Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1915: Plan execution

Guy took a closer look at the map and looked at Yao Jie, and had to admit that the plan was feasible.

"Okay, just do what you said. After you're done, your benefits will be indispensable." Guy stood tall and proud.

What Yao Jie wanted to say, but for eternity's sake, could I bear it?

Everything that followed was arranged by Yao Jie.

However, to achieve this plan, it will take at least ten years. Yao Jie has made it clear to Guy in advance.


On the edge of the flood battlefield, Butcher was staying in a Godship. This is an alien military godship. But Butcher directly seized a ship as his own palace.

He was assigned to the marginal zone where he was at war with the League of Gods. Although the chances of participating in the war became less, the war gains he would get would also be less.

In particular, Butcher was seriously injured, and now needs some resources to recover, so this is the most fatal to him.

"Damn Brindel, waiting for me to become the supreme **** one day will make you pay." He scolded Brindel, who is the name of the alien commander in the flood field.

But Butcher has also been addicted, even if he broke through to the realm of supreme god, unless there is any powerful magic weapon, or some powerful mystery practiced, otherwise he would be impossible to defeat Brindel.

Brindel has the best horned blood, which is not comparable to him at all.

After he scolded, he ate a few mouthfuls of meat, then looked at the stock in his space ring, and frowned secretly.

He is really too poor, basically everything that can be exchanged for cultivation resources has been dealt with.


At this time, there was a sound outside.

With a bright eye, Butcher went out immediately: "What's the harvest in this period of time?"

In front of him, there was a ox warrior named Charnley. Seeing that his rank had become an alien general.

In other words, Charnley has the cultivation of the realm of the Lord God.

At this time, Charnley respectfully handed out a space ring: "We have been fighting the League of Gods during this time, and the loot we have seized are here."

Butcher took it over and looked into the space ring, only to see that the contents were piled up like a mountain.

Charnley stood aside and didn't dare to speak, leaving Butcher to pull these loot.

In fact, the thing that Butcher was doing was to leak some of the spoils of war, and he secretly dispose of these spoils and replaced them with training resources to restore his injuries.

Butcher's consciousness is very powerful. He can see which spoils are valuable under his scan.

Suddenly, a strange Rubik's cube attracted his idea.

This Rubik's Cube seemed bland and strange, like a magic weapon, but when his consciousness was scanned on the Rubik's Cube, he felt a very subtle breath.

Is it a treasure?

Butcher also knew that in the battlefields outside the territory, such unknown treasures were often missing in the loot seized.

He took out the Rubik's cube and looked at Zahnli: "What's weird about this thing?"

Charnley froze for a long time and shook his head. This is not an ordinary magic weapon, nor is it of much value.

Butcher didn't say anything. He saw that the extremely subtle atmosphere on it can only be sensed by the king of the gods, and the realm of the Lord God could not be sensed at all.

He accepted the Rubik's cube, and then took some loot from it, probably one tenth of it.

"Chaenli, you can rest assured that I will recover your cultivation, and I will not forget your credit. At that time, I will do my best to help you break through to the realm of the **** king, and let me be the forty-four **** king of our demon tribe "Bachelle patted Charnley on the shoulder. Who wouldn't paint such a big cake? Charnley didn't know that he was just flickering at him. He was very excited. He took the risk to help him. It's not for the purpose of leaking loot.

Chanley was sent away, and Butcher pulled out the Rubik's cube again.

He carefully researched and found that this magical energy breath flows through this six-by-six sixth-order Rubik's cube in accordance with a specific law. With different colors, the position of the Rubik's cube is different, and the circulation lines are different.

He tried to rotate the Rubik's Cube, recording the movement of the Rubik's Cube, and in a blink of an eye it was three months.

Until this day, when he moved the Rubik's cube to a position, the energy breath actually entered the Rubik's cube along a Rubik's cube.


Charnley was overjoyed: "What's in it, a treasure or something? This method, and this imitation material, is definitely something that a supreme **** can make."

But when the Rubik's Cube was opened, Charnley was dumbfounded.

There is no imaginary treasure in it, and a map is engraved on the inside of the Rubik's cube. It should be said that there are only one-third of the maps, and he carefully looks at the location of the maps, which is still in the League of Gods universe.

He took a closer look at the map's route, as if guiding a place.

What will be in this place, is it a heritage?

As for the special mark of the three-eyed **** above, to be honest, Charnley didn't know it at all, but thought it was a pattern with no meaning.

He thought about it and decided to put it away first, but when he tried to put it away, he found that the map was moving towards a place.


Charnley was dumbfounded. What direction did the map move? It wouldn't be the rest of the map.

He held the map in his hand. At this time, he could easily feel the direction the map was going to move.

He had no doubt at all and set off immediately.

Half a month later, he went to a place where it turned out to be an extraterrestrial battlefield, and it was a place where their aliens traded.

In front of a stall, a man's cube was exactly the same as what he was selling.

"How much is it?"

Charnley pointed and was ecstatic.

The stall owner was a horned man. He looked at Zanli and found that the other party was a **** king, but he didn't have any fear: "If you don't sell it, if you want to buy it, get a fourth-order original magic weapon."

Charnley was dumbfounded.

This asking price is too dark.

"Damn, what the **** are you doing, worth the price?" Charnley was going crazy.

A fourth-order original magic weapon, he now has one.

He just showed his breath on purpose, which is good. The other party probably thinks he is the rich master.

"Then you love to buy or not to buy." The man then didn't talk to Richard Enley at all.

"Are you a lord god, isn't it too arrogant, I'm the **** king, you are so blackmailing me, aren't you afraid that I will trouble you in the future?" Said Zahnli, already threatening.

I am a **** king who wants to buy your things, and you dare to blackmail me. If there is no one here, I can rob you.

Charnley looked at the man, looking completely miserable.

"I ransom you. You do n’t want to buy it. I did n’t ask you to buy it. Besides, you dare to ask me for trouble. Do you know who I am? Do you know who our alien commander is in the battlefield? Father, you're asking me for trouble. I won't be able to take you around. "The man drank angrily, and was not afraid of Charnley at all, but threatened him.


Charnley's face suddenly sank. It was really a narrow path for the enemies, and what he wanted to buy fell into the hands of Brindel's offspring.

As for which son of Brindel the man is, to be honest Brindel has so many sons, where does he know.

The man did not dare to speak when he saw Charnley, and hummed, "Look if you really want to buy it, and I honestly tell you that this thing is not mine, but my father's. He collected it, It ’s been kept in his treasure house. I do n’t know what it is, but I made a contribution not long ago. He asked me to choose a treasure in his treasure house. Later, when I saw this Rubik ’s cube, I chose it. I found that the Rubik's Cube could not be used at all, so I decided to take a shot. Although I don't know what the Rubik's Cube is useful for, the things that can be taken into the treasure house by my father are definitely valuable. "

Charnley was shocked again when he heard this.

This turned out to be something of Brindel. Didn't Brindel find the secret of Rubik's Cube, or was there any other reason?

"Brindel, I didn't expect that this Rubik's cube was yours. It was really good. You humiliated me last time, sent me to the margins, and you laughed at me secretly, saying that I had no courage, and this time I let You see, how did I pick up a leak from your hand and get a great chance. "Butcher secretly said.

Now because the previous owner of the Rubik's Cube was Brindel, he instantly felt a sense of revenge.

If he finally solved the secret of the Rubik's Cube and obtained the treasure, he would not have properly hit Brindel's face.

Doesn't this prove that he is stronger than Brindel.

"Okay, a fourth-order source magic weapon, I'll change it for you." Butcher gritted his teeth and took out his only fourth-order source magic weapon, only to see that it was a large golden bell. It depicts countless stars, and some totems of alien species.

The man saw it at a glance, it was a good treasure.

Make a lot of money!

"Okay, the deal."


After Butcher left, the man also quickly left, but then went straight to the site of the League of Gods, and when the boundary of the League of Gods site, he changed into a person.

It's Yao Jie.

"Good baby, hurry up and refine. I don't know how this baby compares to the legendary Donghuang Bell."

Yao Jie, hey, how can this plan he designed be so simple.

The first thing is to squeeze out Butcherer, and when he heard that Butcherer still has a fourth-order original magic weapon, he thinks about it. He will deceive this magic weapon first, or when he really fights, this Butcherer When the big bell struck, who knew he would not be able to stand it.


Butcher didn't know this yet. After returning, he followed the previous method and spent another year before he opened the Rubik's Cube.

Sure enough, there is also a map on the back of this cube.

The two maps seem to be perfectly connected, but he should be the first map, this is the second, which means that there is still a map missing.

In addition, he also found that the original second map did not guide the ability to find other maps.

"No wonder it was in Brindel's hands. He couldn't find another map, so he placed the Rubik's cube in the treasure house, because he got only the second map, which must be the first map. The Rubik's Cube has the ability to sense where the other two maps are. "Butcher felt proud, feeling that he was destined to get this treasure.

Next is where the third map is, and by that time everything can be solved.

Butcher didn't dare to be idle, and he couldn't wait to follow the guidelines immediately. The third map was a little embarrassing. He found that he was in the League of Gods Universe.

He gritted his teeth and decided to lurk in, looking for a third Rubik's cube.

Four years later, he came to an unfamiliar League of Stars, where a large auction was about to take place, and one of the lots turned out to be the third Rubik's cube he was looking for.


Butcher was so excited that he was getting closer to the truth.

As for robbing at the auction, he did not dare, because once his alien identity was exposed, he would almost certainly die.

So he had to participate in the auction to obtain this Rubik's cube in a formal way.

Butcher gritted his teeth, and decided to sell everything he could before the auction began, and then find someone to borrow eternal coins in an instant.

Because he got a message, several people of this Rubik's Cube fancy, and the price is likely to reach one million eternal coins.

Soon, the auction began.

The starting price is only 10,000 eternal coins, but some people quickly increase the price to 100,000 eternal coins, and as his price increases, others continue to increase prices.

Among them, he found that three people bid on the Rubik's Cube, and one of them gave up at 800,000 eternal coins, and the other gave up at 1.4 million eternal coins.

In the end, he finally photographed this Rubik's cube for the price of 2.5 million eternal coins ~

This is his entire net worth, and even includes 1.3 million eternal coins he borrowed.

After the auction, three people quietly left.

One of them was Yao Jie. He looked at Guy and Weixi next to him and immediately said: "Although Rubik's Cube auctioned 2.5 million eternal coins, the money was not mine. After all, Rubik's Cube was our third The Supreme Master God did it, it was just a hard work for them. "

Guy doesn't matter at all, it's just 2.5 million eternal coins. Who cares?

Wei Xi just shirked his lips. He already knew Yao Jie very well, saying that it was the hard work of your college teachers, and he must have all gone into your pocket.

"Ahem, the plan was very successful. Now that this Butcher clangs poorly, the magic weapon has also been accepted by me, and the combat effectiveness is not as good as before. Let's get ready and let him run away." Yao Jie said, and Gai Yi has flushed with excitement.

He, Guy, will also slaughter the King of God and become famous in the universe!

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