Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 673: Grimace tree



"No! The four major areas will collide again, and my sword field will collapse and be seriously injured."

The piano is in the heart and can't continue. The figure disappeared into the sword field, and the sword field also dissipated. The three demons turned their heads and saw that the piano double stood on top of the fire phoenix and fled to the distance.

"Piano double, you can't escape!" The magic screamed.

"Piano double, you are dead!" Two demon snarls.

"Oh... the cards are all bright!"

Qin double sighed, sitting on the back of the fire phoenix, the gods control the fire and phoenix flies, the heart is moving, the guqin in the heart of Haoran is placed between the knees. The hands began to move on the strings, and the power of the soul was poured into the soul.

The demon of the three demons is slightly embarrassed, and the figure is not worth a meal. Then he woke up again, hurriedly clung to the gods, and chased the past again.

It’s just that this killing of the soul has an impact on them, so that their speed is fast and slow, and they can’t catch up with the piano.

I don't know how many miles have passed. The face of Qin double has a tired color, and the power of the soul is huge.

Day and night, night and day...

The three demons are also expensive, but they are still chasing. They also know that this is the best chance to kill the piano. Missing this time, it is rare to have such an opportunity.

There was a sky around them, and they didn’t know where they were.

The clouds in the sky are tumbling, and the sea below is churning.

One person, one demon, two demons crossed the sky, leaving four white lines.

"The lion brother, now the original shape."

The pianos that have been able to get rid of the demon are always in a hurry, and the three demons are the same. If you go on like this, maybe you can really let the piano escape. The devil took out the demon bow and said to the demon saint next to him.

The Devil has never been able to move the demon bow, because once the archery, it will affect the speed of their pursuit. And riding the demon, the demon will never agree. Everyone is Wu Sheng, I will ride you, can not afford to lose that demon.

However, this time is different!

The three of them also got tired, and they were not sure that they could catch up with the piano. Therefore, the demon sacred, the look just hesitated, and then screamed, turned into a huge fire lion dozens of feet, four hooves, chasing toward the piano. At the same time, the Devil's body jumped, and jumped on the back of the fire lion, then opened the demon bow, the black magic gathered into a long black arrow, locked the back of the fire phoenix Qin double.

"It's really trouble!"

Qin Qin double heart, helpless face. Put away the guqin, the magic arrow opposite has been spurred. The piano double backhand pulled out the dragon sword, stabbed at the arrow, and broke the magic arrow. The figure was shaking on the back of the fire phoenix.

Looking around, I saw a black spot in the distance. The fire phoenix spurred toward the black spot.

At the speed of their four, just in the blink of an eye, the black spot is quickly pulled in, but it is a huge island with large and tall trees. The figure of Qin double fell to the island, and the fire and the phoenix turned into a stream of knowledge and entered the sea of ​​Qin.

The piano double swallowed an medicinal herb, throwing a flag on one side, and immediately deployed a force and the largest array and a hidden array around him. Then I walked into the town demon tower, swallowed a lot of medicinal herbs, and began to adjust the interest.


The three demons fell outside the big array and looked at each other. They each bombarded the past with a large array.


The big array began to shake.


There was a crack in the big array.


The cracks in the big array are expanding and spreading...

In the hidden array, the figure of the piano double appeared again. A repair has been restored to its peak. Waving a handcuff, went to the ground, hooked the flag, and then the body shape penetrated the formation and flew away in the distance.


The big array of pianos exploded, and the three demons flew out. The surrounding ancient trees have been destroyed countless.

Suddenly, the fluttering piano doubled in the footsteps and the body was a little stiff. The three demons who were blown up and flew up and stood up, looking stiffly around.


The angry screams sounded from all sides, and the whole island seemed to move, as if it were undulating. That is not an island move, not a island ups and downs.

That is the tree!

That is the tree on the entire island moving, undulating, like a wave of turbulence.

That is the tree screaming...

In that kind of screaming, Qin double can clearly understand, it is a kind of grief and anger that has lost loved ones.

The hairs of the double body of the piano stood up, and the coolness of the tail vertebrae quickly passed through the vertebrae, and the current scalp reached the top of the head, and the entire scalp was numb.

What did she see?

She saw that all the old trees around her and her eyes were alive, and they all moved. The thick roots were pulled out of the deep soil and surrounded by the double and the three demons. The thick branches turned into a huge palm, and slammed toward the double and the three demons.

What makes the piano even more horrible is that at this time, she only saw that there was a human face on each of the thick trunks. At this time, the big mouth of the face was constantly opening and closing, and a loud roar was heard. .


Qin double and three demons also refused to each other, and they attacked the big trees around them, and the big trees were destroyed by them. The piano is like a dragon, and all the trees that are close to it are cut off by her.

One demon and two demons looked at each other and killed at the center of the island. Such a strange island must have a treasure. The piano double looks hesitant, this time is the best time to escape. However, in the end biting his teeth, the piano double is still behind the three demons. Even if you don't get the treasure, you can't get the three demons.

Less than a quarter of an hour before the tree demon became more powerful. The piano double and the three demons began to become more and more difficult.

Suddenly, the muscles on the face of the piano were not twitched. She saw a tree towering in the sky, and a giant face on the trunk was looking down on them.

Qin Shuangqiang from An Nai’s horror in her heart, she has already remembered what this tree is.

Grimace tree!

The seeds of this tree have the size of a fist, like a narrow head, with a ghostly face.

This kind of tree is found on the mainland of the warrior and also in the monastic field.

However, these ghost trees are scary to grow, and they are actually ordinary trees. I have never seen a ghost tree come alive, let alone attacking people, and the power is so strong. Until now, the Qinshuang and the three demons have gradually begun to make full efforts.


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