Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1914: Selected target

"That Weixi, you said that without me, can you kill Kennon? So, do you want to divide me by the reward of the five million eternity training resource?" Yao Jietian said shamelessly.

If the college doesn't give it, get something from Wei Xi.

"Yao Jie, we didn't have this in our previous agreement." Weixi wanted to cry, but she knew she wouldn't show off.

"None or nothing, you have to give me something, and your military merit is half of mine, otherwise I'm unbalanced." Yao Jie hated, he worked hard to get less than two million eternity training resources This is very good for Weixi, the ancestral beast palace directly rewarded five million eternal coins for training resources.

Wei Xi looked at Yao Jie's look, a little scared.

"Yes, what do you want me to do?" Yao Jie thought for a while and asked.

What Weixi thought of, hurriedly said, "I can give you 500,000 eternal coins, no, I will give you one million eternal coins for training resources, but you have to promise me one thing, how?"

One million eternal coins?

Yao Jie swallowed. Is it so bold?

"Say, if anything can be done, I will definitely agree." Where can Yao Jie take care of this at this time, a million eternal coins deserve any risk he takes.

"It's not a big deal, that is, to help someone kill another alien **** king." Wei Xi said a little embarrassed.

Yao Jie only felt that he heard it wrong.

Kill another alien **** king, does Weixi really consider himself a **** king killer?

"Anyone else wants to be famous?" Yao Jie thought about it, and probably guessed the reason, but the last time a **** king has died, there must be some defense over the alien race. It is not easy to kill another alien **** king. And the last time Killon was almost the weakest in the alien race, how could there be so many weak **** kings to kill them.

But that's a million eternal coins!

"A good friend of mine, the genius of the robot family, whose name is Guy, wants to be famous, too," Weixi said at this time.

Yao Jie suddenly hesitated, the mechanists are also rich owners.

Depending on the situation of the other party, he should also be a master god.

"Well, after the incident is done, the booty is still yours." Weixi felt that he still had to make a profit, or he wouldn't be able to move Yao Jie.

"It can be, but after the success of the game, the guy who received Guy's mech will receive 30%." Yao Jie thought about it. This time, he was in a loss. If it wasn't for Westy to ask him something, how could it be? Give him a share of one million eternity coins, so right now, he will pay 30%.

Weixi was stunned, wondering if it was a lion's mouth.

"Go back and say to Guy, if he agrees, let's kill another alien **** king, and promise to make him famous." Yao Jie also knew that Weixi could not decide, and urged Westey to rush, he already saw A lot of eternal coins have been credited.

"Okay." Weixi thought about it. Since Yao Jie had opened up the conditions, he certainly wouldn't let it go. Guy wanted to ask Yao Jie to kill the **** king, and he must be prepared for bleeding.

Weixi is leaving, what did Yao Jie think of: "What about you, do you shoot for free?"

Weixi smiled: "That's not the case. I want to buy a car that is specially built for the King of Gods, that is, the King of Gods. You know, the machine is the best in this respect, and Guy can be the master. Give me a 40% discount. "

God King Ship?

The vehicle that the King of God can possess, second only to the supership of the spaceship, Yao Jie is aggressive at this moment.

Guy still has this channel?

"That ..." What else did Yao Jie want to say, but Weixi had stunned and ran away.

Yao Jie always felt that he was losing money. A **** king ship, to say the least, would also be worth ten million eternity coins, and a 40% discount would save at least four million eternal coins.

Even if he changed hands, Weixi's earnings can reach 4 million eternal coins.

As for him, killing a **** king won't make so much profit.

"It's okay. There are many opportunities. Since Guy has this channel, he will be familiar with him at that time. Let him give me a 40% discount. Does he dare not fight?" Yao Jie muttered in his heart, and already covered Yi as a plate of dishes.

In the realm of the Lord God, if you can have a top-level mechanical family spaceship, this is almost like the 21st century of the earth when men own sports cars, which is definitely a status symbol.

Of course, the power of the **** king ship is needless to say, as long as the energy is sufficient, it can completely counter the **** king.

Mechanical family, peripheral area.

Weixi was waiting anxiously, and soon a man with a mechanical face came over.

"How's it going?" Guy inquired immediately, looking a little eager. This Westy is now well-known in the universe, and he was also envious.

"This can't be counted, it can only be said to be half. In fact, Yao Jie refused originally, but for you, I also pulled down my face and sent me down on my knees to ask him, and he agreed." When it comes to this, Wei Xi looks very ashamed, but in a flash, he said, "Look, can you fight me again, what about a 50% discount? Anyway, your family has its own spaceship company, This **** king ship is all your own ... "

"Don't say it, 50% off, 50% off. I'll sell it to you at a loss." Guy said a little bit. "Hurry up, did Yao Jie agree?"

"Yes, but after you kill the King of God, he wants you to get 30% of the reward above." Weixi said, as if I had done my best.

"Three percent?" Guy was silent. Why did he want to kill a **** king so much? On the one hand, he really wanted to be as famous as Wei Xi; on the other hand, because he knew that he had killed an alien **** king. It's extremely rich, and it has to be distributed to Yao Jie 30%, he is also reluctant.

Too much!

Guy was hesitating: "Weishi, you said that with Yao Jie's help, you must be able to kill the alien **** king?"

To be honest, Guy was still a little skeptical. Don't fail at that time, and get in with him.

Wei Xi was dissatisfied at this time, humming: "You suspect that I can't, what strength Yao Jie is, I have seen it. When I killed Kennon, he rushed into Kennon with the magic sword In the kingdom of God, Kennon was not able to fight back, so I took the opportunity to kill Kennon. Otherwise, you think I can kill Kennon, what strength I have, you don't know yet. "

In fact, the final killing of Knon was completed by Yao Jie making up a knife, but Wei Xi would not admit it.

What I killed was what I killed independently.

Guy gritted his teeth. "Okay, 30% of success, but let Yao Jie give me something beautiful."

As soon as Westey heard it, it became clear that he was secretly excited.


"Guy agreed?" When Yao Jie got the news, he was also a little excited. He gave me all the loot, and 30% of the rewards he gave me. He was not crazy.

He thought about it, although it was a little weird, but he understood it.

After all, it's impossible for Weixi or Guy to let them go and kill an alien **** king.

You can't kill God King beyond the ranks, even if the above rewards are placed there, they will not get them.

But now, although Yao Jie is divided into 30%, they get 70%, and they can also take advantage of the opportunity to become famous. In the future, they may not be able to get more cultivation resources.

As for whether he really beheaded the alien **** king or was fake, in fact, it is not as important as imagined. He needs such a genius to earn honor for them.

Basically, we have a genius who can kill the God King in more steps.

"How about, this time you are definitely making a lot of money. Guy is not only a genius of the Machinery Association, but also the first successor of the Lu family of the mechanical family. At that time, both the Mechanical Association and the Lu family will have rewards. It's definitely more than the money you made when you killed Kennon the last time. "Weixi said, all envious.

Yao Jie stunned, two rewards, he hadn't thought of it before?

I hurriedly checked the situation of the King Lu family. Yao Jie was dumbfounded. This turned out to be one of the nine major families of the mechanical family. One quarter of the universe ’s godships were made by this family. The family was first made, and later imitated by other mechanical families, and finally spread to the entire universe.

Guy, is still a second generation!

No wonder he dared to promise Westy that he would give him a 40% discount on the God King ship, which turned out to be his house.

"Second generation."

Yao Jie thought, all kinds of bad ideas came.

What to do when I meet the second generation, of course, I have to meet him!

"You think about the alien **** king we are going to kill this time, and then list out a plan. Then I will call Gay, and we can take action together." Of course, Westy would not consider this because hunting Yao Jie is the key to killing the **** king. All they need to do is to listen to Yao Jie's arrangement.

In fact, the most important thing is to let Yao Jie show his magic sword, restrain each other, and then let them go to the hammer.

Yao Jie nodded. For such an amazing reward, even if there are difficulties, he must rise up.

Half a month later, Yao Jie officially met Guy.

Looking at this guy with thick thighs, Yao Jie almost thought without thinking: "Second generation, do you still lack pendants on your legs?"

Guy was stunned, unknown.

"Ahem, just kidding, I'm ready to plan, let's go to a place where nobody is talking." Yao Jie said, the three of them shuttled to a deserted place.

Wei Xi was on the side, and Guy looked at Yao Jie with a curious expression. To be honest, at the first sight of Yao Jie, he couldn't believe that Yao Jie had the ability to help him kill God King.

Yao Jie also noticed the mind of the other party, and didn't care, immediately began to explain his plan: "This time I plan to kill Butcher of the alien cattle demon tribe. There are four main reasons. The first is Pakistan. Cherle belongs to the ox demon tribe. In the alien race, the blood vein strength is a little stronger than the deer tribe. The second is that although Bacheler has broken through the realm of the **** king for millions of years, he was injured not long ago. Now, the strength has plummeted, even if it is stronger than Kennon before, but it is also limited. The third is that Butcher offended the commander of the interracial commander of the Honghuang Battlefield, and was assigned to the edge of the border two hundred years ago. Four are bachelor's irritable personality. To put it bluntly, he has no courage, but he himself feels that he is very powerful, very smart, and narcissistic. "

Guy listened carefully and found that Yao Jie made sense, especially the object he chose, which almost coincided with him.

"Okay, this is Butcher, the key is **** him?" Weixi thought for a moment, knowing that it was definitely not easy to seduce the other person now. There must have been a warning to these **** kings.

Yao Jie smiled at this time: "This time we don't try to seduce him, but let this Butcher himself fall into our trap."

Both Westy and Guy are stunned, some are unknown.

At this time, Yao Jie had a map in his hand: "This is a map that can lead to the inheritance of the Three-Eyed God King, who was once one of the most powerful and supreme gods in our God Union universe. God's seat, and it is said that his treasure house of knowledge possesses unpredictable power, which is equivalent to a high-level eternal magic weapon, and the future void road he cultivates can calculate the future, which is very powerful. "

Weixi and Guy are both dumbfounded, they don't know what Yao Jie is going to do?

"What do you think if Butcher got this map, what would he do? Did he follow the map's guidelines to find the inheritance of the Three-eyed God, get treasures, or didn't see what he should do?" "I'm going to use it anyway, even if there are no treasures there, I will go and see."

People are curious, and Yao Jie said that to use it is to use Buchler's curiosity.

"If it is really the inheritance of the Three-Eyed God Monarch, it is likely to seduce Butcher, but after all, Butcher is the **** king ~ ~ You can trick him with this map. I knew that the last place on the map didn't exist at all. "Guy thought for a moment. The strong man in the realm of God King had this ability.

Wei Xi also felt that Yao Jie was a little too taken for granted.

"It doesn't exist at all, but the place where my map finally guides. It is really the place where the three-eyed gods inherit, but now this inheritance has been obtained by a student of our college, so there is no fake one. In addition, in order to convince Butcherer that this map is true, I also asked the three Supreme God teachers of our college to fake this map. As long as it is not the Supreme God, I ca n’t see that this is a trap, I just thought This is the guidance left by the Three Eyed God. Of course, I will also divide the map into several parts, and I will not let Butcher get it at once, so he will not doubt that there is a problem in it. ”Yao Jie said here At the time, Guy and Wessey were aggressive.

Is it really good for you to design a **** king like this?

The Supreme Master of the three colleges helped to fake the map. The map is divided into several parts. The inheritance is also true?

By that time, Butcher thought he had gotten an adventure. In fact, he was running wildly on the road of death.

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