Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 608: Farsighted



“Building in an innocent desert?”

"Yes! The second effect of Wanli Huangsha is the real power. If we build the center of the empire within the Wansha Huangsha big array, the Wanli Huangsha big array can cover the entire imperial center, even if it is The demon and the demon are also attacking."

"But... how can it be the center of the empire in the desert?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I can arrange a rejuvenation array within the Wanli Huangsha Grand Array. This big array can extract the earthly spirits outside the innocent desert and gather together in the rejuvenation, changing the essence of the desert and making it there. A place where you can live and cultivate, it will not be weaker than the iron wall city, and the environment will even pass. If you put a Lingshi vein in the town demon tower in the center of the Huichun big array, it will become a cultivation holy place. It is enough to extract the lower spirit stone."

Qin’s eyes are bright. She now knows that at the other end of the sea, the reason why the six superpowers of Mishima are born is because there is a spiritual vein in the underground of the six islands.

“How much space can you create?”

Feng Yan indulged in a moment: "There is a million miles."

The face of Qin double showed a happy color: "This has a small continent."

"Not bad!"

"What do you need me to do?"

"Material!" Feng Yan condensed the channel: "There are two large arrays. It is necessary to refine a large number of flags. It is to use all the materials of the refining flag that Qingshan Zong has obtained, and it is also worse. ”

“How much worse?”

"One tenth, I will write out the materials I need, and you will prepare."

"No, we both go to the empire's storeroom immediately, you see enough!"

"it is good!"

Two people left the town demon tower, Feng Yan condensed the magic of a body, followed the Qin double to the Treasury. Almost half of the materials in the warehouse were taken away, and the two talents returned to the moon building and once again entered the town demon tower.

As soon as they entered the town demon tower, two people came to the southern volcano. Qin double entered the alchemy room and Feng Yan entered the refining room.

A refining medicinal herb, a refining flag.

Qin double refining a year of medicinal herbs in the alchemy room, leaving some of his own, and gave Qin Wu and Qin Jingyun some for their two cultivation, and then handed over all the remaining medicinal herbs to Qinwu. It is under his control and will be distributed to the warriors of the Crescent Moon Empire according to the rules.

After doing all this, Qin double began to take out the phoenix meat and extract the blood. When all the phoenix meats have become glutinous rice, the piano double extracts six drops of phoenix blood.

These six drops of blood are not simple, it is the ancestor level of the blood of the ancestors. If I give a tribute to the ancestors of today's Feng nationality, she is likely to return to the ancestors and become a true ancestor-level phoenix.

Qin double got up and left the town demon tower, told people to invite Shen Qiu, blood clothes and Li Yan.

Soon, three people came one after another. Qin double took out three jade bottles directly and handed them three humanities:

“Every jade bottle contains a drop of ancestor-level phoenix blood.”

The breath of the three people became heavy and the face was very excited. Qin double looks to Li Yandao:

‘Little Rock, your repair is still too low. If you refine this drop of blood all at once, I am afraid that you will explode and die. So, you still take a trace of refining. ’

"Yes!" Li Yanmei opened his eyes and said: "I am afraid that it will not take long. In repairing, I am the first Emperor, huh, huh..."

Qin double looked at the **** clothes again: "I didn't want to give this drop of blood to you, because your mood has begun to be unstable. But I believe in your restraint, I hope you can lift your mind first, then A trace of refining this blood."

"I understand!" The blood coat held the jade bottle tightly.

Qin Double finally looked at Shen Qiu: "You and I will not worry, I wish you a continuous breakthrough."

"Oh, huh..." Shen Qiu’s mouth was so big, his face was full of smiles.

"Shen Big Brother!" There is a solemnity in the eyes of Qin Shuang: "Where is the Valkyrie from outside, are the Emperor Wu and Wu Wang reliable?"

"The three martial arts have no problem." Shen Qiu thought: "Yue Huang, you must not forget, I used to be the top of Wu Zongdian, so I have a very clear understanding of all Wusheng and Wushen on the mainland. These three martial arts are not affiliated to the Wu Zongdian, nor belong to the major families. Their background is very similar to that of your master Liu Meiruo. Therefore, the three of them should have no problem. As for the Wudi, I don’t know much about it. I don’t know much about it. However, we also understand them. These Wudi and Wuwang are not the people of Wu Zongdian and the major families, most of them are scattered, and a small part comes from some small families. Are you worried about them?"

"Yes!" Qin doubled and said: "You know that I have a hatred with the fire family, and you and the blood suit and Wu Zongdian have hatred. Although you have investigated their identity background, but also beware of them being Wu Zongdian and the fire home Buy it secretly."

"This is a bit difficult!" Shen Qiu frowned. "When we drive away the demons on the innocent desert, there will be more warriors coming to the run. You must know that after the destruction of the Great Qin Empire, There are too many warriors who have not left the Daqin territory to go to the Frost Empire, but stay in the territory of the Great Qin Dynasty and fight against the demon and the two. In these years, many warriors who have stayed in the Daqin territory have gone to us and waited for us. After driving away the demons, it is bound to become a powerful voice, and the reputation will be far-reaching. At that time, there will be more warriors who stay in the territory of the Daqin territory to come and go. It is impossible to identify who is the secret agent of Wu Zongdian and the fire house. ""

"Yeah!" Qin double frowned. "But there should be no problem for the time being. After all, we now have a common enemy. We are waiting to drive the two demons out of the mainland. At that time, it was the stage of the problem. I will set up a department to specifically screen these spies."

Qin double looked at Li Yandao: "Xiaoyanzi, how is this department handed over to you?"

"Yes!" Li Yan agreed to come down.

Qin Double took out a storage ring and handed it to Li Yandao: "Here is some Lingshi, medicinal herbs and various resources used to develop this department. This department is called Shadow."

Li Yan turned the storage ring and swept it inside. His face was shocked, and then he said:

"With these resources, I will build the shadows in the shortest possible time."


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