Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1912: Famous approach

Yao Jie sympathized with Wei Xi when he saw Wei Xi's miserable look.

"Forget it, spare you."

Yao Jie let go of suppressing Weixi's fairy power, Weixi snorted, patted his pants and stood up.

He looked at Yao Jie, full of resentment.

"Don't I just grab your chance to become famous, so angry?" Yao Jie was helpless. "To be honest, we don't know each other. How about this matter?"

Weixi gritted his teeth without saying a word.

Forget it, you want to be beautiful. When I am better than you, I must step you on the ground and rub it.

Yao Jie saw Weixi's thoughts: "Do you still want revenge? Since you don't want to do this, I'm not polite. I must call you grandpa on my knees this time. Hehe, I Record it directly. If you dare to avenge me in the future, I will post it on the interstellar network, so even if you become the supreme god, or even the universe god, this is also a huge stain on you. "

Said, Yao Jie is about to start.

Seeing Yao Jie's fist, Weixi trembled in shock: "Forget it, this matter is fine, I won't retaliate."

He believed that Yao Jie was absolutely capable. When he got down on his knees and called Grandpa, he really lost his face.

Serving soft security first and then saying, he is not stupid.

"I don't believe it. You must be perfunctory."

Yao Jie raised his fist, and Weixi hurried back.

Weixi was panicked at this moment, as if he couldn't get over it at all: "Don't start, I mean, really."

"Dare you swear?"


"Don't dare, you really aren't sincere, you liar."


Wei Xi flew out, and the shells of the dragon's tortoise's blood appeared.

Yao Jie looked at his fists, all swollen: "What a turtle shell with a dragon's blood is really hard, no wonder the turtle has been playing for so long, this turtle grandson has nothing to do."

Weixi patted his **** and stood up again.

He looked at Yao Jie and hurriedly said, "Brother, don't start, I swear, I can swear."

Yao Jie nodded with satisfaction.

Weixi thought about it for a long time, then looked back at Yao Jie with a little embarrassment.

"What are you looking at, swear?"

"How do you swear? I have no experience with this."

Yao Jie was speechless and thought for a while: "You followed me and said that Yao Jie hit me today. It was purely my own fault. I will never retaliate. If I retaliate, I have no daughter, My son didn't *, my wife Hongxing came out of the wall, I had pus on my feet, and I had sores on my body.

Yao Jie said more than a thousand words, and Wei Xi was dumbfounded.

This is too vicious.

"Don't let it go, say!"

"Oh, okay, okay."

Weixi gritted his teeth and said, could it really not be fulfilled.

Yao Jie watched Weixi swear, finally felt safe, went up and gave Weixi a big hug: "Good brother, I know you are a generous person. Go, let's find a place to drink well Go for a drink. "

Weixi looked at Yao Jie's hand on his shoulder and really wanted to say something, could I not go?

He was stumped by Yao Jie. I didn't know how good the relationship was, and they were so close together.

Abraham looked at all of this from the beginning to the end, and was really hit by the shamelessness of Yao Jie. Is this kind of stuff taught by this immortal college?

the next day.

Both Weixi and Yao Jie were faint.

"Brother, this time I grab your limelight, I'm really sorry." Yao Jie said, and toasted again.

Wei Xi waved his hand: "Forget it, this thing is okay. But it's a pity that I came out of the Ancestral Palace this time, still thinking of defeating Wright, and became famous in the universe in one fell swoop. Now that everything is over, I will definitely be punished when I return People laugh. "

Not only did he not become famous, he was also surpassed by Zhang Xiaomeng in the ranking of the ancestral beast palace, which was really shameful.

From yesterday until now, he has received several "sons" of the Holy Son's summons.

Yao Jie saw Wei Xi's distressed look, and his eyes turned: "Wei Xi, don't you just want to be famous? This is an extraterritorial battlefield. It's not easy to become famous. There are really too many opportunities."

Weixi froze and looked at Yao Jie suspiciously.

Yao Jie was silent for a moment at this time, Shen said, "We are all geniuses, and we can only rely on our track records to become famous."


Weixi had to nod his head, otherwise he would not think of defeating the genius Wright, but now there is a second Wright to kill him.

Weixi thought about it, and tried to say, "Will I challenge the other gods of the alien race and kill some of the alien gods?"

Yao Jiehehe: "I also killed a dozen or so main gods of other races before. Do you think I am famous?"

Weixi thought about it. It seemed that Yao Jie was not famous before he killed Wright. He had never heard of Yao Jie's name.

It is also true that it is impossible to kill some unknown gods. After all, aliens have millions of masters in the extraterrestrial battlefields, and it is nothing to kill more than a dozen.

Yao Jie saw that Wei Xi was completely brought in by himself. At this time, holding Wei Xi's shoulder, he said solemnly: "So it is impossible to kill the Lord God. If you want to kill, you will kill the alien **** king. Become famous. "

Weixi was startled when he heard Yao Jie's words, and the wine in the glass was spilled.

Killing alien **** kings, what is their cultivation behavior, but it is only the main god, isn't this looking for death?

He looked at Yao Jie. Do you think I'm an idiot? What's your idea? It's not about killing someone with a knife. Let the alien **** king kill me.

When Yao Jie saw Wei Xi's scared look, he despised: "What are we afraid of? We are all geniuses, and the more advanced battles are the standard for geniuses. Do n’t you be so persuaded?"

I counsel?

Weixi doesn't want to talk anymore, is this a matter of persuasion: "Yao Jie, when you say that it is under immortality, I will dare to fight in two stages, but after immortality, I can also survive First-order, and it's still below the level of the main god. As for the level of the main god, I can get better by half the order. "

Can Yao Jie not know this? Above the realm of the Lord God, he is capable of surpassing half-level battles.

However, Yao Jie obviously had his own plan. He smiled: "Don't be afraid, who said that you are the only one. I can help you kill an alien **** king together. Then I said you killed it. By the time you become famous, I will be able to order loot. And, we certainly can't pick the powerful **** king in the alien race, just pick those **** kings who have just broken through to the realm of the **** king, and their blood is not very good. Although the success rate does not say that there will be 100%, there are still 70% to 80%. "

Wei Xi couldn't help yelling at Yao Jie, and he wasn't stupid. How could he feel that this was what Yao Jie had planned.

Yao Jie knew that Weixi could not be concealed, and he simply frankly said: "I originally planned to kill an alien **** king with Zhang Xiaomeng of our college, and then became famous in one fell swoop. Who knows that I just met Wright's arrogant pen and I killed He became famous in advance, so this plan is no longer needed. I just watch you worry about how to become famous now, so I am willing to tell you about this plan and work with you. Think about it, If you really do n’t have the courage, I advise you to return to the ancestral beast palace earlier, this universe may not be suitable for you. "

Yao Jie did have such a plan, but he had just been blackmailed by Zhang Xiaomeng. He felt that in cooperation with Zhang Xiaomeng, half of the loot to kill the alien **** king would be in Zhang Xiaomeng's hands.

But working with this Weixi is not the same, this guy is stupid, it will not be impossible to swallow the booty by himself.

Um, human stupid strength is not bad, it is an injustice.

This is how Yao Jie looks at Wei Xi, and this is what he and Yin Haojun learned. When encountering such a person, you must not miss it.

Wei Xi was also stimulated by Yao Jie at this time: "Whoever dares, kill an alien **** king. At that time, the loot will be given to you. It is my reward for asking you to shoot, and to the outside said that this **** king is myself. Kill. "

Yao Jie is extremely excited. What does fame give you? Do I need fame? I need the loot of the **** king.

"Okay, that's it. Who told me to steal your chance to become famous." Yao Jie said.

The next thing is, who to kill?

"Did you already have a goal?" Wei Xi was not stupid. Yao Jie planned for so long that he must know which of the alien gods are the weakest.

"I have a goal, General Kennon of the thirty-sixth army of the alien race. He belongs to the deer race of the alien race. He is of ordinary blood and has just broken through to the realm of the **** king in less than 100,000 years. He should kill well." Slowly, in fact, the target he originally chose was not the devil's Kennon, but with the big turtle, Weixi, the defense is very strong, and the deer is famous for its mystery and brute force. At that time, Weixi was in front of him as a shield, and he was very sure of killing Knon.

Wei Xi didn't know much about alien **** kings, but the blood of Kennon was really average, and the lower the blood in the alien race, the better to kill.

In addition, Kennon's breakthrough time is relatively short, only 100,000 years, but just entered the realm of the **** king, these two people besieged Kennon, the success rate is absolutely high.

"OK, done!"

Weixi gritted his teeth and wanted to be famous for not paying a price. When he killed Kennon, those who laughed at him at the Zuzu Palace would shut up.

After all, not every sage and virgin has killed the **** king.

In their ancestral beast palace, historically, the genius of killing the **** king with the cultivation of the realm of the Lord God was just a few people.

"Well, I heard about the Kennon Society going to inspect the thirty-sixth army of the alien race three days later. At that time, I am going to ambush in advance. You will seduce him over. Let ’s slaughter the King of God in one fell swoop." It's been too long. By then, Westie might have accumulated this fighting spirit, but it's gone.

"Why did I seduce him?"

"Your tortoise shell is thick. He can't kill you in a few moments, and if you are weak, you must dare to chase it."

"That is, the shell of my tortoise, which is derived from the blood of the dragon tortoise, which is comparable to the first-level eternal defense magic weapon. Wait, how do I feel that you are abusive, and where am I weak, how do you say I am also ranked twenty-seventh ... thirty-second in the Son of the Virgin and the Virgin. "

He also thought that he was defeated by Zhang Xiaomeng, and the noun slipped down several places.

"Don't be weak, listen to me at that time, let's slaughter the King of God!"

"When I seduced Kennon, wouldn't you run away?"

"What kind of person do you think of me, then what Yao Jie promised, it must be said and done. I think you say this sentence is an insult to my personality, in order to make up for my injured heart, this wine you Please. "

Talking, Yao Jie turned and left.

"I ask, please, how much is it?"

"Sir, do you spend a total of one hundred eternal coins?"

"so much?"

How could Westy be dumbfounded?

"When the gentleman left, he packed all the wine in our store."


Wei Xi once again felt Yao Jie's shamelessness, and such a thing could even be done.

Three days later.

Kennon is the deity king of the deer tribe, and the deer tribe is among the last ten among the hundreds of other races. At present, there is a supreme **** and less than ten **** kings in the deer tribe.

He can be a **** king, and to be honest he is quite proud.

All the aliens speak according to their strength. After he became the king of the gods, he directly controlled the thirty-sixth army of the aliens, and it was considered to have reached the peak of life.

However, until now, he was also very sad. Because of his low strength and relative life-threatening, he did not make any great achievements at all and was completely looked down on by other **** kings.

"I really want to make a contribution, but I just broke through to the realm of the **** king. You asked me to kill a **** king of the League of Gods, didn't this let me die?" Muttered, sitting in his godship, Severely despise those who do not understand their situation.

The Godship continued to move, and suddenly there was a fluctuation in the space ahead.

"what happened?"

Kennon got out of the ship and looked out, only to see a man appear in front of his ship.

This man is of course Westy. He looked around and frowned, "Where am I? This is an alien place, right? Westy, Westy, you are still the Son of the Ancestral Palace, this direction It ’s too bad. "

Talking ~ ~ Wei Xi is going to tear the space and leave.

Kennon stunned: "The main **** of the League of Gods? Or the prince of the ancestral palace Wessi? We had to fight against our alien genius Wright, wasn't he? It's too coincident, this guy got lost. Then I happened to rush to my presence. If I killed him, it would be a great achievement! "

Kennon was so excited that God really cared for him.

A son of the ancestral beast palace, this value is no less than the value of a **** king in the Union League universe.

The point is that Wei Xi only has the cultivation of the realm of the Lord God, and even if he has just broken through, killing a saint is not yet in his hands.

"Luck is really good, haha."

Kennon did not suspect that this was a deliberate trap, because it was a bait with a son of the ancestral palace.

Thinking to himself, he immediately blocked the space, but could not let the fat sheep at hand.

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