Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 654: First round



The surname of the saint took out a string of bones and handed it to the emperor: "Lian Teng, this bone chain can resist the sound attack, you wear it."

Even the vine face, some hands took over the bone chain: "Thank you for your predecessors."

"You are going to prepare well. If there is a third game, you will kill the endless moon on the spot. The Terran has been out for a month, and I don't want to see an endless month."


At this time, Qin double has already collected the sea in endless, and returned to the Luofuzong resident. She did not practice again, but quietly waited for the duel.

One leaf island.


The heavens and the earth are rushing to gather together, and the momentum is not weaker than the Qin double breakthrough.


A strip of figure came out of a cave house and looked at the place where Lingyun gathered.

"Ink has broken through!"

"Ink girl broke through!"

"When the ink-sister is still in the Yuan Ying period, he will be able to compete with the monk of the gods. Now he has broken through to the period of the gods. You said, is it possible to compete with the distraction?"

"I am afraid that it will not work. After all, the ink-sisters are just breaking through the magical period. If the cultivation of the ink-sisters is to improve a few small steps, they should be able to compete with the distraction. Now, there should be no competition with the gods." problem."

"The ink-sister is the true genius of our island. After that, this chief disciple is a non-mother!"

"I don't know if there is a breakthrough between the snow and the cuckoo in the same name as the ink-sister. I heard that both of them have closed their doors."

Huanglu Island.

Du Fu walked out of Dongfu, and his body was flowing. A monk walked on the road:

"Du Shidi, broke through?"

"Yeah!" Du Fu's face showed a happy smile: "I finally realized one layer."

The monk standing opposite the cuckoo smiled and said: "Let's talk about it?"

"it is good!"

No snow island.

It is like a white snow fluttering and stands on a rock. There was a big pit on the ground in front of her. There was a monk lying in the big pit. The monk jumped from the pit and had a bitter face:

"If snow, you break through to the gods, even the eighth layer of the brothers is not your opponent. I really don't know where your limit is. It is estimated that the nine layers of the gods are not your opponents."

"Extreme?" The cold-looking gaze looks in the direction of the mainland of the warrior: "There is a place where the wind is rising."

"do not fight!"

On the island of Huanglu, the monk who played against Du Fu repeatedly waved: "You have this metamorphosis, just breaking through the period of the gods, I will not beat you when you become the peak of the gods."

Deng Xiancheng.

Luo Fuzong resident.

Qin double opened his eyes, waved his hand and put up the flag, got up and pushed open the door, then he saw Yang Yingtian, Wanzhongshan and Zhang Zongzheng standing outside the door. Still standing behind them, Xu Feibai. The piano double moves the lotus step, takes the door and salutes everyone:

"I have seen the Sovereign, Master, Zhang Shishu, Master."

"Endless, since I participated in the duel, I can't lose face to the Terran. This is a deadly battle!" Yang Yingtian looks awe.

"I understand!" Qin nodded.


Yang Yingtian was in front, Wanzhongshan and Zhang Zongzhen were accompanying, Qinqin and Xu Feibai walked behind. Five people walked out of the courtyard of Qinshuang and saw a large number of Luofuzong monks standing outside. When I saw Yang Yingtian’s five people coming, they all flicked open to the sides. Yang Yingtian walked with the crowd outside the gate, and everyone heard the call:

"Master Sister Demon Demon, Victory!"

Qin double smiled and nodded, followed by Yang Yingtian and walked out of the gate, followed by a group of Luofuzong monks, and hurriedly walked toward the central square of Dengxiancheng.

central square.

There is no downfall, just two high platforms.

This level of duel has not been able to accommodate the downfall. At that time, both sides of the duel will be at high altitude.

The two high-level stations are sitting on both sides. On one high platform, there are seven demons. On the other high platform, they sit on the races of the Terran and the duels.

A million monks gathered on the ground, waiting for this duel to determine the historical direction of the monastic circle.

On the high stage, Qin Shuang and Liu Xueyi of Snow Island went to the high platform. Everyone knew that the players who participated in the distraction duel and the duel duel were the two of them.

The eyes of the seven demons on the opposite side are gathered on two people, especially the eyes of two demon saints and two devils. Even if they do not deliberately oppress, they are not affordable to ordinary people.

Qin double does not care, whether it is her experience, or the realm of Yin, can make her ignore the eyes of the demon and the devil. But Liu Ming felt the sharp oppression, making his face pale in an instant.

Xiang Baizhi's knowledge of the surging, cut off the eyes of Liu Ming, let Liu Ming long breath a sigh of relief. Despite care, his eyes became sharp. This makes the piano double heart can not help but admire.

"It is the first person in the snow-free island distraction period. It was oppressed by the demon sacred and the demon sacred eyes. Not only was it not discouraged, but it inspired his fighting spirit. This mind is not generally strong."

Two people were seated on the high platform, Liu Ming said to the double voice of the piano. "Yue Shimei, you are not discolored, the brother is not as good as you."

Qin double voice into the secret channel: "The original practice of the monk is against the sky, so the cultivation of the first repair, the so-called repair, the primary practice. I have been grinding in the mainland of the war in the past year and a half, but not repaired, but repaired A body."

In the eyes of Liu Ming, there is a color of envy: "I really envy you to take a step early, I know that I should also go to the mainland of the military to experience it."

"Not in a hurry!" Qin double smiled: "After a few more months, we have to go to the mainland."

"Hohyan Island Lord!"

At this time, I saw a magical holy station on the opposite high platform:

"The first duel will come from me. I don't know the Taoist friend who played?"

Li Wu of Huanglu Island stood up and smiled: "I will discuss it with my friends."

Devil's mouth screamed: "This is not a discussion, but a duel. Are you ready to die?"

"Oh..." Li silently laughed. "You can rest assured that even if you are dead, I will pack your bones and will not let your bones ruin the wilderness."

"Big words!"


The devil's big sleeves squatted, and the figure was skyrocketing. Li silently walked in the air and walked away. All eyes are looking at the sky, and all the monks have gathered their knowledge in the eyes, penetrated the thick clouds, and gathered in the body of the devil and Li.

Above the thick clouds, the wind is smashing, and on the top, it is the thunder layer, where lightning flashes, even if they are two, they are not willing to enter the thunder.

The strings of the piano are twinkling, and the heart is full of tension. This duel of the realm, even the Qin double is the first time to see, and it is related to the trend of the human race, so that she has to be nervous.


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