Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 651: Huge consumption




Finally, the star that echoed the Zhongfu acupoint trembled. The slender star force suddenly became thick and shiny, and swarmed toward the big whirlpool of the nail on the Qinzhongzhongfu. The vortex was bright. A little starlight condenses into a tiny sword. Starpower is still rushing into the small sword in a mad stream, but no matter how many star powers are poured into it, the tiny sword does not grow up. But the little sword is more and more star-studded.

Finally, the star-studded little sword spurred out and shot at Zhongfu. In time, the stars are shining, like a starry sky, and I sneak into the Zhongfu hole.


Xu Feibai did not hear the sound, but Qin double heard it, just like Hong Zhong Da Lu, although Qin double did not see the beginning of the world, but the feeling given to her at this time is to open up a world, that side of the world is in the capital* * Slowly unfolding.

Later, I felt that the huge star power poured into the Zhongfu acupoint from the sky. At first, I just opened up the Zhongfu acupoint. However, under the constant influx of stars, the Zhongfu hole was opened up more and more. Constantly expanding.

After the star power poured into the Zhongfu point, it began to form a road branch automatically, but the piano double minded to move, put an end to other patterns, specially constructed a sword pattern, more and more sword patterns, more and more powerful.


A sword pattern began to merge with each other to create a huge sword pattern. Constantly generating small sword patterns, these small sword patterns are constantly integrated into the huge sword pattern, turning into a huge star-studded starlight sword.

The sword of the starlight grows up slowly, and the space of the Zhongfu cave continues to grow, and the starlight shines.

Open up the world and open up the space of Zhongfu.

However, Qin Qin knows that he has only realized the first step and opened up the space of Zhongfu. The next step is to consolidate this space. Otherwise, once this space is not stable enough, it collapses and the Zhongfu hole is closed, not only I will be seriously injured, and next time I want to open the Zhongfu point again, it will be ten times more difficult.

The brows of the piano suddenly wrinkled, and she felt that the vortex that attracted the star power from the self-cultivation of the Zhongfu hole began to have a tendency to collapse. The piano will understand in two instants that this is because the absorption of star power is too large. If the spiritual vortex collapses at this time, it will have serious consequences. The space of Zhongfu Point, which has just been opened up, will collapse.

Qin double madly began to swallow the medicinal herbs, and the medicinal herbs became a spiritual force to converge on the spiritual vortex on the Zhongfu point. However, Qin double quickly discovered that the spiritual power of medicinal herbs was not enough.

Qin's gods swept toward the storage ring, and Bin saw the white tiger liquid and two white tigers. At the moment, I can't take care of anything else. I took out a bottle of white tiger and opened it in front of me. At the end of the day, the white tiger's liquid was taken down without the piano, and the spiritual vortex on the Zhongfu point began to frantically absorb the white tiger's gas in the bottle, quickly stabilized, and the quality of the vortex is still improving. , attracting more stars.

Opposite Xu Feibai stared at the piano double, and he said in his heart: "It seems that opening up the hole is not the most difficult place. The most difficult part is that after the hole is opened, the hole cavity will not be collapsed. This requires a lot of Spiritual supplement, just saw the endless swallowing of a large number of medicinal herbs, those Dan drugs can not be low, even if it is not enough to maintain the hole space. Do not know what is the endless things now, it is not aura , but spiritual power, and it is very rich spiritual power."

“It seems that I want to open up a hole, and I need to prepare a lot of resources.”

After half an hour, Qin double took out a bottle of white tiger's gas, which made Xu Feibai unable to blame, the heart secretly:

"The endless price is rich enough."

However, when I thought that my sister had once robbed a ancestral door of Qingshanzong, I would not think it was strange.

At this time, the piano double feels that the space of Zhongfu is more and more stable, and the power radiated between the stars is getting stronger and stronger.

The power of the stars.

At this point, the body of Qin double has the power of the stars, instead of the star swords to borrow the power of stars as before. So her power will be even stronger. It is also closer to the stars in the sky, and more echoed.

She even has a feeling that after Zhongfu Point has the power of the stars, she is closer to the heavens and the understanding of the heavens is smoother.

This is still only a Zhongfu point. If she opened up ten or thirty-six, forming a small Sunday, what would it be?

If you open up 108, and have a strong echo with the hundred and eight stars in the sky, what will happen at that time?

Not to say that power has become strong, but on the understanding of Heaven, I am afraid that even if I don’t take the December fruit, the effect will not be much worse. If I take the December fruit again, she does not know that her comprehension will reach one. To what extent.

When the second bottle of white tiger gas was consumed cleanly, Qin Double finally felt that the space of Zhongfu Point was completely stable and would not collapse. The spiritual vortex on the Zhongfu point was hidden in the body, turned into a spiritual force, and returned to Dantian.

The piano opened his eyes and looked at Xu Feibai on the opposite side, whispering:

"How do you understand?"

"Yeah!" Xu Fei Bai Meiyu floated with excitement.

"Don't open up easily!"

"I understand that opening up acupoints is only the first step. What is more crucial is the second step. How to stabilize the acupoints. It requires a lot of resources. I am not prepared, I will not try."

"That's good!"

Seeing that Xu Feibai was very clear about the difficulty of opening the hole, Qin Qin also breathed a sigh of relief. Xu Feibai whispered:

"Although I understand it, but after all, I have never experienced it, endless, can you tell me your experience?"

"It's natural!"

In this regard, Qin double will not have any reservations about Xu Feibai. After all, no Xu Feibai told her to open up the road, she did not know how long it would take to explore.

returning a Favour many times more.

Seeing that the piano pair is so happy, Xu Feibai looks at the eyes of Qin double more tender and tender.

"Shantou, that kid is waved again." Xuanwu's tone is full.

The piano is not funny, but the look is serious, carefully sorting out the experience of the bottom, and then slowly tell Xu Feibai.

Until the sky is light, the piano is finished in detail. Xu Feibai closed his eyes and sat on the stone bench. Qin doubled a pot of tea, burned with a fire, then took out a few fragrant fruit, while drinking tea, while eating the fruit. Waiting for Xu Feibai.


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