Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1834: 1 up, waste!

Brenton, Langley, Bailey, and Bagley all changed their faces.

Did the people at Xianxian come to you?

But they took a closer look, as if not.

Because there was only Liu Fan in front of him, the other members of Xianxian and the Orc Alliance did not come.

In other words, Liu Fan, alone, wanted to eliminate half of them, which was a shame to them.

The four didn't realize they were already furious.

Lan Li immediately sang: "You, an unknown little puppet I have never heard of even a name, dare to come over and be arrogant."

A silver dagger appeared in Lanlie's hand, and a fierce glow appeared on it.

At this time, Belit chuckled: "He still wants to fight against 28 of us. I think this student of Xianxian has a problem in his mind. However, we should deal with Xianxian. I beat them in front of other students at Xian Academy to let them know that we are not provoking. "

Bagley nodded, and he felt that Liu Fan was coming to death.

Even if Liu Fan is no matter how strong, but their twenty-eight people are all first-class geniuses, is it that Liu Fan can not succeed with one enemy twenty-eight.

"Since he is looking for death, then he will be fulfilled."

Brenton said the same, and he didn't see any problems here.

Everything should be Liu Fan himself seeking his own way.

It was no surprise that Liu Fan saw that the four of them did not take his words seriously, but instead dealt with him.

From the beginning, he didn't think the other party would be frightened by his own words.

Next, naturally, there is still a battle.

He has to use his strength to prove that what he said is true.

"Catch him!"

At this time, Lan Li sang aloud, and a total of six rushed to Liu Fan.

Liu Fan saw this and laughed endlessly: "I see that you don't see the coffin and don't cry, then I will let you know what is true strength and what is true genius. You so-called geniuses and our college Compared with students, they have grown a little longer. In the future, the genius of the universe should be divided into two types, one is our college students, and the other is you garbage. "

Saying in his mouth, Liu Fan greeted six people with a loud drink.

Three of the six are from the Abandoned Temple, and the three are taught by the Patriarch.

Bagley did not let the people in the universe arena. He knows that the situation of Xianxian Academy is a little bit more, and vaguely remembers the name Liu Fan.

Liu Fan's figure rushed into the six people, and a huge vortex appeared around him.

Under this swirling movement, the space was broken up layer by layer, forming a terrible space collapse, and the tearing power of that space instantly tore the six human bodies.

The six were surprised, but resolutely attacked Liu Fan in the past.

When Liu Fan saw this, he was not afraid. Six black swirls appeared from his body, that is, six black holes.

The attack of the six did not fall on Liu Fan's body at all, which was devoured by six black holes.

At this time, Liu Fan saw the six people who had been damaged by the gods, gathered the fairy power and hit the six people on the fists, and then blasted to the past.

Boom boom!

Three people were blasted out by Liu Fan in succession. The body was like twisted twists, and the bones, blood vessels and cells in the body were almost all broken.

The loss of these three gods' bodies is absolutely 90%. Unless there are some rare treasures, it is difficult for these three men to break through to the realm of God within 100,000 years.

As for the other three, they were rescued by Brenton, Langley, and Bellett at a critical time.

Liu Fan smiled coldly at Lan Li and raised three fingers: "Three."

Lan Li's face was somber and angry.

How could she not understand what Liu Fan meant? This was definitely provocation and shame.

However, at this moment Lanli was not in a hurry to start, she had already seen the strength of Liu Fan.

Strong, really strong.

She felt that she was not her opponent when she faced Liu Fan alone.

"The Law of Devour."

Bagley, who had not spoken, said slowly.

He thought of the information compiled by Commander Thorne about the students of Xianxian Academy. Among them, Liu Fan practiced the law of first-rate devouring.

But he didn't expect that the law of devouring was so strong.

With one enemy six still having the absolute advantage, he quickly eliminated all six.

"Everyone goes together."

Brenton learned that Liu Fan practiced the law of devour, and now he gave a decisive order.

"Even if he is a first-class rule of practice, he cannot be an opponent to us all."

"If even this Liu Fan could not be defeated, what else would we say to fight against Xian Academy."

"Everyone doesn't need to control the power anymore, and they try their best. This guy is not so easy to die."


Suddenly, with the exception of the three people who had just been severely wounded and lost their combat effectiveness, all the remaining twenty-five people were killed all by Liu Fan.

Liu Fan's face was dignified, but he was also full of war.

Almost without hesitation, Liu Fan battled with each other.

I only saw countless attacks coming directly to Liu Fan. At this time, let alone a superior god, even a perfect **** couldn't carry it.

However, Liu Fan seemed to have expected this scene, but he let go of his defense, ignored other people's attacks, and grabbed a man close to him.

Then he punched the man in the chest.

The man didn't respond at all. At this time, he just felt that Liu Fan's whole body was falling apart like a business.

I felt it in a hurry, and it was true that his physical damage had reached 17%.

But Liu Fan ignored it at this time, and once again waved his fist towards him.

A man's blood squirted out, and his physical damage in the second punch had reached 41%.

Liu Fan sneered and continued to punch at the man, while many people were attacking him behind him.

These attacks will be resolved if Liu Fan can resolve them, and those who cannot be resolved will bear them stiffly.

Bang Bang!

Three consecutive punches ~ ~ The man's body loss reached 90%, and the man passed out because of the body damage.

The man was completely frightened by Liu Fan's actions, and he did not even think of inspiring the teleporter.


Liu Fan looked back at the four Lanli and sneered.

Lan Li and others were all frightened at the moment. They attacked Liu Fan so much, and Liu Fan was still fine.

This defense is also terrible.


Liu Fan growled, "A bunch of rubbish. Why do you compete with our academy for this world? This is your strength? Waste is waste!"

Speaking, Liu Fan rushed towards the nearest desert temple warrior.

The same routine will be performed again.

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