Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 642: Convergence



The guy smiled and said softly: "What are the five guest officers, what kind of tea?"

"What recommendations do you have?" Qin Shuang really didn't know what tea was in a pot of tea and tea, and asked faintly.

"The best tea we have here is Qingxin Tea, a pot of 10,000 top grade Lingshi."

The eyes of Hu Feier’s four people are all looking at the Qin double, and the 10,000 top grade Lingshi is that they can’t make it together. There are also some in the heart of the piano. A pot of tea actually has 10,000 top grade stones. However, my heart was looking forward to Qingxin Tea, and nodded:

"Well, come to a pot of clear tea."

The guy nodded with a smile and stepped back. Hu Feier’s four people stretched out their hands and sighed with a sigh of relief. Hu Feier lowered her voice:

"Scared me, I thought the master sister didn't have so many Lingshi."

Jiang Yan also said: "It's so expensive!"

"Follow the master sister has meat to eat!" Jiang Tong's male repair Zheng Tong smiled brilliantly.

Another male repairer Wu said: "There is tea."

"It is the lord!"

Hu Feier suddenly lowered her voice. The crowd looked at the stairs and saw Yang Yingtian, calling for extension of the cloud, Xiang Baibo and Li Wusheng came up. The monks on the third floor stood up and saluted four people. There are shouting lords, and there are shouting island owners. Yang Yingtian nodded to the piano and then passed the voice into the secret passage:

"The endless, how is the third domain of the sword domain?"

Qin double voice into the secret road: "Get started."

Yang Yingtian's eyebrows were picked up, and there was a trace of accident on his face.

"In any case, we must understand the third world into the realm of Xiaocheng. Only when we realize the realm of Xiaocheng, can we hope to defeat the chief disciple of Mishima? Otherwise, it is hard to win this time."

The piano double nodded and nodded, and felt deep pressure in my heart.

Yang Yingtian's four Mahayana monks also found a seat in the window to sit down and heard the call to extend the cloud:

“Congratulations to Yang Zongzhu’s breakthrough in the Mahayana period, so that we have gained more confidence in the practice of the Taoist world.”

Yang Yingtian must smile and say: "The chance is coincidental, not more than three brothers."


The footsteps sounded again on the stairs, and three figures appeared there. The piano doubled and stared, but it was Chemu and several monks. After the car grazing came up, I also saw four people in the extension of the cloud, and hurriedly went forward to meet, and then chose a distance from several of the same door to extend the place where the clouds were far away.

In a short while, there were a few more people. These waves included Li Che, the chief disciple of Huanglu Island, and the chief disciple of Wuxue Island.

The heart of the piano can not help but sigh, this pot tea tea house is really attractive. Do not ask softly:

"Who is this tea house?"

"It’s a hundred grass building."

“No wonder!” Qin double nodded gently: “There is only the place where Baishian is so good at alchemy that it can cultivate such attractive tea.”

Because there are people who are calling for the extension of the cloud, everyone speaks very lightly. At this time, Qingxin tea was sent up. Wu Hao picked up the teapot and poured a cup for everyone. The tea scented and the whole person's heart calmed down. The eyes of the piano doubleed up, and the teacup was picked up. He gently drank a small mouth and slowly went down the throat.

The mouth is fragrant!

The whole person has a sense of clean and long-lasting!

"This tea has a clear-hearted effect, and it really does not blame the name of the heart tea."

The five people did not speak, feeling the negative emotions in their hearts. The double cymbal of Qinqin all the way back to the Luofuzong from the mainland of the warriors gradually disappeared.

Qin double does not know that he is killing himself because of too many killings, and his mood is also a little instigated. To clear these incitements, it is actually very easy for Qin. There is a fragrant fruit in the town demon tower, and because the aura in the town demon tower is rich, although the fruit has no qualitative changes, the effect has improved a lot. In the view of Qin Shuang, the effect is far more than Qingxin tea. However, Qin double does not want to clear the instigation of the heart, because this kind of instigation is within the control range of the piano double, Qin double thinks to slowly grind these smashing into murderous.

Gradually, there was a voice in the hall, and Qin and others began to slowly chat while drinking tea.

"Car brother, do you know who is the chief disciple of Luo Fuzong today?"

“I don’t know!” Chemu shook his head faintly: “No matter who it is, it’s the same result as Xu Feibai. Luo Fuzong just broke through a Mahayana period and thought he could be compared with the Three Islands. They are still far behind."

Hu Yanyun looked at the opposite Yangyingtiandao: "The kid still doesn't know that Yangdaoyou is already a Mahayana period, nonsense, and the Taoist friends don't mind."

"Oh..." Yang Yingtian smiled and said: "I am not yet, but the kid is right, Luo Fuzong is still on the same level as the three islands."

Calling for extension of the cloud, Xiang Baiji and Li Wusheng’s eyes are a slight glimpse. Just now Che Mu said that Luo Fuzong's heritage is far from the Three Islands, but now Yang Yingtian said that it is still worse, it seems that Luo Fuzong is not a bit arrogant!

Is Luo Fuzong really full of enthusiasm, or is it so high?

Hu Yanyun smiled and said: "Yang Daoyou, we still don't know who is the chief disciple of Guizong today? Is it that Feibai Shiyi has healed? Here I am apologizing with Yangdaoyou, both are cars. The animal husbandry has just broken through to the peak of the **** of the gods, and can't hold his hand for a while."

"Nothing!" Yang Yingtian said faintly: "The competition between Fujian and Taiwan is life and death. There is nothing to apologize for. As for the chief disciple of my ancestor, Hu Yandao has also seen it."

"Well? Who is it?"

"The moon is endless!"


Everyone's eyes are gathered on the endless body of the month. Hu Yanyun carefully looked at the piano pair and raised his eyebrows:

"She actually broke through to the gods!"

"This girl is working very hard." Yang Yingtian smiled.

Calling for the extension of the cloud, swearing, and secretly, can this be broken through hard work?

It’s a pity!

At the beginning of the city, there was also an opportunity to recruit this month to the island of Yeh! However, if you can't get it, destroy it.

"The moon is endless?"

The car priest looks awkward. He didn't go to Luofuzong last time. Naturally, he has never seen a double-handed person who has singled out the seven family patriarchs and does not know Qin Double. But as long as you look at everyone's gaze, you know who the moon is.

"There was a breakthrough in the process of turning the gods, and the cultivation speed was fast enough."

The car’s eyeball turned and turned up and walked toward the piano. He came to the table and looked at the piano double:

"The moon is endless?"

"you are?"

"Yiye Island, Chemu."

Qin’s eyes are a slight glimpse: “It’s the car brother, what do you think?”


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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