Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 650: Open Zhongfu



When the thirty-seventh light on the body of the piano was lit up, Xu Feibai was stupid. However, he then made a cold war with a spirited spirit. He never had a preoccupation, and silently recorded the position of the lit up.

Light up little by little, the piano body at this time seems to be a small universe, starlight rotation.

When the body of the piano doubled a hundred and eight light spots, the piano opened its eyes, and there was excitement and regret in the eyes.

Sometimes, the mystery is like a layer of window paper. Once it is broken, you will see the world outside the window. Qin double has never really realized the formation of a sword, but did not find the key to open the door. Now Xu Feibai’s words are the key to opening the door to the mysterious door.

Today's Qin double has fully realized the star sword, but there is regret in the heart. As Xu Feibai said, the human body has thousands of points, and the stars and swords contain only one hundred and eight points. If Qin double wants to continue to comprehend, then she needs to explore in the future, to explore the heavens, and the help of the star sword to her.

However, Qin double found a hundred and eight points corresponding to the stars, but it does not mean that she learned the sword of the stars, she just found one hundred and eight points, her next step is one by one It is a long and difficult process to open up acupuncture points and then to cultivate swords in the caves.

The eyes of Qin double fell on Xu Feibai's body, and the color of surprise appeared in his eyes. At this time, Xu Feibai has closed his eyes. When the light spots on the piano double began to go out one by one, Xu Feibai closed his eyes and began to let the one hundred and eight holes he had just remembered echo the stars in the sky.

At this time, Xu Feibai's body is lit up with a light spot, and Qin Qin silently watches Xu Feibai. She knows that Xu Feibai will succeed. Because he has already observed himself and knows which hole is echoing which star, now he has to do it, just try it again and make sure.

After about an hour, Xu Feibai opened his eyes and stood up. He said to the piano:

"Thank you Master Sister!"

He got a hundred and eight points from the Qinshuang that echoed the stars of Tiandao. If he let himself comprehend the search, he did not know how many years he needed, and he might not be able to sense one hundred and eight points in his life. This master of the voice, is willing to be willing.

Qin double also respectfully said to Xu Feibai: "Thank you, Master."

Qin double is also willing to be willing, if it is not Xu Feibai to wake her up, she still does not know when she can truly comprehend the stars, perhaps for a lifetime can not comprehend.

The two men straightened up and looked at each other and finally laughed.

The piano double took out the teapot from the storage ring, took out the tea leaves and put it into the teapot, and took out a gourd from the mold, and poured water from the gourd into the teapot. In fact, just let the moon endlessly take out the water from the river in the town demon tower. The aura in the town demon tower is now twenty times larger than the outside world. Although the river is not as good as the Lingquan, it is similar.

"Good water!" Xu Feibai couldn't help but praise: "It's just that tea is not good!"

"Do you have any good tea?" Qin asked, raising his head.

"No!" Xu Feibai shook his head.

"Then you still say... oh..." The double-finger finger released a fire charm and ignited around the teapot.

"Oh..." Xu Feibai smiled and looked at the piano double, not annoying. Xuanwu in the heart of Haoran also called:

"Taro, you have to be careful, that kid is spring again."

"Shut up!" Qin double shouted in consciousness.

"I am also a hello for you!" Xuanwu said: "The monk is to go against the sky, the focus is too late, how can you spend the night before, wasting time and energy? Have you seen a few of you?" You are really fond of you, there is also a Li Yan, and now there is another Xu Feibai, don't you want to attract a bee to guide the butterfly?"

"Who is the bee to attract the butterfly?" Qin double's face was so mad.

"Endless, what's wrong with you?"

Qin double looked at Xu Feibai on the opposite side. Seeing Xu Feibai looking at her with concern: "You have a bad face. Did you make a mistake when you just realized it?"


After the piano double finished, he looked at the teapot intently, and Xu Feibai no longer spoke, quietly watching the piano double.

Soon, the tea will boil. The piano double took out two teacups and placed them on the stone table, then took the teapot to Xu Feibai and poured himself on the tea. Xu Feibai took the teacup and took a slow drink:

"The next step is to open up the hole, but we don't know how to open up. What do you think of endless?"

The piano doubled up and said: "It should be the introduction of the star force, forcibly open up. We can try. Well, first try a less important degree to try."

"Or I will try it first, you have to fight in a few days, don't affect your status."

"I am coming, the master's repair has not recovered, no longer peak."

Qin double can't let Xu Feibai try. As she said, Xu Feibai's body has not recovered. If something goes wrong, it is a big trouble. The piano is different, even if it is injured, as long as it does not die, she has the Vientiane and the town demon tower, and will soon heal.

Therefore, when the piano doubled, he closed his eyes, chose a less important Zhongfu point, and then closed his eyes to see the corresponding stars in the sky.

The star swordsman lingered in the heart, and the Zhongfu acupoint lit up. A star in the sky shone, and a star power fell, falling on the Zhongfu point on the piano.

The spiritual power in the double body of the piano madly turned up. Under the guidance of the stars, the madness converges toward the position of the Zhongfu point. A vortex is formed above the Zhongfu point. Although the vortex is not large, the suction is super. Strong, and the vortex is about to be substantial.

This vortex is not hidden in the body of the piano, but in vitro, above the Zhongfu point, Xu Feibai can clearly see the vortex. The vortex was turning so fast that Xu Feibai couldn't imagine it. He couldn't see it spinning, it was like a static whirlpool.

It’s just that the suction is extremely powerful, and it can even be said to be horrible. Not only is all the cultivation of the piano double sucked in, but it is still madly absorbing the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth.

Not to mention that Xu Feibai, who was watching at the side, was shocked by Qin’s heart. It is necessary to know that the spiritual power contained in the body of the piano is extremely strong. If all these spiritual powers break out, it is absolutely possible to move mountains and reclamation. However, at this time, it is concentrated in a large vortex of nails. It is conceivable that in this large vortex of nails, how much power is compressed and how powerful is it? What shocked the piano is that the big vortex of the nail seems to have not reached the limit, and it is still madly absorbing the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, absorbing more and more, and getting more and more amazing.


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