Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1861: Destroy God, study!

When he saw this creature, Berg didn't feel his eyes light up. "This is Megalodon, a very fierce creature in Shenhe. It is not many in number, and it is extremely difficult to capture, because Megalodon can hide to the bottom of Shenhe. In the sand, even if the higher **** is hiding at the bottom of the Shenhe River, you ca n’t stay for a long time. I did n’t expect that you could catch a megalodon so easy, it ’s really good luck. But this megalodon looks like it should The strength of the higher gods is not easy to deal with. "

In fact, the students had just found out the information of Megalodon with their own training assistant Xiaoxian, and just like Berg said, Megalodon is really not easy to deal with.

The reason is very simple. The giant-toothed crust is thick and thick. One of his tails can protect the whole body. Any creature close to him will be crushed by the tail of his second-order original artifact. Then his teeth are very Hard, with a big mouth, and able to deal with enemies coming from the front, making people unable to take him at all.

At this time, Zhang Xiaomeng was quite agitated and said, "The blood of Megalodon is a very high-grade drink. It is ice-cold, cool, and delicious. The meat of Megalodon is crystal clear and soft. It ’s delicious, and it ’s definitely good for sashimi. Most people want to find such a large megalodon, it is estimated that it will take thousands of years to find it. How can we run into it so easily that everyone can come with me, everyone This big fish was killed. "

Said, Zhang Xiaomeng rushed up first.

Qin Yan also didn't hesitate, and rushed to Megalodon, and obviously felt that this Megalodon was not easy to kill. Qin Yan took out all the weapons.

The other students naturally rushed up and killed them in the direction of megalodon.

Megatooth screamed an angry roar, entangled with the students, but Wang Xing was watching with interest.

In particular, he saw Yan Le and Niu Fen, two high school students knowing that they are not opponents, and they also played a lot of guerrilla acts on the side.


Qin Yan shouted, and the spear descended from the sky and pierced the body of Megalodon directly from above, but this Megalodon did not die. Instead, a tail blew away Wan Zhizhi from the side.

At this time, Fang Bei displayed his sword skills, Wan Jian Qi Fa directly jabbed the teeth of the giant teeth.

Megalodon has no sense, and shakes his body frantically when he can't see his eyes. He is scared and wants to escape back to the sea. But how can the students let him go like this, all kinds of magic weapons are greeted in an instant, Under the constant attack of more than two dozen people, the giant-toothed crust peeled open and was directly knocked out.

"Good job."

Zhang Xiaomeng said, with a whip in her hand, she pulled towards the megalodon, which is just the whip she just used to hold Wan Xizhi and Niu Fen.

The whip fell and hit Megalodon's head, only to hear Megalodon's scream, his body turned several dozen times in the air, and then he was motionless.

Wan Yanzhi bravely looked to the front and found that the skull of Megalodon was cracked, and the brain inside was broken.

"Dead, Megatooth is dying."

As Wan Wanzhi said, the students cheered and were very excited.

They worked together to kill a three-kilometer-long giant toothed urn, which is too proud to say.

Over there, Yan Le took several photos and sent them to the college's forum.

The photo is exactly the scene where everyone hunted Megalodon, and the accompanying text is the third day following the project of the dean, Shenhe fishing, catching a 3km long Megadon, great!

This post took less than three minutes, and there were dozens of responses below.

"Goblin, what is it, but it looks so big, it should be delicious."

"I do n’t know what to eat upstairs, let me popularize it for you. Megalodon is an ancient creature in the Shenhe River. It feeds on maggots. Adult Megalodon can even kill High God and swallow one. In a small universe, one tail can smash the kingdom of the **** king, and together with dozens of megatooths, even the universe **** can't avoid it ... "

"Floating upstairs, Megalodon is just an ordinary fish in the Shenhe River, who is Huyou?"

"It's so cool to follow the dean to do the project, so envious."

"Are you planning to recruit someone, please tell me!"


Yan Le saw that his post aroused everyone's attention, and closed his student terminal with satisfaction.

The following time, fishing became almost everyone's daily life, and even Berg also caught a King of Goldfish, making him happy to shut up.

However, everyone is getting closer and closer to the universe.

On the bow of the ship, Wang Xing's eyes have seen the continent of the Magneto universe through the heavy space.

"Mister Wang, what exactly are you doing this time out? How do I feel that you are not in a hurry, and I asked the maiden, and the maiden did not say it." Berg now talks to Wang Xing, obviously humble Now, he has put Wang Xing in a very high position in his heart.

Wang Xing said with a mysterious smile, "You just think we are out to play, I don't think you are very happy these days. It ’s good to forget cultivation and everything."

What is it, Berg dumbfounded?

Wang Xing said solemnly, "In fact, this is also a part of cultivation. Only the person who knows cultivation has bound his heart. He often releases his mind, and his mind becomes broader. To the scenery. "

Berg frowned, thinking.

At this time, Wang Xing no longer sells secrets, directly saying, "Do you know why you can't break through to the realm of God King now? In fact, you have a **** in your heart. This **** has been able to break through for a long time, and has even made you You have self-doubt, and you have subconsciously determined that you cannot break through, and your talent is so. So if you want to break through, the best thing is to change this mentality first. "

Having said that, Wang Xing turned and left, and everything was done.

Berger was on the spot, what was this, pointing to self-cultivation?

However, he thought carefully about Wang Xing's words, and it seemed to be true. He was now driving himself crazy, not only doubting himself.

Otherwise, how could he be a servant to Zhang Xiaomeng with his pride.

As for what Wang Xing said is true, in fact it is half true and half false. Berg's delay can't break through. His psychology is a reason, but it's not that this psychology can't really break through. He went to extremes and had a great influence on the future.

Finally, three days later, everyone saw the shadow of land.

The continent on which the Magneto Universe is located is called the Divine Magnet Continent, which is almost equivalent to one-third of the Wuxingshan Star Field. At present, the entire Dimagnet Continent has only one Universe nation, which is the Magneto Universe they are going to country.

The magnetospace universe is actually a federal state, but it is different from the earth federation. It is not only the highest, but also the most powerful.

The king of the country, Magneto, is actually the same as the co-owner elected by all these small countries.

Of course, after all these years of development, this place has also become almost the private universe of the Magneto King.

"President Wang, we are going to log in to the magnetic continent immediately, but after all, we are not people in the universe of magnetism. We must register for residence. If you are staying in the universe of magnetism, I suggest that you better handle it. A long-term residence permit. "Berg said in his mouth, in fact, he became more and more curious about Wang Xing and his party.

"Okay." Wang Xing nodded. "We will probably stay in the Magneto universe for a million years, or get a long-term residence permit."

Over there, the fleet of the Magnetospace Nation has found them.

Wang Xing and they directly followed the fleet of the Magnetospace Nation and entered the port, and before waiting for them to speak, someone led them to the place where they handled the residential business.

"Long-term residence, one piece of immortal stone a year." Berg asked, and to be honest, the price is already very high. If you want to live like Wang Xing for a million years, it is one million a person. Immortal stone, equivalent to a hundred immortal crystals. But this is also no way out. This is true of all universe nations in Shenhe, unless you can sneak in, otherwise this is indispensable.

As for the reason for collecting this money, it is actually the land cost.

Because in Shenhe, you ca n’t live anywhere other than these continents, and you are not a person on this continent, so you will naturally be charged.

Of course, if they reveal their identities, it is like Zhang Xiaomeng said that he is the sacred girl of the ancestral beast palace, and he would not dare to charge them for the courage of Wanci Space Country. It is estimated that the Wanci King will be polite Yes, maybe even take the initiative to visit.

"Only these, haven't we been left with identity information or anything?" Wang Xing wondered.

"No, they only recognize money." Berg spread his hand and, to be honest, he went through this procedure for the first time. "But the person at the counter just recommended me to apply directly to become a national of the Magnetospace State. You get permanent residency for a thousand pieces of immortality. "

"Oh, it seems that as long as the money is enough, everything can be done in the universe of the magnetic universe." Wang Xing is also speechless, such a universe does not know what to say.

After going through the formalities, everyone will have a legal identity for activities in the Magnetospace State.

So where does the question come from?

At this time, everyone looked at Wang Xing, waiting for Wang Xing to give orders, and Wang Xing smiled at this time and finally bluntly said, "This time our destination is said to be the Magneto Universe, but more specifically, it is actually Extinction in the Magnetism Universe. As for why extinction, we have to re-divide and define the order of energy, trace the reasons, and find the conditions for energy advancement, and extinction is the best. Research subjects. "

With that said, everyone didn't even notice their eyes lighted up, and some students had already begun to look for information on extinction.

Berg was stunned, but now he was confused.

What is the reclassification and definition of the energy level, what are you talking about?

But at this time, Fang Bei had found the information on the extinction of the deities, and saw that he exclaimed, "No wonder we are coming to extinct the deities. The original extinction of the deities is so special, this is a place of natural energy. .If we can figure out how the energy conversion in the Extermination Deity looks like, this project is half done. "

Hearing here, Wang Xing nodded.

Looking at what others didn't understand yet, Wang Xing directly stated at this time that "The Extinct Goddess is a peculiar mountain stream located inside the universe of the universe of the magnetism. This mountain stream does not know when it was formed, and for no reason Now I only know that the peaks on both sides of the extinction seem to have a strange force entangled with each other. This entanglement will mutate the cosmic energy between the extinctions and produce other alternative energy. It is also extremely dangerous because of the extinction. At one time, when the Magnetism Universe was still in the era of strife, there was an immortal army of 10,000 people who wanted to pass under the **** of destruction, but in the end all 10,000 people died inside, and no one knew what happened inside them. Afterwards, many people went in and explored it, but no one ever came out alive at all, so the **** of extinction was named. "

After hearing this, a group of students understood.

This place does have a lot to do with the project they are studying, of course, it is only project one, and Zhang Xiaomeng belongs to project two, and Wang Xing will make other arrangements at that time.

"Okay, let's set off for Extinction."

Wang Xing waved his hand, and they left again in the spaceship, after all, the Exterminator was still a long way from here.

On the way, Berg was getting more and more confused.

Berg still found Wang Xing, and he seemed to stop talking.

Wang Xing smiled. "I know what you want to say, in fact this is what we are doing. Our college is different from other forces. Other forces may be just for strengthening. Our college aims to discover the mysteries of the universe and explore the unknown. , Research, realize the changing laws of the universe, and pursue the truth. This time we are here to study the extinction and see what profound knowledge is hidden inside the extinction. "

Berg frowned, in fact he already understood a bit, but just a little difficult to accept.

For the first time, Berg felt that this college was really special.

The magnetospace universe is a federal state, and the exterminator is located in a federal state called the female state.

Soon after entering the country of Onma, everyone of Wang Xing arrived at his destination and saw the two mountain peaks that were divided into two by the extinct deities.

Each of these peaks is several million miles long and several hundred thousand miles high. It seems that these two peaks were still one long ago.

"Is this the Exterminator?"

Wang Xing's figure came to the mountain in a flash. At this time, he looked towards the God of Destruction, only to see the colorful and colorful energy in the God of Destruction, and all kinds of energy flowed up, like the shining galaxy. But Wang Xing knew that this was just appearance. He tried to explore the god's knowledge into the destruction of the gods, but found that his god's knowledge only went down to less than a thousand meters, and was even distorted hundreds of thousands of times, and wanted to continue to explore below. It is found that the consciousness can no longer be connected.

Behind Wang Xing, the students also found the anomaly here.

Unlike Wang Xing, they are all excited, that is the desire to explore the unknown.

"Dean, this place is so special, will there be no babies?" Yan Le whispered, reminding Wang Xing a little.

"How many babies can be searched here no less than tens of millions of times. If there are any babies, they should be discovered." Wang Xing smiled, "But it can form such a strange energy environment here, indeed. It is worth studying. Although there is not necessarily a treasure, but if you can find out the reason, it may not be possible to create an exterminator. "

The students also felt that it might make sense, perhaps to find the reason, and also to discover the secret of advanced energy.

"Burger, let's go. Contact the queen of Nu Mogu and see if you can rent the **** of destruction. You can rent it for a million years." Wang Xing thought about it, and then they ordered Studying the **** of extermination, we must set up camp here, naturally we can't be disturbed by others, so it is best to rent the **** of extermination here.

"Okay," Berg said, and went to do it right away.

This female Lord of the Mo State is just a Lord God, and he can naturally handle it.

It was only after Berg went far away that I wondered. Am I not a saint's servant? I should only listen to the saint's words. Why did this teacher Wang let me do something, I went unconsciously. The more he thought about it, the more he felt stupid, and in order to make himself feel better, he comforted himself, anyway, the virgin spoke, and he would have to go by himself at the same time.

About a day later, Berg returned.

"It's done." Berg smiled when he saw Wang Xing and others. "But I didn't rent it out, but bought it directly."

"Buy it?" Wang Xing said for a moment, but this is also possible. "But if you buy it, it should cost a lot of immortal crystals, right?"

"Well, it took a total of 12 million immortals to buy it." Berg was serious, and the money was of course his own.

"It's too expensive, just rent it." Yan Le was shocked when he heard about 12 million immortal crystals, and then he felt a little distressed.

"If you rent it, one million years is also twelve million immortal crystals." Berg reluctantly said, "The owner of the female country is also crazy. Whether you rent it or sell it, that's the price. . "

"Okay, this doesn't matter. After that, this piece of extermination shrine will belong to us." Wang Xing said, waving only to see the sudden surging above the extinction shrine, and soon the houses were pulled up Since then, dozens of houses have been connected together, slowly forming a building complex, and here is their research institute.


On the tenth day of extinction, all the students have adapted to the environment here.

Wang Xing summoned everyone at this time and began to explain two projects in detail, and this time Wang Xing focused on Project Two.

"The second item is to study the nature of the rules. In fact, what is the nature of the rules, I think it is energy. Why some rules are strong, while others are weak, because the energy levels that different laws can motivate are different. Project one is the reason for the progress of project two. At this point, there is actually another research topic, that is, about the mutation of the rule. When the rule is mutated, does the energy also change? So the rule is actually the same The law is just that the order of energy has been raised? Is it possible that we study the law and it all comes down to energy? "

Wang Xing said that in the end, everyone was dumbfounded.

Berg, who is behind Zhang Xiaomeng, only feels that all his cognition has been subverted at this moment. Is this what the Xianxian Academy has to do? It's just crazy.

They are not practicing, but they are cultivating science. They are dissecting one's life while practicing such an extremely sacred thing.

Wang Xing didn't make Berg avoid, in fact, he wanted to influence him in this way, and brought him into the research of the college, and finally made him fall in love with this kind of research, and voluntarily entered the college to become a Research Scholar.

"Next, I'll talk about the research process." When Wang Xing said here, everyone knew that Wang Xing was going to assign tasks. "First of all, Qin Yan, one of your project members, will use his own starting from today. Xianli enters the Extermination God to conduct experiments to see how Xianli will change, under what conditions, and then record these data. Next is Xiaomeng, your project is the essence of the research rules, then you have to Analyzing different laws, I hope you will collect some samples, mainly different people with different laws, what is their energy state and energy intensity. Just these two tasks, I think it will take 100,000 years to complete the basic data Collection, so we have a long way to go. "

The students also felt at this moment that the research task was not simple.

Then Wang Xing said a lot, and talked for three hours, including all aspects of the study, this is the end.

In the following days, Wang Xing himself participated in the research.

Time passed slowly. Most of Wang Xing's extinction did not leave, except for the time of cultivation and the regular time of returning to the college every few years.

Extinction gods because of Wang Xing's presence ~ ~ This place is becoming more and more mysterious. Some people even want to mix with extinction gods to explore the situation. Tian found that he was nowhere in the universe of the universe.


In this way, time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, 1.2 million years passed.

Wang Xing is now collating the data they have been experimenting over the years, and these data have exceeded 10 billion.

Leng Shuangning, as Wang Xing's assistant, had a headache looking at the data, and now she just realized how boring the research was.

But fortunately, Wang Xing has cosmic-level understanding, otherwise all this cannot be carried on.

"Time flies so fast." Wang Xing said, looking in the direction of Zhang Xiaomeng, showing a smile.

"Sir, are you going to impact the Great Realm of God?" Berg received a message today saying that Zhang Xiaomeng is going to retreat, trying to break through the Great Realm of God and hear the news. At the time, Berg was still shocked.

After all, Zhang Xiaomeng has just broken through to the realm of perfection for just over a million years.

"Yes, I heard that Yao Jie has broken through to the realm of great consummation. If I don't keep up, the first three breakthroughs will not be mine." Zhang Xiaomeng hummed, somewhat dissatisfied. .

"Break through to the realm of perfection in less than 200,000 years, and then break through to the realm of perfection in 1.2 million years. What is the speed of cultivation." Burg muttered, at first he said he was nine million He broke through to the immortal realm at that time, and already felt very great at that time, but now compared with Zhang Xiaomeng, he knew that he was worthless to mention, this is the real evil, the true genius.

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