Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 674: Town demon tower VS ghost face tree



The most important thing is that the huge gigantic tree that towers into the sky, although it has not moved yet, has great pressure on the piano and the three demons.


Looking at the huge ghost tree fell, the towering grimace tree finally became angry, and screamed, making the angry sea Shengtao, the two Qins and the three demon's minds stunned.

This makes the piano double heart shocked, to know that her soul strength is the early tenth level of the Valkyrie, and the cultivation of sound. Under the roar of the ghost tree, I almost fell.


When the space was torn apart, I saw the towering tree in the sky, and thousands of branches swarmed toward the double and the three demons.

The face of Qin double has changed. It is only the momentum that thousands of branches are swarming. Qinqin feels that his own smallness is not an opponent. Even in the face of the three demon's poor pursuit of color, the situation is sinister, the piano double did not show their last card, the skill of Confucianism. However, at this moment, Qin double did not hesitate, snorted:

"Thunder of the Thunder."

The land of the great masters of Confucianism and Taoism.


In the sky, a thunder sea was born, and the thick thunder poured down violently. Then the piano doubled and stunned.

Then I saw the roots of the branches violently, pumped toward the Thunder, and shattered the Thunder.


"A thousand miles of ice."

Seeing the violent branches rushing toward themselves, the piano double released Confucianism again, and the words followed.

The earth is frosty, everything around it is frozen into ice sculptures, and the raging branches are frozen.


Qin double spit out a breath, but before she could breathe out, she saw the thousands of branches shaking, the ice layer shattering, and the long branches were alive, and she had already reached her.

Qin double hurriedly shouted: "Xuanwu, help me fight it."

"I can't beat it and hurry into the town demon tower."

Qin double minded a move, no longer care about the other, flashed into the town demon tower.


The town demon tower was taken out, and then a branch caught up with the town demon tower. The end of the branch turned into a palm, and the town demon tower was caught in the hand, toward the towering sky. The Grimace Tree shrinks back.

Looking out through the town demon tower, the branches contracted quickly, and the scenery outside quickly flowed. She saw that the three demons were also entangled in layers of branches and became three scorpions. The scorpion continually vibrated, and the suffocating blasted from the scorpion continually and intensively, but could not break the shackles of the scorpion. The piano is not in the heart.

"Awesome tree demon!"

Qin double is not strange why this tree demon will also shoot the two demon saints, she went to the demon world, knowing that the demon family is also constantly strangled, not because the other party is a demon, they will be merciful.

The piano double and the three demons were quickly caught by the tree demon. The piano double saw the tree demon opening a big mouth. First, throwing a demon saint into the mouth, and then a chewing sound.

Then... there is no more then...

"Just eat it..."

"A demon saint is so eaten..."

I haven't waited until the piano is finished, and I saw that the tree demon had eaten another demon, and then it was the demon.

Finally, the tree demon looked at the town demon tower, Qin double stared at the tree demon in the town demon tower. Then he was horrified to see that the tree demon began to bombard the town demon tower. Even if the piano double turned the town demon tower into a dust, the tree demon can also be accurately bombarded on the town demon tower.

"This is definitely the strongest person I have ever encountered! I am an ant in front of it."

Qin double looked at the town demon tower in horror as the tree demon continually attacked the town demon tower. Gradually, the horrified heart calmed down. A **** sat on the ground and spit out a long breath.

Obviously, the grade of the town demon tower is very high, and the tree demon can not destroy the town demon tower. I am temporarily safe and have no worries.


Qin double then worried.

Life is no problem, but how do you get out of here?

Control the town demon tower to leave?

After the experiment, it is impossible at all. The tree demon will seize the town demon tower in time.

From the town demon tower to escape?

That is the act of finding death.

Do you really want to be tied here permanently?


Qin double found that the tree demon did not bombard the town demon tower, looked at the outside, they saw the tree demon put the town demon tower on a leaf, and then closed his eyes. It seems to have slept.

It should be known that I can't destroy the town demon tower and give up.

In the heart of the piano, a joy, quietly control the town demon tower, I want to leave. But then I found that the town demon tower was firmly sucked on the leaf and could not be moved.

The piano double experimented several times and could not move the minute. Lying on the ground, looking at the sky above the town demon tower.

"I am really trapped here!"

"No, I have to leave. Since I won't let me go, I won't let you sleep. Anyway, the tree demon can only trap me. There is no way to take me. I will toss it and make it unbearable, and also Just as a cultivation."

The piano double jumped up from the ground, and the mind was moved. The tower door of the town demon tower opened and the tree demon opened his eyes and looked at the tower door.

"Swords cut the world!"

The piano double sword smashed toward the tree enchant outside the tower door, cut on the tree demon, but did not cause any damage to the tree demon, only a shallow sword mark.

A branch spread and came in toward the tower gate of the town demon tower. Qin Qin was shocked and just wanted to close the tower door, but when he thought that the tower was called the town demon tower, he was far away from the tower door and looked at the branch that was tapped into the tower door.


The town demon tower immediately swayed, and the dense fringe chain hangs down in the sky, tangling away from the branches of the grimace tree that came in. Then it is to pull the branch to the town demon tower.


The Grimace Tree instantly perceives the extreme danger and frantically wants to retract the branches. However, it was dragged tightly by the fringe chain, and went to the town demon tower to pull in. Grimace trees struggled more intensely, and the two sides were deadlocked together.


The town demon tower suddenly began to grow bigger, bigger and bigger, and the tower door became very huge, as if it could swallow a piece of heaven and earth. The golden light from the tower door burst, shrouded the towering grimace tree, and formed a whirlpool, pulling the ghost tree, wanting to **** the ghost tree into the town demon tower.

The ecstasy of the piano double heart, can not help but wave a small fist in the town demon tower:

"The town demon tower, come on. Take it in."


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