Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1860: Kamikawa impression

Wang Xing looked at Berg and did not rush to answer Berg's question.

Berg seemed anxious at the moment, and said coldly, "Have you investigated me?"

He said, unconsciously released a coercion from his body, but he thought that Wang Xing was only the realm of the Lord God. This coercion was enough to make Wang Xing tremble, but who knew that Wang Xing did not seem to feel his coercion at all. It's the same, it's still light and clouded, and it looks fickle.

Unconsciously, Berg was panicking.

Wang Xing didn't seem to be as simple as he thought, but instead gave him an indescribable pressure that made him all breathless, and this was something completely different from coercion.

He couldn't even understand, but the fear in his heart was definitely not deceiving.

Wang Xing was a little funny at this time: "I have studied coercion. Generally, when the strong are deterring the weak, they often release their own coercion. This is an inherent ability of a practitioner, just like a wolf hunting The hair will stand upright. But the coercion of the practitioner is actually a kind of spiritual coercion, and the spiritual coercion is actually reflected to the most rooted place is the soul. In simple terms, the soul is like a source of radiation. The coercion released is like a light shot by a source, but this light can penetrate the other's body and cover the other's soul. The other feels nothing and nothing can be seen. Therefore, You will tremble in your heart and you will be afraid. "

Hearing, Berg was totally aggressive, what and what it was, couldn't understand it at all.

Wang Xing also disregarded Berg and said to himself: "Knowing how coercion is formed, in fact, we can do some other applications of coercion, like conscious shock."

Then he looked at Berg.

For a moment, Berg just felt upside down, his body was completely out of his control, and his soul seemed to be driven out of his body.

After brushing, Berg's legs were weak and he collapsed on the ground.

"Are you OK?"

Wang Xing retracted his consciousness and pulled up Berg at his convenience. At this moment, Berg was cold and sweaty. He just felt that the person in front of him was like a devil and could take his life at any time.

At that moment, he felt like he was about to die.

"You ... who the **** are you?"

Berg's voice trembled, how could such a person be just a master god, this is absolutely impossible.

He looked at Wang Xing at this moment, already full of vigilance.

Wang Xing laughed, "I'm a teacher at Xian Academy, didn't I introduce it before?"

Suddenly, Berg was speechless.

You did introduce it, but your teacher is too unusual.

Wang Xing shook his head helplessly: "Let ’s continue to return to your previous question. You asked me how I knew your information. In fact, I saw it from you. Even if I am proficient in the laws of time, I cannot see the future. , Because the future is uncertain, but the past has been shaped, everything that happened to you cannot be changed, and these are actually recorded. I have captured some of your past from the long time. Information, so know that you have been stagnant for twelve epochs in the realm of the Lord God. "

Speaking, Wang Xing's hand scratched in front of his eyes, and it seemed that he really held something, but Berg concentrated his consciousness on Wang Xing's palm and saw nothing.

Wang Xing waved his hand: "You don't understand this, this is not seen with the knowledge of God."

Berg was hit hard. How come he was like a kindergarten kid in front of Wang Xing. No matter what Wang Xing said or done, he didn't understand.

No longer saying anything, Wang Xing turned and left.

He can talk to Berg so much, in fact, not without reason, he thinks that Berg is not bad, and wants to dig Berg from the Orc Alliance.

This is just a stepping stone, first give Berg a dismissal, let Berg know his strengths, and then slowly make Berg willing to become a college teacher.

Time passed another four hours, and suddenly the flying boat seemed to pass through a layer of diaphragm, and then everyone saw that the appearance had changed greatly.

Just seeing the eyes, the abundant cosmic energy flows like the ocean, and their airships are still sailing in the void, but at this moment they have become a ship on the ocean.

"Welcome to Shenhe."

Zhang Xiaomeng smiled and started to introduce to everyone: "The Shenhe River is a river, but it is not actually a river. The things you see like river water are actually a mixture of various cosmic energies. Strange matter. This kind of material is very corrosive to the **** body, even if the higher **** wants to resist the corrosion of the water of the Shenhe, it is a relatively difficult thing, so it is best not to enter the Shenhe easily. "

After hearing this, the students all looked out at the water of the Shenhe River. The seemingly blue and beautiful liquid could actually decompose all the deities.

All died in the Shenhe River, and in the end, there were no bones.

However, although the water of these Shenhe Rivers is terrible, the reason why the entire universe of Shenhe Rivers has several times the outer star field is precisely because of their existence. In fact, the Shenhe is evaporating all the time, and the evaporated cosmic energy is completely harmless. It can be imagined that such a large Shenhe, the energy that evaporates in one second is massive, which is equivalent to the entire world of Shenhe being located on a super-large immortal crystal vein.

Berg also said at this time: "The maiden is right, the water of the Shenhe River is very corrosive, and it ’s okay to stay in it for a while. Even if it is a long time, even the fourth-order **** body will be eliminated. Except for those creatures that have been adapted to the water of the Shenhe River, no practitioners can live under water at all. Most of the practitioners live on the islands in the Shenhe River, but all of these islands are huge and incomparable. Small islands may have the size of a large galaxy outside your star field, so these islands are also called continents. There is no planet in the Shenhe River, there are only such continents. "

Everyone knows this, and it doesn't sound difficult to accept it now.

Just contrasting with the scene in front of me, it still makes people feel shocked.

"Xing Ge, I can feel that the Shenhe is constantly expanding outwards, and the speed is extremely fast." Leng Shuangning suddenly whispered, she condensed the dark universe, and it was not surprising that she could sense this, because in Shenhe Chao As it expands outside, the dark universe is constantly expanding.

"The original laws of the universe are gradually collapsing, which makes him unable to control the Shenhe River. Expansion to the outside is better said to be a collapse. When the universal law of the universe completely collapses, the Shenhe River will completely disappear. It will flow to all parts of the universe, so that the energy of the entire universe will be averaged. "Wang Xing explained that these are the results of his deduction and should not be wrong.

"Oh." Leng Shuang nodded, this is the general trend of the universe, and no one can stop it.


"Sir, then we're going back." The servants of the Lord God were saying goodbye to Zhang Xiaomeng, and now they looked at Zhang Xiaomeng with different eyes.

"Let's go, let's go, when I go back, if you haven't made any progress, be careful I changed you." Zhang Xiaomeng threatened, and this made the sixteen people look like a pig's liver, this progress is so Is it easy?

After they left, Zhang Xiaomeng also put away the spaceship, and everyone changed into an ordinary spaceship.

"Next, head to the Magneto universe."

Wang Xing said faintly, the spacecraft immediately flew in one direction, but the Shenhe River was huge, and it took them about one month to reach the Magneto universe.

After all, the speed of the spaceship is much slower, which is incomparable with the spaceship.

On this day, there was a strong wind in the Shenhe River, setting off a huge wave, and the giant wave brought some Shenhe creatures on the sea floor. One of the 100-meter-long fish hit the spacecraft.

The big fish was okay, but the spacecraft was hit by a big fish.

Wang Xing looked at the fish, Jin Chancan, but it was like the arowana on the earth, which was very unusual.

At this moment, the big fish's long mouth was plugged into the spaceship, and it couldn't be pulled off.

"Damn beast!"

Qin Yan looked a little angry, and hit the big fish with a punch in the past. Although it was an ordinary punch, it was also a paradise in heaven.

The punch fell, hit the big fish, and the big fish screamed, and at this time the big fish finally broke free. However, it suffered a punch from Qin Yan, and it seemed that there was not much, and he did not even panic and fled back to Shenhe, but his tail slammed against Qin Yan.

Qin Yan might as well be caught by this big golden arowana, his arms are all blue.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xing couldn't help but feel funny: "This fish is fierce, and he doesn't want to suffer."

Other students were thrilled to see, especially to see Qin Yan's shot, this is a rare opportunity.

At this time, Berg actively introduced: "This is one of the most common fish in the Shenhe River. We call it golden spiny fish. It is not very intelligent but fierce. The body of the golden spiny fish is very hard, comparable to the second order. The original artifact. The strength of the golden spiny fish is not weak, and the powerful ones can be compared to the immortal third-order upper god. Of course, the creatures in the Shenhe are very powerful, otherwise they cannot survive in the Shenhe at all. In most cases In the future, the golden bream fishes are swarming. Because the meat of the golden bream fish is very delicious and contains extremely abundant energy, which can be absorbed by the practitioners, there is also a special capture of the immortality of the golden bream fish in the Shenhe River. "

Berg was still introducing, but Qin Yan was angry there.

He was beaten by a fish, so what's the matter at this moment, so he chased after the golden stingray to kill it.

The golden stingray looked at Qin Yan, and found that Qin Yan's momentum was not weak, comparable to the superior god, and he could fight with the lower god. Where is Qin Yan's opponent, at this moment he turned into the **** In the river.

Looking at this golden snailfish to run, Qin Yan refused to let the other side go, even plunged into Shenhe.

All the students screamed. After all, Zhang Xiaomeng said before that the water of the Shenhe River could not be kept for long, and the water inside was extremely corrosive.

Wang Xing stopped everyone at this time: "Don't worry, just a few minutes, it's impossible to erode Qin Yan's body."

Berg nodded: "The first-order **** body can stay in Shenhe for as long as it does not exceed one hour, and the second-order **** body can stay for ten hours. I think the Qin Yan student's cultivation is not high, but It seems that he is very proficient in refining the body, and the divine body seems to reach the second-order divine body level, so he will be fine for a while and a half. "

At this time, apart from Wang Xing, no one released God's consciousness and entered Qin Yan under the Shenhe River. After all, the water of the Shenhe River can even erode.

About three minutes passed, I only saw Qin Yan jumping from the Shenhe River, and he was carrying the golden stingray just on his shoulder, but now this golden stingray was struck off by his head. It should be dead.

All the students cheered when they saw this scene.

But at this moment, I only saw that the water of the Shenhe suddenly surged, and the golden figures flashed in the big waves.

After seeing this scene, Berg immediately shouted towards Qin Yan: "Come back, there are hordes of golden stingrays below. This kind of golden stingrays are not very intelligent, but they are not small in hatred. You killed their kind, they I must attack you. "

"It turned out to be a group."

Wang Xing smiled, and at this time Qin Yan also noticed his feet.

However, when he thought about rushing towards Uranus, he only saw the crowds of golden goby suddenly rising to the sky, and flew towards him.

From Shenhe to him, it looks like a long golden bridge has been formed, reflecting the incomparable sunlight.

Qin Yan was dumbfounded at the moment. With so many goldfishes, he flew up in fear wherever he was an opponent. Those goldfishes also knew some means of guarding the air, and they even followed tens of thousands of miles.

"What kind of thing is that, just as soon as I entered Shenhe, I got a group of golden thornfish." Berg couldn't help crying. "Mister Wang, quickly lift the spaceship, or these golden thornfish will soon attack the spaceship. After all, it is not a cosmic ship. It is estimated that it will be completely scrapped when it comes down. "

"Um." Wang Xing nodded, urging the spacecraft to quickly move away from the sea.

At this time, Zhang Xiaomeng couldn't stand it anymore. He just swiped in the palm of the group of goldfishes, only to see the flames covering the void, and the countless goldfishes felt dangerous and jumped back. Shenhe.

Qin Yan finally got a gap at this time and hurried back.


The big golden stingray was thrown on the spacecraft. At this time, Qin Yan even carried the fish and was not willing to throw it.

Qin Yan smiled: "Listen to the Lord God just now that this fish is delicious, everyone will try it later."

Wang Xing and Leng Shuangning were okay. The students were very excited. They were looking forward to it. What kind of fish flesh in this immortal state really made people look forward to.

The spacecraft quickly left the area, and everyone finally got the taste of the delicious golden spiny fish. Moreover, Leng Shuangning and a college student who took a cooking course in person made the kitchen, which made everyone have a lot of aftertastes.

In the following days, Wang Xing found something.


The spacecraft was flying, but he tied a set of fishing hooks and fished in the Shenhe.

Seeing Wang Xing fishing in the Shenhe River, other students also learned the same. Finally, even Berg also tied a set of lines and fished leisurely.

"Hooked up, big, big fish ... I can't catch the fishing rod soon, come and help me soon." Niu Fen's voice came, only to see him holding his hunch, his face flushed red, That way, it will be brought into the water soon ~ ~ Seeing this, Wan Yizhi came first and helped Niu Fen grab the fishing rod.

However, the strength of the two had not been maintained for one minute, and they were taken away only when they saw them, and were thrown out of the spacecraft directly.

"So big fish."

Zhang Xiaomeng's eyes were all bright and excited.

She said, a long whip flew out of her hand, and this whip flew out for hundreds of miles, and immediately entangled Wan Xizhi and Niu Fen.

"Drag, drag!"

Zhang Xiaomeng was thrilled, and other students would be polite when they heard what Zhang Xiaomeng said.

Only to see a group of students like tug of war, finally pulled the big fish, and then the big fish was pulled a little bit, Niu Fen and Wan Dizhi were also pulled back to the spacecraft.

"Interesting, it seems that this fish is indeed not small." Wang Xing smiled. "Come on, the water will be exposed soon, maybe we are going to have a meal tonight."

"Come on." Qin Yan also shouted, and he wrapped his fishing line around his arm, his arms were red.

It was interesting for Berg to watch. With so many students from the Xian Academy working together to pull a big fish, it would be impossible for the Orc Alliance to happen.

There were even so many people traveling to and from Shenhe, but few people thought of fishing in Shenhe.

"It's water!"

I don't know who shouted, only to see the water surface suddenly explode in the distance, a black figure of three kilometers long rushed out of the water.

This huge creature is a black scale with four legs that look like lizards, a tail like a kilometer long steel, and all the huge mouths are full of spikes, which is terrifying.

Its figure hangs in the air, watching the students who fished him. At this moment, the fins of the whole body are exploded. If you listen carefully, you can hear the "rustle" sound in his mouth, which is the sound of tooth friction .

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