Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 653: Demon discussion



Qinqin hurried back to the station, returned to the room, set up a ban on the law, then entered the town demon tower, took out the jade slips of the Qingshan sect, and began to pick the masters of the cultivation experience.

This time, I spent half a year in the town demon tower. In the past six months, she has read all the experiences about the Yuan Ying period and the Huashen period.

It is a large-scale door that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years. Qingshan Zong has seen countless powers in history. Their experiences have their own unique understandings, which makes the Qin double benefit.

Even in the history of Qingshanzong, there have been a period of Mahayana. Such a great monk, how deep the sentiment of Heaven and Heaven, is higher than the Qinshuang does not know several levels.


Qin double vomited a long breath, the heart of the dark road, with this half year of research and reference, at least before breaking through the distraction period, I no longer have a trace of the level, as long as it has accumulated, it will be a matter of course.

Among these experiences, there is also the experience of improving the ancient exercises. Through these improved trajectories, Qin Qin’s understanding of Heaven is more profound. A lot of things, the doubles of the piano need to think for a moment, only to be able to comprehend, which makes the double side of the piano excited about the harvest of Qingshan Zong, and the impulse to destroy the black moon and the Thai one.

However, if you think about it, forget it. In order to eliminate the black moon and the Thai one, it is necessary to use the symbol. Once you use the symbol, everyone knows that this is the endless month. If the moon is endless, it will become the public enemy of the monastic community. Luo Fuzong also faces the danger of being destroyed.

Still look for opportunities later!

After looking at my current situation, I couldn't help but frown. Although Qin double has not been cultivated, he has stayed in the town demon tower for nearly ten years. He only used to push the sword field every day. Now he has been studying for half a year. But when she is trained, even if you don't practice, the body will absorb spiritual power all the time, but it will be less than the time of cultivation. However, don't forget that the current aura concentration in the town demon tower is twenty times that of the outside world. Therefore, in the ten years of the town demon tower, all aspects of the piano double have grown differently. The martial arts aspect and the Fenghuo method were repaired because the realm was high and the critical point of the breakthrough had not yet been reached, but the Xuan Shui method and the Ruijin method had reached the critical point of breakthrough.

Qin double left the town demon tower and got up and went out. Walking on the street, turning into an unoccupied alley.

In a short while, the endless moon came out from the other end of the hutong. After a few interest, Qin double changed his appearance and came out from the hutong. He just went to find an inn and began to break through Xuan Shui. It was just a breakthrough in the Yuan Ying period, and it did not cause any sensation. After the breakthrough of Xuan Shui Law, Qin Shuang left the inn, went to another street, lived in another inn, and repaired the Ruijin Law as a breakthrough.

In this way, the revision of the piano double has changed a lot.

The Ruijin method was repaired to the ninth floor of the Yuan Ying period, and the martial art was repaired as the third floor of the Valkyrie.

The Xuanshui Law was repaired to the ninth floor of the Yuan Ying period, and the martial arts was repaired to the fourth floor of the Valkyrie.

The phoenix fire law was repaired as the first layer of the sacred period, and the martial arts was repaired as the sixth floor of the martial arts.

The realm of Yin Shen was elevated to the middle of the tenth layer of Wu Sheng. In the heart of Hao Ran, there were six golden buckets that became the liquid of Hao Ran, reaching the sixth floor of the Confucianism Master. The guqin on the golden bucket has already had 30% solidification, but the strength of the body is still the third peak of Wusheng, without the slightest improvement.

"How do we play?"

At this time, in a room in the Xianshan Villa, seven demons gathered together and the entire room was banned. The Mozu is a magical sacred channel:

"There will be a duel soon, we have to set the people who will fight."

“What should Bao Daoyou think?” asked a demon.

The devil sank said: "I will come by the first game. If there is no accident, I should be able to win this game."

The demons nodded, and the strength of the devil was very clear. In their four martial arts, his cultivation should be top-notch.

"The second game is from our demon." The demon sacred to the demon **** on his side: "No problem?"

"No problem." The demon **** confidently nodded.

The demon holy nodded, and then looked at the only demon emperor, this time they came to two emperors, and the demon emperor had been killed by the piano. This is really beyond their expectations. When they want to come, whether it is the Yaozu or the Mozu, the same realm can completely crush the Terran. I really thought that the monk of Yuehuangqin is a Chinese cabbage, everywhere?

However, since the piano double killed the demon, these demons began to worry. In the three duels, the most worrying thing is the third game.

"The endless month is very mysterious, cleanly killing us a demon emperor here, I think her strength can be a fight with our demon phoenix. That Fengming is now a demon god, if she is still a Demon, I feel that she may not be the endless opponent of that month."

"Not the same." Another demon swayed his head: "The strength of Fengming is clearly there, murderous and savage, and the means are hot. But this month is endless but mysterious means. Even I have not seen her means. ”

The devil's face is gloomy: "She can kill the demon emperor, it is unexpected. Your demon emperor is too light enemy. I will not underestimate the enemy, will not give her a chance, must be killed in the duel."

Mo Sheng Shen Shen said: "Basically, I can't use the third game. I think I can solve the opponent in the first two games. We won two games in a row, and we don't have to do it in the third game."

"It’s also true." The demons nodded.

"However, once there is a third game? Let's start analyzing the month is endless. Let me first say that our demon emperor has a sound power. But when he releases the sound power, the surrounding The Terran has been affected, but the moon is endless but has not been affected at all. There are two speculations, one is that her **** is very powerful, and the worst is also the peak of the Valkyrie. Another speculation is that she will also sound Gong."

The demons heard and nodded. A demon thinks and says: "I observed that in their two duels, your demon emperor seemed to have an instant embarrassment, precisely because of the momentary embarrassment, let the moon endlessly kill a sword.

The endless moon is neither affected by the sound and the opponent can be embarrassed. It should be that she also cultivates the sound, and the accomplishment in the sound is stronger than your demon. This is her mysterious card. ”

"Yes, if you can solve the problem of sound attack, kill her like a dog."


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