards the mysterious space channel without hesitation.

"Tree spirit, thank you."

She said, the figure disappeared into the space channel.

Shu Ling looked at Xia Yumo's figure and was speechless for a long time.

Immortal College residence, Su Yu also received a summons from Xia Yumo.

"Xia Yumo is gone."

He said looking at one direction, and he was also worried about Xia Yumo.

He had received a message from Xia Yumo before, knowing that Xia Yumo was going to explore an unknown place, but he did not expect to actually go now.

"Xia Yumo was eliminated?"

Yao Jie is a little unbelieving. The most powerful of them is Xia Yumo. After all, Xia Yumo can predict danger, and generally does not put herself in danger.

Others looked at Su Yu with some curiosity.

Su Yu shook her head: "It wasn't eliminated, Xia Yumo entered the unknown land following the tree-spirited world, and left here. I don't know what will be in the unknown land, but it will definitely not Simple. If we go in, there is no doubt that Xia Yumo will be okay when he goes in. Well, don't worry about it, maybe from that unknown place, Xia Yumo can be directly promoted to the perfect state . "

The crowd didn't say anything, this was Xia Yumo's chance.

However, they knew that this was definitely not as easy as Su Yu said, and Xia Yumo would certainly be in danger if she entered.

Su Yu thought for a while and pondered: "Let's analyze the current situation. At present, there are 30 people here at our Fairy College, the Orc Alliance and the Machinery Association. All of them were obtained by us. Except for us, there are nine people remaining in the Patriarchy, ten people remaining in the Temple of Desolation, eleven people remaining in the Cosmic Arena, three people remaining in the Spirit race, and ten people remaining in the military. It can be said that unless The remaining people are united together, otherwise they can never compete with our college. "

The soldiers in the military are not counted. The ancestral religion plus the desert temple, the universe arena, and the spiritual race are only 33 people.

These thirty-three people are not necessarily their opponents.

Prior to this, when three consecutive thousand world fruits matured, these forces also felt, but in the end they did not dare to approach.

Jing Yun smiled: "They also know the strength of our academy, even if they are united, what can they do? I think, now they are also full of resentment against us and dare not approach. Since this is the case, we do not need to go Surround them, as long as they don't compete with us for the Zhongqian World Fruit. "

It's all for the Zhongqian World Fruit.

If no one in the world has come to compete, there is no need for the college to take the initiative.

But is this possible?

They came in for the sake of Zhong Qian Shi, how could they give up so easily.

Hua Tianjun pondered for a moment, but said: "I don't think they will give up, but they haven't joined together yet. When they join together, they will definitely compete with us for the Zhongqian Shiguo. In fact, the best way I still want to break them one by one now, so that even if they want to join, they can't join together. "

Su Yu was silent, but this was exactly what he thought.

"But even if we want to break them one by one now, it is not easy to find them." Yi Tiandao.

They don't have a sense of tens of millions of miles here. Unless it can invade the communication network of other forces, it is really difficult to find each other.

If Xia Yumo is here, maybe they can also let Xia Yumo figure out the position of each other.

But Xia Yumo has all left, which is basically impossible. .

Su Yu didn't know what to do for a while, but at this time he received a subpoena from Liu Fan.

He pressed the communication watch, and Liu Fan's influence appeared in front of everyone.

"Liu Fan, it's Liu Fan."

"Liu Fan, come here, everyone is waiting for you."

"Liu Fan's strength is very strong. With Liu Fan, we don't have to worry about it."

Everyone was very happy and hoped that Liu Fan could come over immediately.

Liu Fan looked at Su Yu, but said in a deep voice: "Leave the rest to me. I will let them eliminate ten more people. They will be the greatest threat to our college. At that time, the other party will completely lose the ability to compete with us for the world fruit, and I just do all this to hope that you can give one of Mengqing a thousand world fruit. As for myself, the world fruit is not very useful to me, no matter what you get No matter how many thousands of world fruits you have, you can ignore me. "

Liu Fan is very sincere, he really does not need the world fruit.

As long as he devours a few thousand worlds, it is not difficult to be promoted to the state of perfection.

The main purpose of his coming is the inheritance of the world tree, which is more precious than all the world fruits together.

He had achieved his purpose, so he had nothing to ask for.

"Liu Fan, I have long planned to give Mengqing a Zhongqian World Fruit, and you do not need to take risks." Su Yudao.

He did not approve of Liu Fan's approach.

Liu Fan obviously wanted to fight out, and eliminated a large number of votes from the other party.

Yao Jie also said at this time: "Liu Fan, don't be impulsive, we are now in a stable win situation. As long as you come over, whoever dares to grab the remaining Zhong Qian Shi Guo, we will destroy everyone. As for Su Yu Yes, I can testify that it ’s true. As long as you get more than ten world fruits, Su Yu promised to give one to Mungyeong. You ’ve also seen that the rest of the world fruits now, we do n’t say that they are all round. How could there be one for Mungyeong. "

Liu Fan nodded, he had already guessed that Su Yu would give Meng Qing one of the Zhongqian World Fruits.

But guessing is guessing, but he feels that Meng Qingzhi was eliminated too early, which must be equivalent to owing to Su Yu.

The sentiments of others are okay. Su Yu's sentiments really do not want to owe.

"This is not an adventure. I was going to leave. This is the only thing I can do for our college. And I was not here before. I am really sorry for everyone. Meng Qingzhi, Pang Zhen and Xia Houyi were eliminated. I have one. Share responsibility. "Liu Fan thought for a while, and said," Well, that's it, you wait for my news. "

Liu Fan said sincerely, if he was there, the three might not be eliminated.

At least he can protect Mungyeong, and not let Mungyeong be eliminated so easily.

"Liu Fan, good." Zhang Xiaomeng raised his palms, his eyes were full of excitement.

It is indeed the man she chose, handsome no matter what.

It's just that you're going to kill the Quartet, why not bring me, Zhang Xiaomeng will speak.

"Xiao Meng ..." There was a petting smile on Liu Fan's face. "I know what you think, it's not used to find me. I can cope with this little scene. And this is my own business, now you Representing the Orc Alliance, just look at it. "

"Well, I believe in you." Zhang Xiaomeng nodded, his head more confident than Liu Fan himself.

Liu Fan then cut off the communication, and Su Yu sighed.

Liu Fan still did his best, partly because he didn't want to listen to his command.



The people of the Famine Shrine and the Patriarch are here, and they have joined together.

Brenton whispered: "I didn't expect things to have reached this point. Now we have also got some small thousand world fruits. Four of the five mature medium thousand world fruits have fallen into the hands of Xianxian College. One fell into the hands of the Machinery Association. If we continue to do so, we don't even want to get a Zhongqian World Fruit. "

They came in for the sake of Zhong Qian Shi Jie, which they absolutely could not stand.

But what to do, they are not as good as the Xianxian Academy.

At this time, the ancestor Lanli hummed: "Chadock and Kingsman of the League of Nations, Alley of the Adventurer Alliance, and Atkinson of the Universe Bank Association were all waste. The clan was eliminated, so we did n’t react. If they were not eliminated so quickly, the Immortal College and the Orc Alliance would not be the strongest forces. The Kilry of the Machinery Association is also a scum, even colluding with Immortal College , It's a complete shame to our eight major forces. "

Lan Li was very proud, she looked down on the people at Xian Academy.

In her eyes, the eight major powers are all high-rise divine residences, and Xianxian Academy is just a mortal.

But now, their divine residences have been crushed by mortals, which makes her own resentment.

Brenton is not as radical as Langley, and he pondered: "The key is to unite, otherwise we don't have the right to compete for the Zhongqian Shiguo. I have contacted the Okan of the Cosmic Arena and this guy does not know now What do you think, so far they don't agree with our alliance. Do they really think that they can compete against the Immortal Academy with their eleven people, or do they have other ideas? "

Lan Li sneered: "The King Thorne of the Universe Arena and the King Jiang Lan of the Immortal Academy have a good relationship, maybe they have reached a secret cooperation long ago."

Brenton was startled. If it was true, they would really have no chance.

But after thinking about it, Brenton shook his head.

This is not very likely. If the Cosmic Arena has really reached a cooperation with the Xian Academy, then the people in the Cosmic Arena will join the team of the Xian Academy directly, which will make them completely dead.

In this situation, it is clear that the Universe Arena has not yet united with Xianxian Academy.

Brenton pondered for a moment, and then said, "Adelie, what about the remaining super soldiers in the military, are you connected?"

Lanli also looked at Adelie. She didn't look down on the people of Xianxian, not to mention these super soldiers in the military.

If Xian Academy is mortal in her mind, then these super soldiers are ants.

But now they really need the power of these ants, just to compete with the Immortal College.

Adelie slowly said, "There are thirteen super soldiers left in the military department. They are united together. A person headed by the military fighter named Quaker, he rejected our invitation. He felt that we could not be at all The opponents of Xian Xueyuan are the same, even if they promised to form an alliance with us. I think they seem to want to negotiate with Xian Xueyuan in order to obtain one or two Zhongqian World Fruits. "

Lan Li snorted coldly: "The ants are ants, but they don't want to resist, they also want to negotiate. This is the gap between them and us."

Lan Li made no secret of her disdain and disdain for those super soldiers in the military.

Brenton asked again: "What about the three of the spirits?"

Adelie sighed, "The spirits are so ruthless to us, they don't want to contact us at all."

Brenton naturally knew the reason, and the spirits were very prepared for them.

After all, if these five spiritual warriors are refined, they are also equivalent to a thousand world fruit.

Things are not good, and the faces of several people are not good-looking.

After three days.

A happy look suddenly appeared on Brenton's face: "It's great, Bagley of the Cosmic Arena agreed to form an alliance with us to deal with Xian Academy together."


Adelie frowned. "Aren't you always in contact with Okan?"

Brenton was also a bit strange: "I don't know what happened, Okan has stopped responding to me, but Bagley has actively contacted me and said that he can join us to deal with Xian Academy. But I see What Bagley meant, he seemed to have a lot of plans. "

Belitt thought for a moment: "The Universe Crystal Arena must be in trouble, otherwise Bagley will not contact you directly. After all, this time the action of the Universe Arena, Okan is the real captain, and Pakistan Although Gree's strength is not weaker than Okan, in fact, it can only be regarded as a vice captain. "

The others nodded.

Brenton followed, "I've made an appointment with Bagley to meet up, and he'll be here soon, and we'll know what's going on."

After about half a day.

Eight people arrived at the Cosmic Arena, led by Bagley.

After Adelie toured around, he whispered, "There is no one else. This should not be a trap set by Xianxian College."

Langley, Belit and Brenton just came out one by one.

"Bagley, why are you here, Okan, is he the captain of this operation in Cosmic Arena?"

"Is Okan eliminated?"

Bagley hummed at this time: "It was not eliminated, but Okan didn't agree with you, and he was thinking that the Fairy College could look at the commander of Thorne and give alms to our universe arena. I feel that he was frightened by Xian Xueyuan, and he did not dare to fight head to toe with Xian Xueyuan. We had differences. In the end, seven people supported me. Two people supported him, and we parted ways. "


Brenton was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

Bagley sneered: "Ocahn didn't dare to join you to deal with the Immortal Academy, but I dare you. Now you have 20 people, we also have 8 people, and there are 28 people together. We are all extraordinary geniuses. Is n’t it possible to fight against the thirty people of Xianxian Academy? Okan is still counting on the Xianzhong to give away a few thousand world fruit, and I think it is more comfortable for us to grab it by our own strength. "

After hearing this, Lan Li couldn't help but agree: "Yes, we can grab the Zhongqian Shiguo by our own strength. Not to mention the previous record of Xianxian Academy, they are certainly not injured. We It ’s not that there is no chance of winning. Even if we really ca n’t win, as long as the people in Xian Academy are disabled, they will surely succumb, and it is only natural that they will give us some Zhongqian world fruits. of."

Bagley laughed: "That's my idea, so that we can get more of the world's thousands of fruits instead of three or five, or rely on the alms of the fairy college."

At this time, Belit was a bit worried: "Then the three of Okan will not stand on the side of the Immortal Academy at the critical moment?"

Twenty-eight dozen of them, including the Immortal Academy, the Orc Alliance, and the Machinery Association, have been very reluctant. If Okan was standing by the Immortal Academy at this time, they would have little chance of winning.

Bagley sneered: "Unless it is Okan who doesn't want to hang around in the cosmic arena, otherwise he dares to help the side of the fairy college to attack us, that is to betray the cosmos arena. The biggest possibility is that he does not help each other."

Brenton and Langley were relieved ~ ~ Bagley could not wait at this time: "No need to waste any more time, now we will go to fight against them at Xianxian College."


Behind Bagley, the seven cosmic arena soldiers said at the same time.

Brenton and Langley glanced at each other and nodded silently.

"A total of twenty-eight people will challenge our college ..." A cold voice came, "It's really interesting, if you know, you will now stimulate the teleporter to leave. You cannot be Su Yu's opponents, my classmates' opponents. . "

"What?" The Brentons looked shocked and looked in one direction.

"Liu Fan of Xianxian College, I'm here to make you completely disheartened." Liu Fan said lightly, "If you don't give up the idea of ​​dealing with our college now, I guarantee that at least half of you will collapse in the gods by more than percent. Ninety, don't think about breaking through for the next 100,000 years. "

Liu Fan said, his eyes were cold.

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