Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1902: Star tower and **** graduate students

Yin Haojun finally felt like he had smashed his feet.

The Emperor was just over a metre away, and he fell to Yin Haojun lying on the ground, with a bright smile in his mouth.

"The dean said, didn't you want to act? He made you act like a little bit. The dean who entered your body just now is called Fengyuan Xianfu, not to mention the kingdom of God, even your fairy Jindan can Sealed, so you are now an ordinary person. "

Yin Haojun felt for a moment, as if he really was, he couldn't exert any strength.

Everything is banned.

"Actually, the deity of the source was researched by your dean friend Quark. The dean used this demon to block the connection between the quark and the law of the universe. Hey, I say this to you What are you doing now, I am honored to tell you that you are welcome to the eighteenth hell. "

Emperor Ming grinned, but this time he received the decree, and he must entertain Yin Haojun.

"No, no, I'm leaving, I'm not acting anymore, I'm going home, Mom, Dad ... Dean, I'm your son-in-law!" Yin Haojun shouted, but he had no strength and wanted to leave Hell basically It is a dream of the idiot. The boundary of this **** cannot be broken without the golden immortal realm.

"Don't struggle, I will treat you well." The Emperor held Yin Haojun's legs and dragged him towards the first hell.

"Mingdi, Mingzu, Brother Ming, you let me, let me do it, I have good things ..." Yin Haojun looked at the first floor of **** and was really panicked.

"You think of my Emperor as someone, I am the will of the underworld, and the trial of the **** is the most fair, so you do n’t have to struggle." He said, trying to buy me, you do n’t see how many pairs Staring at it, "Continue to pass on the dean's mouth, and the source of the forbidden fairy amulets in your body has been reduced to eighteen prohibitions. Each time you are in a layer of hell, you must break the one and wait for the eighteen prohibitions. It ’s completely broken, and it just happened to go through eighteen layers of hell. By then, you can recover by repairing nature, and you can leave. "

The eighteen bans corresponded to the eighteen floors of hell. Obviously, it was Wang Xing's consideration.

Yin Haojun swallowed: "Then, if it can't be broken?"

Emperor Ming smiled at this time: "If you ca n’t break it, you will break it hard. If you ca n’t break it, you will break it all the way. Until it breaks, otherwise **** is the end of this life."

Hearing here, Yin Haojun's face turned blue.

This is too cruel.

Everyone who cares about Yin Haojun is boasting at this moment.

"The guy Yin Haojun was really imprisoned in hell, and his cultivation was also banned. It seems that this guy really made a big mistake." Someone was impressed, the best in the college, the only one who was four The title of the immortal king was eventually reduced to **** and sentenced.

Misery, really miserable.

"Ask what the love in the world is, and teach life and death." Someone shook his head and felt that Yin Haojun was too deep in love.

"You guy, that quark is a man, and Yin Haojun has a wife." The people next to him couldn't stand it anymore, and you lamented something here.

"You know how to fart, but Ji friendship is also affection." The man retorted, there was a sudden uproar, but it was justified to think carefully.


Far from knowing how many billion light years away Quark is still practicing, he has completely integrated the origin of the group created by the three stars.

Now he is very strong, and even he feels that he can fight against the Supreme God.

Of course, this is just feeling, but when he merges those origins again, it should be almost the same.

"Master, I just got a message." At that time, Huang had called Quark his master. He was willing to serve as a servant. In fact, there was nothing he could do. Quark was too strong. He was not a servant. Then it was estimated that Quark would swallow it. Is inevitable.

"What's the news?" Quark opened his eyes and exhaled slowly.

"Your brother Yin Haojun, was punished by the college because of your affairs." He said slowly, but he saw that Quark didn't speak, but he was obviously a little dignified, he didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and continued, "Now to the ball federation It was spread over there, saying that Yin Haojun, a student of the Immortal King class under the title of Immortal College, had a private quark and sought the research results of the college. Then he helped Quark to invade the heaven prison, attack the emperor, seriously violate the college records, and the dean was angry and wanted to make him He was shot dead, but the only disciple of the dean, Nicole, could not afford to kneel. He even pleaded with Yin Haojun. Later, Yin Xiaoying, the son of Yin Haojun, put on a linen and filial piety. Hell has regretted it for millions of years, deprived him of all his wealth, and permanently suspended school. "

After Quark heard it, he smashed his fist towards the planet under his foot.


The planet, which is ten times the size of the Earth, has cracks because it cannot bear the power of quarks.

"Now Yin Haojun has been sent to **** for punishment. Some people have seen that his cultivation has been banned. It is estimated that it will be difficult to leave **** next time." Huang said all the news he had heard, where was it? Dare to hide anything.

To be honest, Huang was shocked to hear about Yin Haojun and Quark.

The relationship between the two is really good, and the relationship is full.

At first he fell into the hands of the Immortal Academy, but his brother, Zhou, left him alone and ran away. He didn't contact him later, let alone save him.

So, after speaking, he took the quark to the Alliance of the Gods of God, which was simply nonsense. Now he doesn't even know where they are hiding.

"Jun brother, I will definitely save you." Quark gritted his teeth and practiced harder.


Quark is merging fragments of the law of the universe, and Wang Xing and his colleagues have been studying the law of the universe through quarks.

In particular, Wang Xing's cultivation is rising rapidly. His understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe and his understanding of various basic laws have reached an unprecedented level.

The third-class rule totals 11,666.

No one knows that Wang Xing has now comprehended these third-class rules and realized nearly 10,000 species.

Wang Xing has a feeling that when he fully comprehends the third-level rules, it is when his cultivation breaks through to the realm of the universe.

When others become universe gods, they realize one kind of rule to the extreme and eventually break it, but Wang Xing obviously goes the other way.

According to Wang Xing's enlightenment, the so-called cosmic **** is only when the power of his own reaches the extreme, the power is added by the law, so that his power can exceed the limit of the high god.

In this way, you can realize one kind of rule to the extreme, and let the power increase beyond the limit of the power of the supreme god. Although I have not realized one kind of rule to the extreme, I have many rules, even for each rule Only a little bonus, but when combined, it may not be as much as yours.

This is like a road. You walked 100,000 meters. I only walked one hundred meters. But my width is one thousand times yours. The area of ​​our two is actually the same.

His research can be said to be subversive, but no one has ever realized so many rules before.

But now it ’s different. The original laws of the universe have collapsed, and the understanding of the laws is getting easier and easier. In the future, no one like him will have the power of several, dozens, or hundreds of rules to gain the combat power of the universe god.

After 80,000 years, quark has merged all the origins of the universe.

His strength is now extremely close to the Supreme God, and the difference is an opportunity to break through.

He set off, he was going to avenge the alien race, he was going to hunt down the other main gods, **** kings, who incorporated the laws of the universe, and rob them of their origin.

In an unknown star domain, Quark's Godship is moored in the void.

"Master, Brady and Padgett should be here soon. The villain wanted to ask, why did the master have to kill these two people?" Huang was a little curious, he knew the two aliens, in fact, the strength of the two was in God. The king is not weak, and almost has the middle-level **** king's combat power, and the quark has just merged so many sources. Even if you want to kill, there is no need to find this alien **** king.

"The two men have enmity with me. At first they almost caught me and offered me a sacrifice." Quark said coldly, he is a very revenge person, he has never forgotten that he was hit by the two men before It's like dead dogs.

Now that he has the strength, he naturally wants revenge.

Hearing this, he stopped talking, the reason for revenge was too strong, and there was no solution.

Space fluctuated, and only two figures appeared, namely Padgett and Brady.

Paget frowned: "Who are you and why are you here with us? Your godship is a new type of Godship of our alien race?"

Brady was also weird. They received news that someone organized by the Dark God had asked them to meet here and had something to discuss.

They doubted him and came over.

After all, they have a good cooperative relationship with the Dark God Organization, and since the identity of the other party is a person of the Dark God Organization, they are also very relieved.

"Sure enough, as long as you have a member of the Dark God Organization, Foo these aliens are really too simple. Brother, this is still a trick you taught me, I didn't expect that I would use it so soon." Quark felt in his heart, he I looked at the two at this time, "Why don't you know me anymore?"

Then, Quark came out of the ship.

"Familiar, this is the God King who fuses the fragments of the law of origin ... I remembered that he was the quark!" Padgett exclaimed, but the previous quark was like a soft egg, and all they saw was Can escape, but now the quark is like a cold monarch.

"It turned out to be him!" Brady was also a little shocked. "You joined the Dark God Organization?"

"Joining the Dark God Organization, it's okay ... but it's too easy to join the Dark God Organization. As long as you pay a one hundred eternal coin membership fee, and then have an introducer, you can also become a member of the Dark God Organization." The quark said lightly, then shook his head again, "I told you what to do. Today I asked you to come out, but I just wanted to send you on the road. Then you fooled me into being weak and wanted to sacrifice me. Today I Just give you back in the same way. "

Padgett and Brady were dull, and the little man who was crushed by them at that time dared to hunt them.

"Look for death. I didn't kill you and arrested you for sacrifice. It's not too late today. But no one came to save you today ... because you betrayed Xianxian, the director of Xianxian even felt that you had met It's dangerous, and it's impossible to save you again. "Brady sneered, he still knew about the quark's later entry to the immortal college.

They even knew that Quark betrayed the Immortal Academy later.

In fact, even if quarks don't go to them, they will come to quarks.

"Call for help, I will never call for help again." Quark closed his eyes silently, and then opened again, his eyes were full of murderous intentions, "Don't talk nonsense, let's die!"

"It's you, it's you who are going to die," Brady said, looking at each other with Padgett, and rushing towards Quark at the same time. They did not dare to underestimate the Quark. After all, 100,000 years have passed. It should be a lot stronger than before.

The famine is also very nervous at this moment. The quark is now performing very well. Don't be killed instantly.

If quark is killed, he must be finished.

Quark was so calm at this moment that he looked at the two who rushed towards him without even frowning.

They are getting closer and closer, and they are not even ten thousand meters away from the quark.

At this time, the voice of the quark sounded slowly: "The system of the law of the origins of the universe is activated, the law of space is modified, the law of stars is modified, the law of gravity is modified, the law of gold, the law of wood ...

As the quark kept talking, the surroundings suddenly changed.

All the rules were completely changed, and Brady and Padgett, who were still rushing towards Quark, seemed to be trapped in a quagmire.

They felt that all the laws were binding them with the opposite force.

"What's going on, can't I move?"

"The law has changed. What he did is impossible!"

Both were panicked, and they couldn't even move, which was terrible.

The quark walked towards the two, and ripples appeared in the space under his feet, so the quark came to the two.

The two eyes widened, but they were terrified.

They don't even know what happened, why they can't move, why the person in front of them suddenly became so powerful.

"Ignorant people, you still don't know how I trapped you ... Sure enough, the dean is right. Knowledge is the foundation of everything. Compared with those in the college, you are just reckless husbands. That's it. "

The quark looked at the two, and their hands slowly pressed towards their heads: "Activate the sacrifice rule, the sacrifice object, myself!"

Speaking, I only saw that the bodies of Padgett and Brady broke down a little bit, and then turned into the purest energy into the body of Quark.

The power that Quark had just consumed was instantly replenished.

But the quark only absorbed part of the energy of the two, and he couldn't absorb it at all, because his body was saturated.

At this time the quark was not absorbing, and turned back to the Godship: "Let's go."

Ara nodded his head and nodded. He hasn't responded yet. What happened just now.

How did those two powerful **** kings die?

This is simply weird.

In the Immortal Academy, Wang Xing saw the scene where Quark shot and killed two alien **** kings: "Is the data recorded?"

Hongmeng nodded: "It's a record. It's a great harvest. The quark is better than we thought. I'm afraid that one day, we can't control him."

Lin Meng thought for a while, but was a little worried.

Wang Xing was silent for a moment and shook his head: "I didn't intend to control him, you think too much. In fact, I really took Quark as one of my disciples, and those I taught him did not hide anything at all. . This is to set up an opponent for Su Yu. How to solve the quark in the future is not a problem I have to consider. When it is really necessary for me to take a shot, then my dean is too failed. "

Hongmeng and Linmeng both couldn't help crying or laughing. Your dean was really big-hearted.


It's exactly 100,000 years since the system changed.

On this day, Wang Xing received a system prompt: "Host, the Star Tower was created."

Wang Xing, who was still sorting out research materials, didn't feel any joy on his face.

This star tower was specially prepared by Wang Xing for Su Yu. Now that the star tower is created, Wang Xing does not want to leave it in his own hands.

Communication system, Wang Xing directly received the Star Tower.

Suddenly, I saw a towering nine-story tower in Wang Xing's palm.

Wang Xing counted it. The tower has nine floors and a square cone, which is very similar to some Chinese towers on the earth. At the same time, there are endless nebula swirling around this towering nine-story tower. The colorful nebula The whirlpool can not help but indulge in it.

This is almost the same as described in the book.

As soon as the star tower appeared in the palm of his hand, he began to devour the endless energy in the universe, and devoured the turbulence of energy, and soon formed the "Nine Spiral Nebula" described in the book.

Of course this looks like a nebula, but in fact it is a terrible vortex of energy.

According to the description in the book, there are nine spirals in the nine-spinning nebula.

Wang Xing felt for a while, and when he reached the fourth spin, it was impossible for the perfection **** to resist.

In the seventh spin, the God King also retreated.


In addition, the book also mentions that the treasure "Zhenfeng Xingchen" will be bred in the star tower. Each "Zhenfeng star" has the size of an ordinary planet. After refining, you can seal the strong through Zhenfeng stars to enemies After being defeated and enclosed in 'Zhenfeng Xingchen', the enemy will never escape.

Wang Xing felt it for a moment, as if the "Zhenfeng Star" had been conceived within the Star Tower at this moment.

"This star tower is indeed a high-end eternal magic weapon."

Wang Xing murmured, of course, this magic weapon is a little worse than his dean's scepter.

After all, his scepter is a top eternal magic weapon.

After Wang Xing studied the star tower, and after fully understanding this magic weapon, he planned to give the star tower to Su Yu.

He thought about it and wrote a notice: "The School of Economics decided that Su Yu, a fourth-year student of Xian University College, had excellent performance and outstanding results during his stay at school. There is one star tower of Jade Magic Treasure. When Su Yu officially breaks through to Jinxian Level 7, he can report to the Graduate Department on his own. For other outstanding students, the college will also consider the situation of each student and decide whether to send it to the Graduate Department Please don't be surprised and study hard. "

Send to the Graduate School!

The whole academy was boiling.

Isn't this Baoyan.

When Su Yu himself received the news, he was also a bit embarrassed. So he became a student of the graduate department of the college?

This was too unexpected and surprised him too.

Yao Jie, Qin Yan, Liu Fan and many other students were silent at the moment.

Su Yu has been escorted. Do they have this opportunity?

Su Yu was then summoned by Wang Xing to receive the magic weapon of the college award, which is the Star Tower.


Su Yu said, she had seen the nine-story small tower placed on Wang Xing's desk.

At first glance, he was still very shocked. This is the Star Tower, a magic weapon used by Luo Feng who devoured the starry sky.

"You're here." Wang Xing raised his head. "I know that you can break through to Jinxian Level 7 sooner or later and be promoted to the graduate department ~ ~ so I won't waste any time and just **** you directly Then, just in this name, I gave you the Star Tower. "

After listening, Su Yu was even more moved.

It turned out to be this way, otherwise if you give yourself the Star Tower, others will definitely have opinions.

With a wave of Wang Xing's hand, the star tower flew towards Su Yu: "This star tower is similar to the one described in the book, but there is one difference. The star tower has nine secret patterns in the book, but I give you This star tower does not exist, but has been replaced by nine kinds of magical powers. I simply took a look. These nine kinds of magical powers require your own understanding and cultivation, and each kind of magical powers is very powerful. According to the division of magical powers, the first three belong to the seventh-order magical power, the middle three belong to the eight-order magical power, and the last three belong to the nine-order magical power. "

Su Yu was shocked secretly, the order of this supernatural power was a bit high.

Because the seventh-order magical power is equivalent to the low-level god-level mystery of the universe today, the eighth-level magical power is equivalent to the top-level god-level mystery of the current universe, and the nine-level magical power is equivalent to the supreme-level mystery of the universe.

"Of course, these magical powers must be used in conjunction with the Star Tower. You can understand that these magical powers are the supporting magical powers of the Star Tower." Wang Xing smiled. "You go back and study carefully. It ’s still barely possible to cultivate. ”

"Yes, Dean." Su Yu said, also a little excited.

With the Star Tower, he can really fight the King of God.

Watching Su Yu leave, Wang Xing smiled, which caused the system to create a star tower for Su Yu. If no more magic weapon of the same level is created for Qin Yan, Liu Fan, and Yao Jie, someone is expected Scolded him biased.

After Su Yu returned, he immediately started to refine the star tower. He felt that this star tower should be his strongest magic weapon in the future.

Super Fairy College

Super Fairy College

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