Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 609: Visiting Zhou Haoran



"Moon Emperor!" Shen Qiu looked at the piano double, and his face was worried.


"Our string moon empire is now calm, on the one hand because of the deterrent of the emperor, on the other hand because the territory we occupy is small, and the strength can not be compared with the Wu Zongdian. So the demon and the demon They didn't put our side in their eyes. They were eager to digest the territory they had, and they fought against the Wuzong Temple and the Terrans on the Frost Empire. But if we drove away the demons on the innocent desert, we The territory is not small, and the momentum must be far away. At that time, it is likely to usher in the attack of the two demons. And with our current strength, we can't resist it."

"I know!"

"Do you know? Then you are still ready to go to war? I think we are better to recharge our batteries at this time."

Qin double shook his head: "Time waits for no one! First of all, if we feel that we are strong, the demon and the two should have already digested the territory of the occupation, even if there is a containment of Wu Zongdian and the Frost Empire, the demon and the two We will also go everywhere to destroy our string moon empire. At that time, although we became strong, we are still not necessarily the opponents of the two demons. After all, the bottom of our string empire is not compared with Wu Zongdian, even It is not comparable to the ruined Daqin Empire.

Secondly, the other side of the sea, those monks will not take long to set foot on the mainland. At that time, the situation will be more chaotic. Therefore, we must establish a stable base area as soon as possible, otherwise it will only be destroyed in this big era. ”

Qin double swings his hand to stop Shen Qiu: "I know what you are worried about, I already have arrangements. I have a friend, Feng Yan, she is a great master. She will lay a million miles in the entire innocent desert. Sha Dazheng will then set up a rejuvenation array in the Wanli Huangsha Array to create a sacred place of practice in a million miles, and the Wanli Huangsha squad can block the entry of Wusheng."


Not only was the shock of vengeance, but the blood coat and Li Yan were also shocked to lose color. When did they hear about such a big battle?

There are such powerful people in the Warrior continent?

What is the tens of thousands of miles of yellow sand, is it really like?

"Yeah!" Qin double nodded seriously.

Although the hearts of the three people who were vengeful were shocked by the five fans, they believed in Qin double because they knew that Qin double never said anything.

"Great!" Shen Qiu shot the thigh: "Where is that big master?"

"He refines the flag in a secret place, and when we drive away the demon, she will naturally appear."

After Shen Qiu and others were in a good mood, they exchanged with Qinqin for a while and then left. The Qinshuang entered the town demon tower and began to practice. She still practiced Taoism, but did not practice martial arts.

In the past five years in the town demon tower, Qin double not only cultivated the Tao of the three attributes to the peak of their respective realms, but also broke through at any time, and finally realized the second level of the sword domain. In the past five years, Qin Wu’s cultivation has made a continuous breakthrough and became the ninth floor of Wuwang. Qin Qinyun will also be upgraded to the ninth floor of Wuwang.

Qin Double left the town demon tower, and in the moon building, they broke through the fourth floor of the Yuan Ying period, and the Feng Huo Law Road broke through the tenth floor of the Yuan Ying period. This repair is at the other end of the sea, and it has reached the last layer of the Yuan Ying period. The next step is to break through the gods. However, for Qinshuang, it is still a lot worse. Her Yuan Ying period has 13 layers.

At this time, it is already the twilight of the third day. Tens of thousands of troops have been assembled, only waiting for tomorrow's rising sun, the army is open.

Qin doubled up, pushed open the door of the moon building, stood on the steps, looked up and looked into the air.

"You must sweep the demon and the two races with the thunder."

The demon and the two are in the innocent desert, and there is no strong monk.

Two months!

I have to sweep across this territory in two months and then go to Luofuzong. That wall may become a continuous breakthrough for me. I can't let go of this opportunity. ”

The piano doubled from the steps and came down the street. A new moon has risen. The piano is in the middle of the night, and the mood is very quiet. There is no tension before the war.


The piano double stopped in front of a government gate. The gate of the palace was tall, the wall was covered with vines, and red and white flowers were swaying in the night wind.

Zhou Fu.

On the plaque on the threshold, the two big characters, let Qin double know that this is Zhou Haoran's house.

Qin double thought about it, and then walked toward Zhoufu, stepped on the steps, grabbed the door knocker, and tapped it three times. A crisp knock on the door, passed away in the night.

Soon, the footsteps sounded inside the door. Then, the corner door opened, and a housekeeper-like person appeared in the door. When he saw the piano double, he looked shocked and immediately fell to the ground.

"See the Emperor of the Moon."

"Can Zhou Zizi be there?"


The butler hurriedly stood up and opened the door. Where did he dare to let Qin double wait for him to report? However, it still makes the eyes let the next person quickly go to Zhou Haoran.

Qinqin just walked halfway through the yard, and saw Zhou Haoran hurriedly walked out of the moon door and prayed to the piano.

"See the moon emperor!"

Qin double stepped forward, hands raised Zhou Haoran, with a smile: "Zhou Fuzi, don't come innocent."

"Chen is very good!" Zhou Haoran smiled very happy: "Your Majesty please."

Two people came to the flower hall to sit down, and there were people who served tea. Qin double looked at Zhou Haoran:

"Zhou Fuzi, how is Confucianism and Taoism going?"

Zhou Haoran must smile and say: "I have entered the border, I have already condensed three fights."

Qin double silence for a while: "On top of the master, there is a great master."

Zhou Haoran’s look was a change, and then he cautiously asked: “Really?”


"You... broke through?"


"Great Master?"

"Great Master!"

Zhou Haoran opened his mouth, his lips began to tremble, and for a moment, lifted his sleeves and rubbed his eyes. It’s hard to squeeze out three words from your lips:


Qin double is not surprised by Zhou Haoran's excitement. She knows that in the Confucian world, there have always been legends of great masters, but they have never appeared. It is the dream of every Confucian to see the emergence of a great master in his lifetime. Now that I have heard that Qin Double is already a great master, this is undoubtedly fulfilling his dream.

Zhou Haoran looked at Qin Shuang, the person who once refused to teach Confucianism, but now he has reached the realm of Confucianism and Taoism. He can imagine how brilliant the future of Qinshuang will be, and how brilliant colors will be added to Confucianism. At this time, his heart suddenly burst into a huge regret.


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