Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1835: Crazy Liu Fan, waste!

When the warrior in the desert temple saw Liu Fan coming, the first thought was not to meet him, but to run.

Liu Fan is terrible. The four guys who had just been dethroned by Liu Fan are estimated to be over in this life.

The point is that Liu Fan completely let go of all defenses, and it was too crazy for them to attack him.

That's like fighting a group. You group of people hit me. I can't hit each of you, so I'll grab you and fight. As long as you can't kill me, I will kill you all one by one.

"Want to run?"

When Liu Fan saw the warrior in the desert temple turned around, he grabbed his hands and sucked him up when the law of engulfment worked.

In the face of Liu Fan, this guy could resist three or five moves.

But if he wanted to run, at this moment Liu Fan was caught from behind, and a force of devour invaded the fellow's body, and instantly tore his body.

In just a few breaths, his physical damage was more than 60%.

"No, don't, let me go ..."

He yelled, his whole body trembling, and now he really regretted it.

Liu Fan sneered, it was too late to beg for mercy.

Many people's attacks also fell on Liu Fan, and Liu Fan caught the man and stood in front of him. Suddenly many attacks fell on the man.

The man screamed, looking at his companion, his face twisted.

Later, he passed out.

Liu Fan absorbed so many people's attacks, and there was a mass of blood in the corner of his mouth, but he wiped it with his hands, and looked at the others indifferently.

He raised five fingers, which means that five people were abolished by him.


He said, one by one, after watching the remaining twenty-three people in total, but facing each other's eyes, all of them couldn't help backing.

That way, I'm afraid Liu Yan will stare.

Liu Fan ridiculed: "Waste is a group of waste. Why, so many of you are still afraid of me alone? Come on, let me see how many people can be eliminated with me before I get eliminated."

Lanli and others were angry when they heard this, but no one dared to move forward.

"Don't you dare to go, don't say I won't give you a chance. As long as five of you voluntarily eliminated, I can also voluntarily get out. How about, five of you who were beaten by me plus five, a total of ten Change me, and to be honest, you guys made it. "

Ten people for Liu Fan?

Langley and others did not have any excitement after listening, but were even more angry.

It would be a shame if they did.

They voluntarily eliminated five people without fighting, and they will all be laughed out when they pass.

What do others think of them, they just feel that they don't even have the courage to fight?

"How are you, the waste?" Liu Fanzhang laughed.

"Liu Fan, you are too arrogant. The rule of engulfing you practice can devour a lot of our attacks, but we still have a lot of attacks that can affect your deities. As you continue to fight, your deities will continue to suffer Damage until it collapses. "Belitt thought for a moment." You want ten of us to quit with you. This is impossible. Now if you quit yourself, you can still quit, or you will eventually It will cost a lot of money. "

"Yes, if you know the acquaintance, quit yourself now." Lanli groaned, also said.

When Liu Fan heard this, he laughed and laughed: "Genius, you are also worthy to be called geniuses? How ridiculous, saying so much is just to show your inner fear. If you are not afraid, you will talk to me so much ? Let me just quit like this ... wastes, you are too naive. Since you do n’t agree with my terms, then I will fight you, or you will directly hit half of you, the gods will collapse, and dare not talk with our college again enemy."

Said, Liu Fan flashed towards a man approaching.

The man was from the Cosmic Arena. He looked at Liu Fan over and immediately changed his face.

"Liu Fan, you are looking for death!"

"Everyone who doesn't want to die will do his best. The more you are afraid of him, the faster you will be eliminated by him."

"Go ahead, this guy is too crazy."


A group of people attacked Liu Fan, and Liu Fan's body shuddered, and the fourth-order original artifact armor appeared.

The crowd's attacks fell on him, an increase of at least 30% than before.

Liu Fan only felt that a few bones were broken instantly, but Ling Ran was not afraid, and he punched in the chest of this man in the universe arena.

"I don't believe it, but I have achieved seven hundred consecutive victories in the same realm in the Cosmic Arena. How can you even lose your punch."

The man yelled, but in Liu Fan's punch, he was blown off directly, his voice was a bit intermittent.

Suddenly, the man's physical damage reached 30%.

Seeing here, Liu Fan sneered.

What is the 700-game winning streak of the Cosmic Arena? If he goes, a 10,000-game winning streak is possible.

Holding back the pain on his body, Liu Fan chased after the man, exactly like before, selecting a person, and the opponent's body that did not fight collapsed and would not give up.

The man's body was damaged. At this moment, when he saw Liu Fan coming again, the whole man only felt a shadow of death. He had never been so hopeless.

Liu Fan's strength is too strong, he is absolutely crushed.

"Break me!"

Liu Fan drank, his hands were like cannonballs, and his two fists hit him out, as if there were two black holes.

The man hurriedly resisted. The first punch then felt that his body collapsed to 50%, and the second punch, the next, his body collapsed may reach more than 70%.

He thought of the consequences, and the whole person was shaking.


Liu Fan's second fist fell, but this time it hit the air.

Liu Fan stunned and smirked: "Waste, even the teleporter escaped, otherwise this punch will blow you."

Speaking, Liu Fan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then tore off the fourth-order original artifact battle armor from his hand ~ ~ replaced a new fourth-order original artifact battle armor. It was just smashed.

Everyone looked at Liu Fan at this moment, more and more shocked.

Sanquan eliminated a genius in the same arena. Is this guy still human?

All of them present were estimated that Liu Fan could not survive a hundred tricks. How terrible such a person is, and they may not have such a genius for thousands of years in their respective forces.

"Waste, all waste, come again!"

Liu Fan drank, picked a target again, and rushed forward.

The goal was the Temple of Desolation. He watched Liu Fan come over, but hurriedly said, "Don't ... don't choose me, I quit voluntarily, and quit now."

After hearing this, everyone else was dumbfounded.

Voluntary withdrawal?

Under the deterrence of Liu Fan, some people were really frightened and did not dare to fight Liu Fan at all.

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