Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1913: King of God

Two people shuttle space, one in front and one in the back.

In a blink of an eye, I have shuttled several spaces.

At this time, Weixi pretended to have just discovered that someone was chasing after him, exclaimed: "An alien **** king is chasing me, I was found."

Kennon looked proud of Westy's panic.

Now I know that you have been found, you are dead, and my credit depends on you.


Kennon punched out, and Westy felt danger, and the turtle shell behind him immediately appeared.

However, the punch was strong and made Weixi spit out blood.

Weixi runs faster.

Kennon looked a little shocked: "Is this the Son of the Ancestral Palace? It really is so powerful. It took only a spit of blood after bearing my blow."

Kennon was even more excited. The more powerful Westy was, the more credit he could get after he killed Westy.

After this war, he also became famous among foreigners.

Chasing all the way down, but it was just a short breath time, Knon shot four punches, three of which hit Wei Xi's body.

Weixi has been suffering a lot. He is very defensive, but he has been so stunned by the King of God. Sooner or later he will be stabbed to death.

Fortunately, Yao Jie's hiding place is in front.

"Yao Jie, I'm here."

Weixi spoke, then plunged into a somewhat chaotic space.

After Wei Xi went in, he saw Yao Jie. At the moment, Yao Jie was watching, and when he saw him in, he gave him a smile.

Seeing Yao Jie like this, Weixi wanted to vomit blood again.

Without thinking about this, Wei Xi quickly went to the other side of the space, and Yao Jie left and right to prepare to attack Knon.

Outside, Knon followed with almost no pause.

At this time, a small flying sword came straight to his eyebrows, feeling the annihilation of the air on the small flying sword, and seemed to destroy his soul.

There is an ambush!

What he thought was terrifying.

Fortunately, he responded quickly, his head twisted quickly, and he avoided the key points.

"Hiding away? It's okay!"

Yao Jie sneered, his fingers swayed, and the little flying sword entered his body along Kennon's shoulders, and then headed for Kennon's kingdom.

Kennon was dumbfounded. What flying sword was this, he could directly target the kingdom of God.


Kennon only felt that he had been hit hard by his kingdom, and he entered the kingdom with his consciousness, and saw that his small flying sword had broken into his kingdom.


Kennon felt a huge crisis, and this flying sword could open a mouth in his kingdom of God. Then it may take only a few moments to completely destroy his kingdom of God.

The kingdom of God is the source of strength. When the kingdom of God is destroyed, he is dead.

Not afraid to have any hesitation, Kennon immediately urged the power of his kingdom and wanted to confine Xiao Fei Sword.

But who knows how to feel his power, Xiao Fei Jian turned into a thousand, rushed to all directions of the kingdom of God, and began large-scale destruction.

"not good!"

Knun's face flushed at the moment, and at this moment he felt a pain in his head.

Outside, Weixi was frantically attacking his body.

The hard tortoise shell was taken down by Wessi, and smashed into Knon's body continuously.

Kennon felt that his skull was going to be broken and his head was going to be flattened.

As far as Yao Jie in the distance, he didn't move at all. Now he has to control the flying sword with all his strength to restrain Kennon in the kingdom of God.

In the kingdom of God, each of the small flying swords was imprisoned by Knon, but Knon knew that his condition was very bad. His body was being destroyed by Weixi crazy and was about to collapse completely.

Once the divine body collapses, there is no place for the kingdom of God. At that time, he will certainly die.

"This **** king's body is too hard."

Wei Xi was so tired that he had already punched out tens of thousands of punches, but he had not broken Kennon's body.

Damn it!

The **** king really didn't kill so well.

"What are you stopping to do, shatter his **** body, I can't hold him for long." Yao Jie shouted at this time, your girl still stopped to rest, trying to find death, "his **** body has been destroyed more than 70 %, Continue to hammer him and make use of your milk. "

"I know, don't urge me, I'm tired, too." Weixi continued to work, although it was very cool to beat a **** king so brazenly, but each of these punches was a near full-strength blow from him. .

Boom boom!

Kennon's body damage was 72%, 75%, 79%, 84%, close to 90%.

"All flying swords are imprisoned."

In the kingdom of Kennon, so many small flying swords were finally imprisoned by Kennon.

Yao Jie did not lose anything at this time, but sneered: "Boom!"


I saw a thousand small flying swords exploding at the same time.

Kennon only felt that the kingdom of God was turbulent, and cracks appeared on the surface of the kingdom of God. At this time, Yao Jie flew a black stone in his hand, and smashed towards Kennon.

"Wessi, dodge!"

Weixi froze and looked back at the million-dollar stele in the void.


The stone tablet smashed against Knon, who had just returned to God, but at this moment found that his deity was under this blow and quickly collapsed.

90%, 92%, 96%, 100%!

His deity became a cosmic particle and completely dissipated.

Cannon, die!

Yao Jie took a sigh of relief at this time, and he was a bit tired. Manipulating Feijian to fight with the King of God was too much to consume his mind.

Coupled with the final blow, all his magic power was almost exhausted.

"I ... we really killed a **** king!"

Weixi murmured, looking unbelievable, looking at the dead Kennon.

They killed the King of God and really did it.

Who can believe this out.


Yao Jie was too lazy to pay attention to Wei Xi, and took back the stele first. This is the Void Stele of World Realm. When Wang Xing divided the treasure before, he gave him a magic weapon. Now he has been condensed many times and reached the fourth-order origin The pinnacle of magic.

Then, Yao Jie took back Kennon's space ring again.

Looking at the gains inside, Yao Jie grinned. There were even a lot of alien equipment inside, as well as many magic weapons and magic fluids.

A rough estimate is at least one million eternal coins.

It's worth it!

"Yao Jie, are you so pale, are you okay?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up."

Yao Jie took the lead and left, maybe the aliens will arrive.

Weixi also knew that the alien might be coming, or it was better to go back quickly.


On the periphery of the League of God station, you will be safe here.

Weixi looked at Yao Jie's recovery, and was curious: "What is your little flying sword? It can even break into the kingdom of God King."

Invading the kingdom of others, this is equivalent to going directly into the enemy's interior, and the damage to the enemy is absolutely fatal.

Otherwise, Kennon would not be pinned down by Yao Jie, and would have no time to take care of Weixi, letting Weixi be so explosive.

"This is a magical flying sword formed by my condensing of the law of immortals. It is between tangible and intangible. It travels time and space to break the kingdom of God. It can be said that it is my strongest killing trick. Sword, but a teacher from our college later said that the immortals in the universe are now in our college. Is n’t Xianxian cricketing ourselves, so I changed my name, now it ’s called Divine Magic Sword. Last time I killed Wright He used the magic sword of the God of God. ”Yao Jie was in a good mood today and didn't mind telling Weixi the origin of the magic sword of God of God.

After listening, Westy swallowed his throat, which was a terrible trick.

If it is replaced by himself, if Yao Jie's magic swords pierce into the kingdom of God, it will definitely die.

"Don't worry, aren't you going to be famous, don't hurry up to publicize your record." Yao Jie urged, Wei Xi hurry up, he can deal with the booty.

Weixi nodded with excitement, yes, he must quickly publicize his record.

Haha, I'm going to be famous.

"By the way, how do you propagate this?" Weixi suddenly choked, telling one by one that he had killed a **** king himself.

"Hehe." Yao Jie didn't know what to say, "Forget it, I'm a good person to the end, and help you."

Said, Yao Jie soared into the sky and flew towards the League of God station.

Wei Xi still didn't know what Yao Jie was going to do. At this time Yao Jie had shouted: "Son Wei Xi killed the alien **** Kennon, invincible!"

Together, Yao Jie shouted three or four times.

The League of Gods station, countless soldiers of the League of God were shocked to hear this voice.


Some people could not help but shouted and killed an alien **** king. This was the same as destroying an alien army, but it was a great victory.

Someone took the lead and others yelled.

Seeing this scene, Westey was dumbfounded. Can it still be like this?

Is he really going to be famous?

"Who, who killed Kennon?" Yan Yue was staying at the Orc Alliance, and she only felt that she had heard it wrong. "Wesi can kill alien **** kings like this, deceive ghosts!"

"Yanyue is supreme, I just got news that Kernon was really killed." Kexi, another **** king of the Orc Alliance, came over.

"So coincident, I don't believe it was Wei Xi's killing, this guy can't kill the **** king." Yan Yue shook her head.

Elsewhere, many people looked at each other.

Wei Xi killed an alien **** king, the main **** realm killed the **** king, is this Son of the Ancestral Palace so powerful?

After Yao Jie roared, he motioned towards Wei Xi and hurried away.

Followed by, he posted many pictures to the interstellar network, and then commented: "It was so shocking to sneak a sneak shot of Mr. West ’s Son to kill the alien **** Wang Ke's farm noodles. Mr. West ’s Son, mighty!"

After many people saw it, a little bit of doubt had disappeared.

Son Weisi really killed an alien **** king.

"This picture is really Weixi ..." Yan Yue was a little skeptical at the moment. On that screen, Weixi was punching and punching the mammoth Kennon. It looked like a one-sided situation, and Yao Jie and Kennon's battle in the kingdom of God was misleading because it could not be shot at all.

"It seems that Weixi has been underestimated by us." Kexi also said that it was necessary to sue the ancestors of the Ancestral Palace. In this way, the genius who defeated God's kingdom with the main divine realm must be fully trained.

Among the aliens.

"Kron was killed, and it was only the Son of the Lord God in the Ancestral Palace that killed him. This Knon is really a waste, a waste." An old man of the crystal tribe drank angrily, and the alien race was originally fighting over the ranks Famous, now it ’s better, a **** king of their alien race was killed by a main **** of the League of Gods, which was even more hateful than Yao Jie killed Wright.

"Knon, this idiot, has lost all of our alien faces." Someone also hated.

"Pass my order and kill this Weixi at all costs. If anyone kills him, reward him with a first-level eternal magic weapon." Crystal family gritted their teeth.


Weixi didn't know that he had been wanted by a foreigner. At the moment, he is proud to enjoy the worship of countless people.

"He is the Son of Weixi, a peerless genius who killed a **** king of another race in a more advanced battle."

"Holy Son of Ancestral Palace, it really deserves its name."

"It's awesome. Son Wessi is our role model."


After hearing these words, Weixi could do nothing but humbly say, "It's not so powerful, mainly because the clown is vulnerable. It's not that I'm too strong, it's that his **** king is too weak."

Everyone nodded after hearing that, Weixi was so violent and overwhelmed that the other party was unable to resist, but it was just a blow.

Weixi was on fire, completely on fire.

Everyone knows that there is a main **** in the extraterrestrial battlefield who can kill the **** king.


A year later, Wei Xi and Yao Jie were chatting.

"What was your harvest last time you killed Weixi?" Weixi asked casually.

"Uh?" Yao Jie said for a moment, and now you ask what this means. Do you want to share the loot back from me? "It's not good at all, except that the merit obtained by killing Knon is equivalent to 500,000 eternal coins. , Other Kennon's own homes are not worth a hundred eternal coins. "

Actually this is not the case.

Yao Jie processed Kennon's spoils and sold a total of 1.3 million eternity coins. In addition, the killing of Kennon was equal to 500,000 eternal coins. His one time harvested up to 1.8 million eternal coins.

This harvest is definitely a big gain ~ ~ Oh, then you ca n’t make it. I killed Knon this time, and the Ancestral Palace side rewarded me a total of five million eternal coins for training resources. Hehe. "Wessi said proudly.

"How many eternal coins?" Yao Jie thought he had heard wrong.

"Five million eternal coins, what's wrong?" Weixi wondered, how so?

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call." After Yao Jie walked away, he immediately called Mr. Huang Rong from the Academy Office. "Hey, Mr. Huang Rong are you there? The battle killed an alien **** king, what rewards can the academy give me? What is really fake, of course it is true. What is the name of the **** god killed, called Kron, which is an alien deer, you say Evidence? I ... "

Yao Jie thought about it, he had Mao's evidence.

"Yao Jie, Kennon was killed by a son of the ancestral beast named Wei Xi." Huang Rong said, cutting off the call.

"Hehe." Yao Jie couldn't help laughing or crying, looking at Wei Xi, he was all bad at the moment.

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