Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1903: Impulsive

In fact, Su Yu can feel it, the level of the star tower is very high and terrible.

However, Su Yu could not master the nine magical powers in the star tower, so he could not fully exert the power of the star tower.

Just learning the magic power of the first three layers of the star tower, the star tower can only be equivalent to an initial eternal magic weapon.

Su Yu spent 10,000 years refining the star tower, and then he has to learn the magical power in the star tower, which takes a lot of time.

That is, after 10,000 years passed, the matter about Su Yubao being sent to graduate school slowly subsided.

In the "Notes of Xianxian College", Su Yu also recorded the deeds sent by him: "Su Yu, a student of Xianxue University, was directly sent to the graduate department by the college because of her outstanding performance. At the same time, Xianxue College The dean gave the magic star tower, and the college was shocked! "


Another 20,000 years later, Su Yu went out.

In a classroom of the college, Su Yu was invited to give a third-year high school student a public class.

"Master Su Yu, so handsome!"

"Yeah, so handsome, I really want to give him monkeys."

"You little girl, let's break through to Jinxian Realm first."

A group of idiots are discussing, and many male students are full of admiration when they look at Su Yu.

Su Yu is definitely a legend in the college.

Su Yu is like a perfect person.

Wang Xing has also evaluated Su Yu, saying that he is the most representative student of Xianxian College.

Inner Saint but Outer King, this is Su Yu.

Su Yu walked into the classroom and looked at the students who were a thousand young. Some were flattered: "I did not expect that there would be so many people listening to my class. It seems that I am still very welcome."

At this time, cheers sounded below.

"Senior Su Yu, what are you practicing now?"

"Student Su Yu, can you tell us something you and Liu Fan have to say."

"Senior Su Yu, do you like men?"

Su Yu couldn't help crying, what and what are these: "Well, I also paid class, so let's not waste the class time that the college sends me, let's go straight to the topic. What I want to talk about today is about The supernatural power is cultivated. The so-called supernatural power is unique to our academy, but in the universe, it is called mystery. Our college divides the supernatural power into the ninth order, the first order is the lowest and the ninth order is the highest. In the universe, the Immortal mysticism is divided into little god-level mystery, great god-level mystery, master god-level mystery, god-king-level mystery, and supreme-level mystery. As for the mystery below the little god-level, the outer universe is also called mystery. , But in fact this is a bit rigorous, because the mysteries below the level of the little **** are mostly concentrated on the power skills, speed, divine power, etc., and did not mobilize the power of the rules. So in a million years, our college It was revised to call this mystery or immortality. Maybe you still think that cultivation of magical powers is too far away for you, in fact it is not the case. Students in high school must consider it at this time. After practicing what they have to supernatural powers. "

Su Yu spoke very patiently and carefully, and the students below listened to it.

Mainly, many of these students are students in the third year of high school. Many of them are already practicing magical powers.

Most of the lesson passed. Su Yu talked about the knowledge of supernatural power cultivation, and this is the significance of this lesson, which is to make a magical enlightenment for these high school students.

"Who has cultivated the magical power, can go to the front to demonstrate it." Su Yu smiled, and suddenly many students brightened their eyes, and someone immediately raised their hands.

Several students came to the stage to demonstrate magical powers, and Su Yu directed them.

Just about to call the next student to come on stage, at this time a voice sounded throughout the college, this is the voice of the dean.

"All college students, please open your communication watch. The college has just pushed you a video ..."

The voice kept echoing, and all the students were a little curious about what the video was.

Su Yu also stopped at this time: "Okay, everyone has a look at the video pushed by the college. This lesson is over. I will give you a lesson if I have the chance."

Speaking, Su Yu also opened his own communication watch.

A video popped up, and Su Yu clicked to play, only to see that it was a video recorded by a person, with some shaking, and soon a person's figure appeared in the video.

That's a college student, Agatha.

"Dear classmates, I am Agatha. I am now in the Luna continent in the Shenhe River, and behind me are members of our iris organization. The flower language of iris is freedom and light. It is the ideal of our iris organization. We pursue freedom and light, and the slave system in the universe is the darkest and cruelest system, so the highest purpose of our iris organization is to liberate slaves in the entire universe. From me Since the establishment of the Iris Organization, our organization has more than 30 million members all over the universe, and some of these members are slaves we rescued, and some were once slaves. Perhaps our Iris Organization is not strong enough, it can even be said that Very weak, but I believe that the fire of the stars can be ignited. In the future, like Abraham Lincoln, we will be able to announce our Declaration on the Liberation of Black Slaves to the entire universe. "

Upon hearing this, all the students were silent.

Agatha's ideal is really too lofty. She is a member of the deer tribe, and the deer tribe is sold as slaves in the universe. It is because of this that she had the idea of ​​liberating slaves in the universe.

Everyone knows Agatha, and there are hundreds of members in the Iris Society.

Su Yu frowned at this time. When he saw here, he already had a bad feeling that something might be wrong.

At this time Agatha's voice turned a bit, and it became a bit heavy again: "We liberated the slaves, violated the interests of some slave groups, and we were targeted. An hour ago, we were cut off from communication here, all flying The battleships that went out also lost contact, and I knew what might be waiting for me next. But I was ready to dedicate myself, but I was worried that after my death, no one could continue my ideals. In fact, after entering the Shenhe River and seeing the strength behind the slave group, I knew that the slaves who wanted to liberate the universe in my own power were just delusions, but my classmates, you will definitely become the supreme **** and the universe god. I hope that some of you will inherit my legacy and complete this great and glorious cause. Thank you Agatha here. "

Many students' eyes are wet.

They understood what Agatha was going to do finally, and she hoped that someone in the academy would continue her ideals and accomplish all this.

That's why the college released this video to everyone.

The video came to an abrupt halt here, but followed by another video, only to see the numerous iris members wearing iris organization clothes were slaughtered, and the blood stained the galaxy.

There are also people wearing the clothes of a slave group, frantically arresting members of the iris organization.

Followed by a picture, Agatha was tied to a guillotine and looked coldly at a man as if she was talking about something, but with an order she was beheaded.


Agatha is dead!


There was a brief silence in the academy, and everyone did not respond from the recent image.

"Lao Tzu now wants to kill, which slave group is this? Lao Tzu wants to destroy his family!" Suddenly, a college boy yelled, and many other students also had red eyes and filled their indignation.

At this time, Wang Xing's voice slowly sounded in the college: "The video of the final execution of Agatha was publicly posted on the interstellar network in order to warn those liberating slave groups like Agatha. It is the end of their liberation. "

"These beasts, where are they, I'll kill them clean."

"What's wrong with inheriting Agatha's legacy, don't let Lao Tzu cultivate to the realm of the universe and God, then Lao Tzu will kill all of you slave groups."


Countless students are roaring, and the entire college is astonishing.

Dean's office, Leng Shuangning was silent for a long time, I don't know what to say: "Now these students are too weak, you tell them what to do, do you really want them to die?"

Wang Xing looked at the void and remained silent for a long time.

It is not that no students have died. In fact, there have been thousands of dead students since the college was founded.

However, Agatha's death had a really big impact. It touched Wang Xing even more than when the first time a college student died.

Why Agatha died, she was for her own ideals, but her strength was not enough to realize her ideals.

So she was killed and killed by those in the slave group.

"I know, but there is always someone who wants to continue her will, and she is not shameful in her death. It is very glorious. Now the entire universe, I do n’t know how many slaves were deeply touched by the death of Agatha, and they have quietly buried their resistance. Seed, Agatha's death will start a new era. "Wang Xing said, his face was a little cold," but dare to kill the students of our college, and killed by the half-step God King's practice. Only Agatha, who is in the state of great consummation, is simply unforgivable. This person is called Cisse, isn't it? I will make him die.

Said, Wang Xing will leave the college.

But at this time, Ling Dong came over in a hurry: "Dean, Su Yu just went out, and sent directly to Luna Continent. I feel that he is going to avenge Agatha."

Su Yu?

Wang Xing was surprised, and no one expected to be more radical than himself.

"Yes, when Su Yu left, her face was somber and terrible, and his murderous body was amazing. In fact, Agatha pursued Su Yu when she was in college, but was rejected by Su Yu. Later, the two became friends. Su Yu also taught Agatha a lot of things, he can be regarded as a half master of Agatha. If Agatha had an accident, I think the most angry is Su Yu. "Ling Dong came to think about it, to be honest with him I also want to kill people, but here we have to see the college's arrangements, but I did not expect that Su Yu simply went out without saying hello to the college.

This is really crazy, but it's nothing more than a red face.

"Su Yu went ... okay." Wang Xing pondered for a moment. "He also has the realm of the main god, and has cultivated two first-class rules, six levels of supernatural powers, and got the star tower I gave. This Cisse is enough. "

Within the same realm, Wang Xing believed that Su Yu was an invincible existence.

"But Naxi Sai is not an ordinary person. Standing behind him is the Shenhe Slave Trading Group, the largest slave group in the universe. Even if Su Yu can defeat Cisai, the Shenhe Slave Trading Group will not sit idly by. And I suspect that this time they directly instructed. "Ling Dong thought for a while and thought it was too dangerous.

Leng Shuangning is the same, a little worried.

"Well, what's wrong with the Shenhe Slave Trading Group? Just behind him is the League of Gods. When Su Yu beheaded Xi Sai, whoever dared to shoot, I chopped his hand." Wang Xing said coldly, He didn't dare to say that he could pull out the Shenhe Slave Trading Group at once, but the college wanted to kill Cisse to avenge Agatha. Whoever dared to stop it was looking for death.


"For a Cisse, the Shenhe Slave Trading Group has the ability to go to war." Wang Xing waved his sleeves and did not want to say anything more.


Leng Shuang sighed, he knew that Wang Xing was really angry this time.

Without Su Yu's shot, he himself would kill Cisse himself, where would he control the Shenhe Slave Trading Group?

The best person who knows Wang Xing is Leng Shuangning. When it comes to protecting shorts, Wang Xing is second to none in the entire universe.


Su Yu left, and when it appeared again, it was already on the Luna continent.

This continent is the area under the control of Galaxy Bank, which is regarded as one of the branches of Galaxy Bank.

When Su Yu arrived, he had already checked the information about Cisse.

Cisse, a half-step **** Wang Xiuwei, is the head of a Shenhe company called Iron Slave Trading Company. It has tens of thousands of slave-catching regiments and has sold more than one billion slaves in his hands.

Among the slaves sold by him, the weakest was the flying heaven practice, and the strongest had the great perfection practice.

If this is the case, Cisse is not a cause for concern, but in fact, Cisse's Iron Slave Trading Company is just one of many secondary subsidiaries under the Shenhe Slave Trading Group.

The Shenhe Slave Trading Group is the source of the universe's slave trade. The Shenxi Bear Slave Trading Company, once encountered by the Immortal Academy in Wuxing Mountain Starfield, if it goes back, the person behind it is also the Shenhe Slave Trading Group.

This slave trading group company is the real giant, the boss of all slave companies in the universe.

The Shenhe Slave Trading Group also has the strength to dare not even underestimate the eight major forces.

After Su Yu came to the Luna continent, he did not rush to seek revenge from Cisse. He had one more important thing to do, which was to collect the body of Agatha.

The beheading of Agatha was typical of these slave trading companies' intentional demonstrations, so no one dared to collect her body.

Su Yu's figure flickered towards the place where Agatha died.

It was at this time that Su Yu received a message from Wang Xing.


Su Yu said, probably guessing why Wang Xing chose to contact him at this time: "Sorry Dean, I will kill someone, and then go back. And I have a star tower, even if the Supreme God hits me, I hide in No one in the Star Tower can kill me. "

Wang Xing naturally understands the power of the star tower.

Su Yu hid in the Star Tower, unless it was the God of the Universe, it was difficult to kill him.

Wang Xing did not blame Su Yu at this time: "I know you very well. Agatha is dead. Even if you are very angry like other students, you will not do anything to send death. Since you dare to come, it must be There is a certain certainty. You do not have to worry, I did not call you back, but came to tell you, despite letting go, there is a college behind you to support you, God above the realm of the king, who dares to shoot, I will directly chop His paw. What iron slave trade company, I don't want to hear that name again. "

Su Yu was so moved that the Dean originally supported him.

Wang Xing was silent for a while and then said, "The Shenhe Slave Trading Group may know that Agatha is a student of our college, but if they still do so, then they will bear the regret. Agatha is right, the slave trade It's too dark, and there will be tens of thousands of Agatha in our college, and there will only be more and more conflicts with them. "

For the liberation of the slaves of the universe, it is not a mission for Xian Xueyuan, but it is in line with Xian Xueyuan's values.

In the future, more students will not be accustomed to this, and conflict with Shenhe Slave Trading Group is inevitable.

However, the strength of Xianxian Academy is no longer afraid of any forces.

"I know the dean, and I have made a decision. I want to inherit the legacy of Agatha and liberate the slaves of the entire universe." When Su Yu said here, he thundered, apparently he had made this decision long ago. Then he vowed slowly to the sky, "I Su Yu swore to the sky, when I become the God of the universe, all time and space, all heavens, billions of worlds, all slaves will eventually be redeemed; when I become the God of the universe, All evil slave organizations will eventually be put into **** and never be born alive; when I became a cosmic god, all those who were, now, and future slaves will be reborn. "

Wang Xing froze, and did not expect Su Yu to make such an aspiration.

If this is not possible, Su Yu will have to bear huge cause and effect, and even if he becomes a universe **** in the future, he will not end up.

However, just after Su Yu made these aspirations, Wang Xing felt that Su Yu's spiritual will and the whole person's cultivation had been improved, and even got some blessing of luck.

He frowned, perceiving these lucks carefully, and immediately understood.

This is the history of the universe, dissociated in the universe, those who were transformed by the spiritual will of the slaves after death. These seemingly weak forces are floating in the universe. At this moment, they were infected by the aspirations of Su Yu, and spontaneously Came together towards Su Yu.

Wang Xing was silent for a long time. He thought of the great wish in eternal life.

Luna Continent, the headquarters of the Iron Slave Trading Company, is where Agatha died.

The Iron Slave Trading Company has 10,000 slave hunting groups. There are now more than 3,000 stationed here. At the same time more than 6 million slaves are imprisoned here, many of them members of the Agatha Iris Organization.

Su Yu came here, holding a sword in his hand.

"Who are you, what's the matter of coming to our iron slave trade company? Do you want to buy some slaves? Recently, we have caught a lot of stink ladies from the Iris Organization. The quality is very good. But you come ..." The man was talking about selling slaves to Su Yu.

"Iris Organization!"

When Su Yu heard this, the sword in her hand had been cut off.


The man's head was chopped off, his two eyes widened, and Su Yu was full of horror.

At this time, other people of the Iron Slave Trading Company noticed this place. After Su Yu's sword, the energy fluctuation was still very fierce.


"Someone invaded, all got up, someone invaded!"

"Look for death, who is so bold, I wonder if this is the site of the Iron Slave Trading Company."


Suddenly, the head of the slave-hunting regiment of the twenty-four main gods came out.

They looked at Su Yu, frowning.

"Who are you, do you want to die?" Hummed the head of a slave-hunting regiment.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that all of you here will die today. Those in the slave company are dead and there is no one innocent." Su Yu said, the star tower went straight into the void, and then only saw from the A force was released from China, covering the entire Iron Slave Trading Company.

Here you can only enter, not out!

Su Yu didn't want to let anyone go. He wanted to kill all those who killed Agatha and to be buried in Agatha.

"Look to death, kill him!"

Someone shouted that everyone started to Su Yu.

However, their strongest is only the realm of the main god, and Su Yu is also the main god. He also holds the star tower, masters two first-class rules, and countless advanced secrets. How can these people resist?

Just watching Su Yu's flying sword fly out, the sword was full of anger, one by one of the iron slave slave trading company died on the spot.

In a blink of an eye, the entire iron slave trading company became a **** on earth.

"Let your life, lord your life!"

A man in a slave-trap was frightened, and at this moment he was constantly backing away, but was restricted by the Star Tower, and he had no way back.

He was terrified in his heart at this moment. Where did this come from to kill the stars? It was simply too scary.

"Say, where is Cisse?" Su Yu found that these people did not have Cisse, the leader of the Iron Slave Trading Company, and Cisse was the chief evil he wanted to kill.

Su Yu's sword is still dripping blood. Where can the man dare to hide at this moment, fearing: "Our boss went to Xinghe Bank to do business, and is still at Xinghe Bank."

After Su Yu heard it, the sword waved in his hand, and the man closed his eyes in despair and unwillingness.

Su Yu did not rush to find Cisse, but came to the execution ground of the Iron Slave Trading Company, and he saw Agatha's body.

"Agatha, the senior is late."

Su Yu walked slowly, picked up Agatha's body, and then carefully packed it into an ice coffin prepared in advance.

Then, Su Yu walked to the place where the iron slave trade company imprisoned the slaves.

Only to see the millions of slaves imprisoned inside, there are many minors who have already been tortured.

All of these slaves were numb, and completely ignored Su Yu.

Su Yu looked at the prisons where the slaves were imprisoned, Feijian flew out, and cut off the locks of the prisons.

These slaves are unknown.

"You are free."

Su Yu said slowly at this time, then turned away and walked towards the outside. He was going to kill the Cissé.

For these slaves, Su Yu can only do so.

"Wait, wait, this lord, are you our president's classmate ... I see you are wearing the same clothes as our president." A voice sounded, only to see a woman coming out of a prison next to her This woman, like Agatha, is a deer girl.

Su Yu looked at her and nodded.

The woman hurried to her knees and said, "Sir, this is the relic of our president."

The woman said, a space ring spit out of her mouth.

Su Yu took a look and found that there is only one memo in the space ring, which is similar to a diary.

Opening this memo, Su Yu saw the content of the first page: "My freshman, starting from the Immortal Academy!"

This diary was written when Agatha entered the Immortal Academy, and it was written in Chinese.

"I became a student of Xian Academy, and I couldn't believe it myself. When Xiao Meng Xue sent me a notice, I was dumbfounded. But I was really happy to be a student of Xian Academy. I can also become very powerful. In fact, I have an ideal that after I become strong, I will liberate the slaves of the entire universe and let the brutal system of slaves disappear from the universe. "

"I'm so excited. I went to a great college to study. By the way, I saw Su Yu, a student of the college today, he is so handsome, I really want to give him a monkey ~ ~ I do n’t think this is too much, after all, there are so many girls who want to give Su Yu a long-term monkey. "

"I saw the dean, and I can't believe that it is the dean, just like an ordinary big brother, not at all like those on television on Earth. Sure enough, the television is deceptive."

"It's so difficult, you can't learn it at all, oh!"

"I confessed to Su Yu, but I was ignored, but nothing, anyway, so many people confessed to Su Yu, don't care about me more. Although Su Yu rejected me, but pointed me a lot about Thank you very much for what you have cultivated in front. "

"Yao Jie also looks handsome, I feel like a idiot they say."


"I have broken through to the Golden Immortal Realm. I feel I can do something. I set up an organization in the universe called Iris. The purpose of this organization is to liberate the slaves of the entire universe. The flower language of Iris is exactly Light and freedom. "

"Our iris organization has recently liberated all the slaves of the Igouli galaxy and is really proud of ourselves."


After reading the entire notepad, Su Yu was touched a little: "I will give these to our dean. For the time being, you leave here first, and I still have some things to do."

Seeing Su Yu leaving, the woman was anxious.

"Sir, where are you going? Outside are people from the Iron Slave Trading Company."

"I have been killed by all the people outside, but Cisse is not here. I will find him and kill him."

Su Yu said, she had gone outside.

The woman looked at a corpse in a place, startled, she looked at Su Yu in disbelief, was it all done by Su Yu?

This is too cruel.

Super Fairy College

Super Fairy College

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