Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1862: Research results

When Zhang Xiaomeng went into retreat, Wang Xing naturally enjoyed it.

Three years later, Zhang Xiaomeng made a breakthrough and became the third student in the college to reach the level of Jinxian.

"Sister Xiao Meng, you are really amazing." Yan Le looked at Zhang Xiao Meng, but now Yan Le also broke through the Jinxian realm 100,000 years ago, and is now a first-year student in the university department. When Yan Le followed Wang Xing's research, in fact, he was only a second-year student in high school, and his cultivation was just the realm of Yuanxian.

In the 1.2 million years, Yan Le has made great progress, surpassing many students in the same period.

Niu Fen, another third-year high school student with Yan Le, is also practicing Jinxian Realm.


At this time, Qin Yan's voice came.

Knowing Zhang Xiaomeng's breakthrough, Qin Yan came to congratulate Zhang Xiaomeng.

Looking at Qin Yan and the students who participated in the research together, at this moment, they don't know what to say, because up to now Qin Yan is still in the realm of sacred fairy and has not broken through into the realm of golden fairy.

"Qin Yan, when can you break through, if you don't break through, you really can't catch up with us." Zhang Xiaomeng has no scruples, but it is more direct, of course because of Zhang Xiaomeng's personality In this way, what to say, the second is that Zhang Xiaomeng and Qin Yan have a better relationship than others. After all, she is a student of a period, so even if she said this, Qin Yan would not be angry, only Zhang Xiaomeng is joking with him.

Qin Yan sighed. "It's hard, but I'm feeling fast. The restraint on me is already a little loose."

In the evening, we have dinner together in the manor.

"Sir, I just passed the news of your breakthrough back to the Ancestral Beast Palace. The Beast Ancestor was very happy when he heard that, and said that when you go back, I will prepare a gift for you. At the same time, according to your instructions, your breakthrough news I also let people tell your brothers and sisters, and as you guessed, they have prepared gifts for you. "Berg said in the seat of Zhang Xiaomeng.

"Oh, when I break through to the realm of God King, I guess it ’s going to be difficult to receive a gift. Now I have to pick up some more wool, wait for me to return to the ancestral beast palace, hold a great perfection promotion banquet, and earn a lot of money. Pen. "Zhang Xiaomeng murmured to himself, and although the neighbouring Berg was accustomed to Zhang Xiaomeng's imagination, he was still shocked at the moment. Are you fleece-wooling, which is an obvious extortion, and I haven't heard of anyone who breaks through to the Great Realm and wants to host a banquet.

A group of college students are very envious.

At the end of the dinner, Wang Xing said, "Everyone will go to the research room tomorrow. Some recent research has made some breakthrough progress."

Hearing here, all the students have bright eyes.

They have carried out research for so many years and actually have achieved a lot of results, but whether it is project one or two, there is really no breakthrough in terms of breakthrough progress.

The next day, the research room.

Wang Xing looked at Berg, and a group of students said, "Based on the data we have collected over the years, comparing more than 10 million different energy samples, it can now be roughly determined that the energy can be divided into at least six orders. Each order of Energy is divided into low, medium, and high. I take the practice system of the universe as an example. Among the first-order energies, the energies of the first to third order of the force are low, and the energies of the fourth to sixth order are medium. The energy of the sixth to ninth order belongs to the higher order. The energy of the second order, the energy of the flying realm belongs to the lower class, the energy of the void realm belongs to the middle class, and the energy of the cosmic light state belongs to the higher class. The energy of the realm belongs to the middle, and the energy of the realm of the realm belongs to the higher. The fourth-order energy, the power of the lower **** belongs to the lower, the power of the middle **** belongs to the middle, and the power of the upper **** belongs to the higher. The fifth-order energy, the power of the perfect **** belongs to The divine power of the low, great perfection **** belongs to the middle, the divine power of the main **** belongs to the higher. The sixth-order energy, the divine power of the **** king belongs to the low, the divine power belongs to the middle, and the divine power of the universe **** belongs to Etc. Of course the divine power on the back of the Most High God and God of the universe, but belongs to the inference, and I said, these are just general practitioners. "

Everyone nodded secretly, but these are not the results of their recent research, but the conclusions of 500,000 years.

"At this point, I have to mention the correspondence of energy. This is an extended study. At present, it is found that the divine power derived from practicing the first-class rule belongs to the higher level, while the third-level rule belongs to the lower level. Ordinary lower gods only have fourth-order lower energy, but those who practice the first-order law can have fourth-order higher energy, and their total energy is the same. The first question comes here, then Does a person who practices the first-level law achieve a higher level of energy? Will the energy level increase? The answer is yes. Strength, the strong point-first-rate rule, and even the fifth-order medium. "

Wang Xing said, looking at Zhang Xiaomeng.

This research, Zhang Xiaomeng himself is a research object, and provided a lot of data for this research.

Zhang Xiaomeng smiled. "Is the first-class rule naturally stronger? But we didn't speculate later. After the first-class rule is cultivated to the later stage, the gap will be gradually closed, is that right?"

Everyone unconsciously looked at Wang Xing, and the results of this research have not yet come out.

Wang Xing nodded. "This is indeed the case. Even if the main **** who practiced the first-class rule has energy transformation, it can only reach the sixth-order elementary level, which is equivalent to the energy intensity of the **** king who has practiced the third-order rule. In the end, the energy order cannot exceed the sixth order, and can only approach the limit of the sixth order. Therefore, no matter what kind of law you break through, the gap should not be too large, and it is difficult for one to hit ten. In that case, unless you have mastered some extremely inverse techniques. "

Berg and all the students are contemplative. The theory is too important to be honest, and the importance of mystery is suddenly highlighted.

What is mystery is the method of using energy ~ ~ This is a long-standing conclusion in the research of the college.

There is not much difference in energy, so the method of using energy is naturally very important.

Therefore, in the later period, the powerful secret technique is the key to ensure invincibility within the same level, and the college will definitely focus on the secret technique in the future.

Zhang Xiaomeng nodded secretly after the students listened.

Wang Xing saw that everyone had no doubt, and reiterated, "Project 1 requires the redistribution and definition of the energy level. The redistribution has basically ended, and the redefinition of the energy level involves a lot of things, not at all. It can be described clearly in three words. For example, in the case of first-order energy, it is difficult to give him a correct definition. What we define and how to define it must refer to countless research data and many other materials. It can be finally given. However, I have given some preliminary reports in conjunction with some research reports submitted by students of project one. I have just sent them to students of project one, but there are many things that need to be modified. Having said that, I would like to talk about one of the more crucial research results in this definition, that is, this deities. "

Everyone's eyes lighted.

Destroyer of God has always been the core of their research, but countless copies of data have been collected, and it seems that there is no tension at all.

Is this the breakthrough that Wang Xing said now?

Wang Xing looked at the crowd and nodded silently. "In fact, Qin Yan reminded me that we have been studying the Extinction God, but the idea is around the special space and special magnetic field of the Extinction God. Others are like matrix formations. "


This time even Berg was stunned. Where did the God of Destruction come from?

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