Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1919: Hurt parting

The two probably guessed what was going on, and the cooperation between the three of them may be temporarily over.

Sure enough, I only listened to Yao Jie at this time: "The first thing is that we can't do the business of killing God King. Many people already know what's going on, and those who still come to entrust business, even if they are I can get the above rewards, but it ’s already pitiful, and we can get even less. What ’s more important is the alien side. At present, the Supreme God is inspecting. As long as we catch three of us, we must It has given us everything. "

The returns are too low to meet expectations, and coupled with increased danger, it really needs to be moderate.

Weixi and Guy also know that although the three have slowed down the hunting of alien gods over the years, how many alien gods they killed, a total of seventeen.

You should know that there are only one hundred and sixty-eight **** kings in the extraterrestrial battlefields, which is equivalent to one tenth of the amount.

This incident is simply appalling, and the three of Yao Jie have completely become a legend on the floodfield.

But the aliens, they certainly would not admit it.

"If you don't do it, don't do it. After we all practice to the realm of the **** king, we will re-do the old business. At that time, we will not kill the **** king and kill the supreme god. This will definitely make more money." I want to kill the highest **** in the realm of the **** king, unless all three have high-level eternal magic, and it is only possible to reach the high-order **** king.

Killing the Supreme King at the highest level is at least ten times more difficult than killing the King at the higher level.

Guy smiled. He wasn't as naive as Wessey.

"The second thing is that I'm going back to the college, so today I'm here to say goodbye to you." Yao Jie said, a little sad.

In these 80,000 years, the three have established a very deep friendship, and this parting may see you next time, but I don't know how many years later.

Especially the cosmic environment may not even be seen again in the future. After all, no one knows which one will come tomorrow or the accident first. This will give them the same alien gods they killed. They will never I expected to die.

"Let's go?" Weixi froze a bit, even if the three did not do this business, but there are still many things that can be done, but when Yao Jie left, they didn't mean to break up.

Guy is the same. Although he had expected to return this day, he did not expect to come so soon.

Yao Jie patted the shoulders of the two men: "I won't see them in the future, don't I say that they will kill the Supreme God together in the future."

Weixi nodded, and smiled strongly: "Yes, kill the Supreme God together."

Guy nodded firmly, this is the slogan of the three, and see you later.

Parting is very kind. Only fine wine can make people forget this. The entire universe is connected in this regard.

The three of Yao Jie drank for three days and three nights, looking at the vast starry sky, and the three chatted casually.

"Guy, you hunted down the King of God with us. I almost hanged a few times, regret it?" Yao Jie said he touched a cup with Guy. To be honest, Yao Jie admired Guy. A successor who dared to follow them dared to fight the King of God with them, and even suffered death crises several times, and they would not dare to change to others.

Guy's conditions are so good, he can rely on a lot of cultivation resources, all the way to God's Realm.

At this time, Guy put down the cup in his hand and gave Yao Jie a white look: "Yao Jie, you look down on me too much. I live in this universe, and I am happy to see how I am happy. How come from the family? Those heirs, worried that I would go back to inherit the King Lu family, worry that I would break through the realm, and worry that I would be disadvantaged to them after becoming the patriarch. To be honest, I do n’t care what the King Lu family is, so they treat them as villains. The gentleman's belly. I feel that it is a pleasure to hunt down the King of God with you, so I did it, and regretted what it was, I never considered it. "

Maybe someone regards treasure as something that is extremely important, but it is worthless to some people.

Guy is clearly one such person.

Yao Jie felt that Guy was stupid through his understanding of Guy. Although Guy was the first heir to the family, he did not seek more resources for cultivation from the family.

The only time he made an exception was that he was sold to a West King ship at a low price. In fact, the King King ship originally belonged to him.

Even later, Guy sold 25% off the God King ship that he sold to Yao Jie. In the end, he secretly paid 1.5 million eternal coins, which was a 10% discount for Yao Jie, and his authority It's a 10% discount.

After learning about the incident, Westey also felt that Guy was stupid and blindly identified as his heir.

Yao Jie smiled and looked at Wei Xi again: "How about you, I think you have fallen into the eyes of the money, is it so short of money?"

Wei Xi 讪讪.

Is he short of money? Really short of it. He and Yao Jie are hunting and killing **** kings for the purpose of getting more money.

"No way, I'm poor. Unlike you, one is a student fully trained by Xian College, and the other is the second generation of the big family." Wei Xi casually said.

"Don't talk nonsense, we all know that you are secretly raising a planet." Guy couldn't hear it at this time, couldn't help revealing it, "I came to the battlefield outside the territory, and you said you were in the Ancestral Palace. Servant, but the one who is clinging to you, is willing to invite the servant, and even if it is, I have not seen the holy son of that mechanical tribe, but only one servant in the realm of God. "

Wei Xi's wine was gone, and some of his faces were not good.

Yao Jie saw this and yelled, "It's not a coincidence that the two of us deliberately investigated you. It was a coincidence. After the next **** who came to find you left, he was stopped and wanted to rob him. The two of us coincided with it. Will save him. Later we listened to what he said about you. It turned out that you came out of the planet with him. At first, in order to allow you to participate in the assessment of the Orc Alliance, the entire planet smashed the pot to sell you iron. Then later I paid you enough. From the moment you entered the Beast King's Palace, you began to send back the training resources you saved. Now on your mother star, the highest cultivation has been only the cosmic light realm, and now six immortals have been born, all of which are Your credit. "

Weixi listened to these, even if he was carefree, his eyes were moist.

Yao Jie and Guy are both silent, this guy still has this side.

"You know I'm just a little planet, wouldn't I look down on me?" Weixi suddenly looked up, a little stunned.

"What do you think, if you come from the origin, I came out of the earth, there will be no humans on the earth for ten million years." Yao Jie was a little speechless, Guy is also a little speechless, you really have a lot of drama.

"Oh, but why are you so powerful on Earth?" Weixi suddenly thought about it, and his parent star was so bad 10 million years ago that he wouldn't even have intelligent life, but now on development, his parent star It's really far from the earth.


Guy also looked at Yao Jie curiously, and thought carefully, your earth is developing too fast.

They had heard Yao Jie say long ago that although the Earth Federation now has only one river territory, the sphere of influence actually controlled has reached nine star domains, which is simply terrible.

Not only that, the strength of the Heavenly Emperor possessed by the Earth Federation has already approached the highest level of God.

"Because the earth has a fairy college."

Yao Jie said this answer after a long silence.

Yes, all changes to the earth have come after the Xianxian Academy came out.

What would the earth look like without the appearance of the Immortal Academy? Perhaps it would have been a colony for other races.

"Xian Academy?"

Guy and Wessi muttered that this academy is indeed a legend. Even their respective forces now dare not ignore the existence of immortal academy.

Although the League of God did not say, the Xian Academy has faintly become the ninth force in the League of God.

"Yao Jie, you're gone. I'm boring in this battlefield. I plan to go back to the family." Guy thought about it, but he should go back. Now he has cultivated to the half-step **** king realm. Go back and make the best preparations. When the preparations are sufficient, he can try to break through to the realm of the **** king.

Yao Jie nodded: "Go back, you still have to fight for what you should fight for."

Guy can understand what Yao Jie meant, but he didn't care about it, so he had to wait until he went back.

"You are all gone, let's hurry up. The aliens have been killed by so many **** kings. It is too dangerous to leave me alone." Wei Xi looked a little scared, but Yao Jie knew that, As long as Weixi hides in the League of God ’s League, there will be no danger. Aside from anything else, Abraham will be there. If Westey is really in danger, he will definitely be able to rush to the Abraham commander's camp. "I'll go back to my home star first, and then I'll go to the Ancestral Palace to see if I can get any good ..."

Yao Jie and Guy are both tadpoles. This ancestral beast palace has recruited you and has fallen into bad mold.

Yao Jie thought about it at this time, and took out a magic weapon: "This is the two swords we got when we killed the **** king. Each of these two swords is an initial eternal weapon. The two are combined together. It is comparable to a medium-level eternal weapon. However, weapons are weapons after all, and they are a lot worse than magic weapons. However, with the increase of your gloves, you will also increase your combat power a lot. "

Then, Yao Jie handed it to Wei Xi.

"Give it to me?"

Weixi froze. He knew that the knives were very valuable. Although he had gloves, he actually lacked a longer weapon.

These knives waffled right and left, as if with him.

"It's not for you. Don't you want to buy it?"

"Haha, I'm welcome."

Weixi said, playing with a pair of swords, felt very easy.

But why did Yao Jie feel so weird, double sword, turtle shell, this shape ...

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!


Yao Jie couldn't help laughing, and Wei Xi didn't know what was going on. He asked Yao Jie that Yao Jie wouldn't say it.


Ten days later, a **** king ship quietly left.

It took a short time to return to Hongxian Academy from Honghuang Battlefield, but after Yao Jie left Honghuang Battlefield, he suddenly felt wrong.

His God Kingship entered another space, the way he must go back, the space was distorted.

After Yao Jie came to this space, he felt that all messages were isolated.

Someone is ambushing himself.

Thinking of this, Yao Jie's face changed greatly.

What the **** is, if it is a **** king, it is bad if it is a supreme god.

At this time, a cold voice came, and only a purple-eyed, purple-haired man appeared in the void opposite the Yaojie Godship.

"Crystal men, and the amethyst family with high bloodlines."

Yao Jie grunted, and it turned out to be alien.

The crystal family is divided into the amethyst family and the blue crystal family, and the distinction depends on the color.

However, he could feel that this crystal man was just the realm of the Lord God and had not reached the realm of the King of God.

So, he can fight.

At this time, the crystal man slowly said: "My name is Luo, and you can also call me Ziluo ... I know you, our seventeen **** kings of different races were killed, and you are the dominant person."

Yao Jie suddenly, is it Luo?

He and Guy and Weixi killed seventeen **** kings of the alien race, but in these years, the alien races also killed twelve **** kings of the League of Gods as revenge, and four of them were killed by Luo.

Unlike Yao Jie, this Luo Ke is really the God of the League of Gods killed entirely by himself.

"It turned out to be you. You are brave enough. This is the territory of our Divine Union universe, and it is not far from our college. You stopped me here and wanted to find death?" Yao distinguished the **** king ship and took the king The ship was stowed away.

As long as it is not the Supreme God, it is difficult to kill him.

So for Luo, even if he knew that the other party had the ability to kill the God King alone, Yao Jie was not very afraid of him.

Now, if he were to let him kill Knon at that time, he could do it alone.

"You should be the most powerful genius in the League of Gods ~ ~ and I just think that I am in the crystal family, and a genius that can be stronger than me will not exceed one hand. So, I have long thought that I will You are. "Luo Dandan said, his war was furious, it seemed that he was born for war.

This is a decisive battle between two geniuses.

Yao Jie once killed Wright of the Crystal Clan, but Wright is obviously far worse than Loby.

"Will I? You still think about how you can leave alive. By the way, please remind you that if the college does not receive my news within three minutes, then if the cause and effect is traced back, you are expected to be exposed immediately. Even if I want you to leave, the teachers at our college will not let you leave alive. Especially for the crystal family like you, I think our college teachers still want to send you to the dissection table. "Yao Jie laughed In order to fight with himself, this Luo dare to intercept himself so riskily.

This guy was really left in the end, so laughed.

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