Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 641: A pot of tea



"Now the military is divided into three parts of the world, the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu each occupy almost one-third of the territory. In the feeling, the strength of the Mozu should be the strongest, followed by the demon, and the weakest.

However, although the Yaozu is worse than the strength of the Mozu, it is not too big. Moreover, the real heritage of the Yaozu and the Mozu are still not revealed, so it is difficult to distinguish whether it is stubborn or weak. However, what is certain is that the Terran is the weakest, and the weak is not a star or a half. If it is not the two brothers who are jealous of each other, if they do not need time to digest the occupied territory, I am afraid that the situation of the Terran will be even more miserable. ”


"Not bad!" Qin nodded: "In today's territory occupied by the two demons, the people have built a place to live."

“The demon and the two are so good to the Terran?” everyone was surprised.

"Oh..." Qin double sneered two channels: "Is it good for the human race? They just raise the human race, just like raising pigs. When you want to eat, you can catch a few."

"Really?" The crowd could not help but lose their voice.

"Nature is true. There are also many restaurants in the territory occupied by the two demons. These restaurants buy some people every day, and those people will be transported to the restaurant in cages, then slaughtered and cooked."

The eyes of everyone became red: "The people on the mainland of the warriors let the demon run?"

"They didn't let it, but the strength was not enough." Qin binoculars swept through the crowd: "You are also the same. Once you enter the mainland of the warrior, you will face the demon, maybe in the future, in a certain demonic restaurant, you are slaughtering. One of you."

“Why? Why are the Terrans so desolate?”

Qin Shuang Su said: "Because the Terran is too weak."

The faces of everyone became pale, and Qinqin said seriously: "If you don't want to do this, you must make yourself stronger as soon as possible. This is a war between you and me. Once you wait for the demon and the two to completely digest the territory occupied, they must start. Once again, the Terran war is once again. Once the Terran people of the Warriors are turned into captive food, the demon and the two will definitely go out to the monastic circles on our side. By that time, there will be no place for the Terran to stand. So, This time I entered the mainland of the Warrior, I don’t care about the Three Islands and other Zongmen, but our disciples of Luofuzong should remember that our enemy is a demon, not a warrior on the mainland of the warrior. The whole Terran is not necessarily a demon. If the opponents of the tribe and the demon are fighting again, the demise of the Terran can be foreseen."

"But... even if we don't regard the warrior as an enemy, the warrior may not regard us as a friend."

"Not bad!" Qin nodded: "This situation is very likely to happen. After all, we both hate tens of thousands of years, it takes time and the two sides work together to eliminate this kind of hatred. And facing the cruelty of the demons, the Terran also had to Forget the past. Now telling you, you still can't understand. After you face the demon, you will know the hardship and cruelty of the situation."

The atmosphere suddenly became dignified, and the piano doubles no longer speaks, hanging down. And the endless month in the town demon tower to push the third territory of the sword field. In the past day, the town demon tower has passed 512 days, so the endless understanding of the month is much more than the Qin double. The piano pair is only the sword field that digests the endless realization of the moon, and meets the place where you have ideas. The endless months and the endless mutual verification, gradually, the third layer of the sword domain began to get started.

After ten days, everyone came to the city outside Dengxian. The flying boat landed outside the city, and everyone came down from the flying boat and entered the city gate, and went to the residence of Luo Fuzong in Dengxian City.

There are still three days to test. After the people had been trimmed, they strolled around Dengcheng in twos and threes. Qin double let the moon continue to understand the sword field in the town demon tower, but also left the station with several same doors.

Walking on the street of Dengxiancheng, Qinqin is like yesterday. I remembered that I came from afar a few years ago. At that time, I didn’t know anything about the monastic world. It was only the cultivation of the refining period, but now it is the period of the gods.

Dengxiancheng was full of people. Three days later, it was not only the test of the chief disciple of Luo Fuzong and the chief disciple of Mishima, but also the last gathering of the entire monastic community to determine the overall plan and division of the territory of the military. Therefore, not only is there a large number of monks coming in to watch the big ratio between Luo Fuzong and the Three Islands, but also a high-level with various forces, with their elites to come to the city.

On the street, the shoulders are rubbed, and some people passing by are talking about the comparison between Luo Fuzong and the Three Islands, but more are looking forward to the harvest after entering the mainland.

Qin Shuangwen couldn’t help but sigh in the heart. It’s really ignorant and fearless. Nowadays, living life, waiting to enter the mainland of the warrior, do not know how many people can survive?

Walk all the way and listen carefully.

The same door with the Qin double, each one is black face. Because they heard comments from Luo Fuzong and Mishima Dabie from other people’s conversations, no one is optimistic about Luo Fuzong. They are not discussing whether the chief disciple of Luo Fuzong can defeat the chief disciple of Mishima, but Arguing that the chief disciple of Luo Fuzong can support several tricks under the chief disciples of Mishima.

"Master sister, have you heard it? Why are you still so calm?" Hu Feier said to the piano double.

Qin double smiled: "The mouth is on their own face. Can I still take off my socks and put them in their mouths?"

“Hey...” Hu Feier not only laughed and said: “Master Sister Yingwu.”

"Let's go, I heard that a pot of tea and tea in Dengxian City is very famous. We went there to drink pot of tea. Who knows where?" Qin Double Road.

"A pot of tea and tea, I know, but where the tea is so expensive! I have not been in." Jiang Yan, let's talk.

"I treat, go!" Qin double.

"Master sister is mighty." Four people gathered around the piano and walked in a pot of tea and tea.

“Master Sister, there is a total of three layers in a pot of tea and tea. It is said that the tea on the first floor is more expensive than the first floor. Master sister, which floor do we go to?”

"The third layer!" Qin doubled the whole Qingshan Zong, the bottom is quite enough.

"Master sister is mighty!" The crowd immediately became elated.

The group came to a pot of tea and teahouses, and the eyes were swept away. The first floor had already sat 80%. As soon as I entered the door, I smelled the full room tea and made me feel good.

A buddy came forward and bent slightly: "Several guest officers, tea on a few floors?"

"The third floor!" Hu Feier raised her chest.

"Please! Five please!"

The face of the buddy laughed and opened the flower. In front of it, the five people walked down the stairs to the second floor. The second floor was probably five adults. The same room was full of incense, but the tea on the second floor was not only It’s fascinating and refreshing, which makes the piano look more on the third floor. The group came to the third floor. There is no room for a pot of tea and tea. It is the same hall as the first floor, but the number is a lot less. It only takes two adults. The five people of Qinqin found a position near the window to sit down.


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