Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1920: Yao Jie from Immortal College, here 1 tour!

Luo paused, apparently he didn't expect this. ???????? w? ena`com

He pondered for a moment, and the sword in his hand was swaggering: "Any three minutes, enough to kill you."

How many things can I do in three minutes?

A master **** can move beyond ten star domains within three minutes, and a **** king can even destroy a river system within three minutes.

Yao Jie was a little dignified at this moment. Since Luo dare to say so, he must have absolute confidence in his own strength.


Luo flashed, and had already killed Yao Jie.

Time was limited and he didn't dare to delay, so he chose to shoot immediately.

With this knife splitting, Yao Jie only felt that the sky was torn apart, and all the material began to decompose, and even the space was melting like ice.

Law of Destruction!

Yao Jie saw it at a glance, and Qin Yan practiced this rule in the college.

This knife comes, it seems to destroy everything, even time and space, it is like destroying the structure of the universe now.

"Open the sky!"

Yao Jie was shocked and took out his own strength of 122%.

He can feel that Luo's blow is comparable to the first-level **** king. Luo can kill the four **** kings of the League of God, and it is not without reason.

A long sword appeared in Yao Jie's hand, and this sword condensed all kinds of fairy power.

What an immortal is, it is light, it is vast, it is eternal, and it is kind.

Under this sword, voids are born, small worlds are formed one by one, time and space are born, one life is being conceived, everything is full of hope, everything is flourishing, all life is flourishing, and everything is eternal.

"If you want to destroy, I will have a new life!"

Yao Jie completely hit the opposite force of Luo. These two forces collided, the energy annihilated each other, and the whole space was oscillated.

Boom boom!

The void collapsed, and the black lotus condensed by blossoming dark energy was blooming.

Luo's face was a little dignified. He could see Yao Jie's strength from this blow. This is definitely a genius who can be named with him.

"Okay, I'm more interested in you."

Luo rushed to Yao Jie again, and the sword in his hand was cut out in a frantic way. Countless knife shadows divided the space a little bit.

Space is like a piece of piece.

Yao Jie kept backing, and after retreating, he closed his flying sword toward his back, then put his index and middle fingers up to the corner of his mouth, and read many mysterious mantras.

As he continued to chant the spell, the divided space in front of him suddenly came together.

Luo was a little surprised. Yao Jie had just manipulated the law of space, but he knew that Yao Jie had not practiced the law of space.

Too strange.

Space reunited, Yao Jie's flying sword flew out and headed for Luo.

Fei Jian cut through space and could not see any trace at all, only a white spot of light shuttled through the void.

Luo was chased by Feijian. He continued to chop Feijian with a knife, but even if Feijian was chopped by him, he would immediately catch up again.


Yao Jie watched Luo's movements all the time. When he saw that the time was almost up, he yelled, and a big monument fell from the sky toward Luo who was still chopping Fei Jian.

Void Void Stele!

This monument is already a fourth-order original magic weapon, and the space around Luo's body is distorted as soon as it comes out.

Luo originally wanted to avoid the flying sword. Under the distortion of space, he suddenly bumped into the oncoming flying sword.

It's stabbing!

Fei Jian cut Luo's clothes, and made a cut on the armor on his clothes.

Luo was so shocked that Yao Jie had made a slap in his mouth. If he wasn't wearing the armor, wouldn't he have been cut off by Yao Jie.

"Beginner Eternal Gods!"

Yao Jie squinted his eyes, but did not expect that the order of the gods on Luo was so high.

In this case, he wanted to break Kailuo's armor, and it would be too difficult or impossible to destroy his body.

With the protection of the gods, Yao Jie can only hit Luo, with his arms, thighs, and head, and these are also Luo's most flexible places.


Luo Ke didn't know that Yao Jie really wanted to keep him. He came to **** Yao Jie. Now he was almost injured and made him angry.

If Yao Jie is a **** king, it is okay, but Yao Jie is only in the realm of the gods, and it is Yao Jie who has the upper hand when they fight.

After avoiding Feijian, Luo looked at the Void Stele above his head, a little angry.

The sword in his hand was horizontal, and then Optimus in one hand flew a red ball from his hand, and the ball kept growing, and in the blink of an eye there was a star size.

The ball flew towards the Void Stele of Wanjie, with a red light flashing on it, like a flame.


It was too late for Yao Jie to manipulate the Void Void Stele to avoid it. The red ball hit the bottom of Void Void Stele, as if a comet hit the earth, and he flew it out.

Immediately, the spatial distortion of Luo's body recovered.

Luo got rid of the shackles and killed Yao Jie again. The sword in his hand grabbed Yao Jie's throat, and his other hand was not idle. Grabbing towards Yao Jie, Yao Jie would be caught by a suction.

Yao Jie had been distracted to control Feijian and the Void Tablet of World Realm. His mind had already reached the limit, and it was too late to react at this moment.

Seeing Luo's stab was about to pierce his throat, Yao Jie knew he couldn't escape, and he simply patted Luo's head in the palm of his hand.

He chose to trade injuries for injuries!


It's stabbing!

Luo's knife cut off more than half of Yao Jie's neck, and Luo was also a ruthless man. He did not hide, but he took Yao Jie's hand.

With this palm, Luo's head was also cracked.

Huh! Huh!

The two quickly separated, and Yao Jie gathered Xianli to tie his neck first.

Luo is the same, his skull is slowly healing.

In this blow, Yao Jie ’s body was damaged by 11%, and Luo ’s was damaged by 9%!

"It's been a minute and a half."

Yao Jie laughed at this time. He looked at Luo and found that the other party was as uncomfortable as eating a fly: "One and a half minutes left, come and kill me!"

Luo gritted his teeth, Yao Jie's strength exceeded his expectations.

Only Yao Jie knows that if it was put to 50,000 years ago, he would definitely not be Luo's opponent, that is, he has accumulated a lot of resources over the years, and he has been improving rapidly.


Luo is an unconvinced person, he feels that he is still a bit stronger than Yao Jie.

Yao Jie stunned: "I really dare to come, but now you are not here to kill me, but I am leaving you."

He knew it was difficult to kill Luo, and now he just wanted to entangle Luo, so that he couldn't escape.

When the college teacher arrives, Luo will only be obedient.

Yao Jie's flying sword suddenly turned into hundreds of millions, coming from all directions of the universe, and surrounding Luo Tuantu.

The more Feijian differentiates, the smaller the power is, the harder it is to kill Luo, but it is useful to stop Luo from letting him leave.

Luo's sight was full of flying swords, and Yao Jie's shadow could not be found. He knew that Yao Jie was not going to fight with him for life and death. Yao Jie only wanted to delay time.

"Let it go this time, let's fight next time!"

Luo was not a stubborn person. When he saw that he couldn't kill Yao Jie, he immediately chose to leave.

He didn't do defense at all, and ran directly into those flying swords, rushing out of the encirclement of flying swords.

"It's not that easy to leave."

Yao Jie said, Xian Wang Zhong appeared on his hand, and then he only saw him slamming against the King.

The shocking voice of the fairy king bell came, and Luo was settled at once.

As soon as the fairy king bell came out, the **** king would be lost, and Luo could not stop it.

Yao Jie sneered, knocking the magic sword out of the air, straight into Luo's body, to destroy his **** body.

The crystal family does not have a kingdom of gods. Their bodies are composed of small crystals. These small crystals are the worlds, which contain their divine power.

So the source of energy to destroy the crystal family is to destroy their body.

Under the invasion of the magic sword of the gods, the crystal worlds are annihilated one by one, and when Luo responds, he finds that the damage degree of his **** body has reached 15%.

It was just a moment when he lost his mind, his body was destroyed by 6%.

Luo was even more shocked, and even felt the taste of death, and at this time the time was extremely close to three minutes.

He didn't dare to wait any longer, grabbed a part of his body, grabbed a small sword, and then he threw at Yao Jie, then the magic sword of God flew towards Yao Jie.

Yao Jie stunned, and immediately pointed at the magic sword.

However, the sword of the **** of magic is still approaching, he had to step back, so back millions of miles, and then fixed the sword of the **** of magic.

He looked at Luo, who was about to run away from this space, and was about to catch up. Who knew that a fiery red ball would hit him at this time.

Yao Jie had to dodge, but the ball exploded beside him, like a bomb, which blew him up.

After half a minute, Yao Jie shook his head and felt his ears buzzing: "It's too cunning. I thought this was his magic weapon. I didn't expect it to be a bomb, and the bomb was not something else, it was God. The shells of the Star Cannon in the Kingship. "

He looked around, and Luo had already fled.

A scornful smile emerged from the corner of Yao Jie's mouth: "Escape and escape, but I already know your strength, which is similar to me. But you are now a half-step **** king, and I am still a high-level master **** If I wait till I reach the half-step **** king realm, I will be able to beat you down. "

Yao Jie's practice is still a little lower than Luo. If Yao Jie is promoted, when the two fight again, Yao Jie may have the absolute upper hand.

Yao Jie then left, but he couldn't help laughing at the thought of what he finally did.

If that guy finds it, don't get mad.


After Luo escaped, after leaving hundreds of star fields, he found a place to hide.

Although the battle was quite equal, he knew he was defeated.

His physical injuries were 15%, Yao Jie was 11%, and he was 4% more injured than Yao Jie.

"If I weren't in a hurry to escape, Yao Jie wouldn't be able to damage my body by another 6% in the end." Luo groaned, but soon he was silent again. "But Yao Jie is still only a high-ranking main god. In the half-step God-king realm, if it is not repaired for the slight advantage above, my **** body damage will still exceed Yao Jie. "

"Really an awesome opponent."

Luo has not found a person who can fight with him in the same realm in the League of Gods universe for a long time.

Yao Jie successfully attracted his interest.

"Whether it is mystery, **** body, or magic weapon, there are still many places that I can improve. He improves, and I will definitely improve. I will see who is stronger at that time." Luo thought in his mind and started to repair immediately. He damaged the **** body, and when he looked inside the **** body, he suddenly became stunned, only to see a small crystal on his chest, was actually carved a line.

Yao Jie from Immortal College, come here!

Luo sees here, even if he has a good temper, he is going crazy now: "Yao Jie, I will kill you!"

Shame, this is absolutely shame.

Is there anything more shameful than being engraved by the enemy in his own body?

Luo's face was iron-blue. Under this anger, the damaged **** body was affected. It originally only damaged 15% of the **** body, and jumped to 16% with a click.

Luo vomited blood and was purely angry.


Yao Jie didn't know this yet, he continued to sit on his own Kingship and went back all the way.

Among immortal colleges, Yao Jie ’s God Kingship has attracted the attention of countless people.

Although Zhang Xiaomeng's cosmic flying boat is good, it can only be considered as the thing of the ancestral beast palace, because the first control right is not in Zhang Xiaomeng's hands, but Yao Jie is different. This **** king ship is his own.

Among the immortal colleges, the man who currently has the highest level of driving is definitely the other.

Yao Jie enjoyed the worship of others very much, so he stopped the **** king ship in the college and didn't put it away.

Three days later, a voice went through the college.

"After research by the School, it was decided that Yao Jie, a fourth-year student of Xian University College, performed very well and achieved outstanding results while he was on campus. Yao Jie officially broke through to Jinxian Level 7 and can report to the Graduate School on his own. For other outstanding students, the college will also consider the situation of each student and decide whether to send it to the Graduate School. Please do not be surprised and study hard. . "

The voice is ... Dean!

Yao Jie, who is at the headquarters of Xianmeng ~ ~ can't help but tremble at the moment: "Am I escorted?"

The other members of Xianmeng Group also cheered at this moment.

"President, you are escorted, it is you."

"Haha, I knew the president would definitely **** him."

"President, you are escorted, and you also have magic weapon rewards. I just checked it. The thirty-three day treasure is the magic weapon of the immortal king of the immortal world. It is a very high-level magic weapon.


Yao Jie muttered, then excited: "You are busy first, I'm going to see the dean now."

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