Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 675: Gloomy tree's depression



The face of the grimace tree is distorted, and there is a hint of fear. Thousands of branches rushed toward the town demon tower. The thick branches were beaten on the town demon tower, making a squeaking sound.

However, the town demon tower did not hurt at all, but the town of the demon tower did not put the grimace tree into the town demon tower, although the grimace tree poured toward the town demon tower, but the roots were tightly tied to the earth. There is no movement at all.

"Flame chain! Rune chain to go out to attack!" Qin double jumped and shouted.

However, the striated chain is only waving in the town demon tower, entangled in the branches that come in, that is, not going out. Qin double shouted for a while, knowing that the striated chain can only be in the town demon tower, can not get out. Unfortunately, my eyes stared at the ghost tree and looked at the battle between the town demon tower and the ghost tree.

A quarter of an hour has passed, and the two sides are still struggling to compete. Suddenly in the heart of the piano, can you escape with this opportunity?

The eyes could not help but look out of the tower door, and the heart was a mourning. She found that the leaves that sucked the town demon tower nowadays have become very huge, and still firmly **** the town demon tower. Qin double experimented, and it was sucked firmly, so that the town demon tower can not be separated from the leaves.


Qin double is like the difference between the ghost tree. I have been in a state of tension before, and I haven’t looked at this grimace tree. Now it seems that this grimace tree is not normal.

This grimace tree is not very lively, and the leaves are half yellow.

The piano is not perceived by the fine, she perceives that the vitality of this ghost tree is slowly losing.

"Is it hurt by the town demon tower?"

Qin double's mood can't help but jump. If this is the case, is this ghost face tree not being dragged to death by the town demon tower sooner or later?

"Well? No! The vitality of this grimace tree is still very strong. It is lost at this speed. I am afraid that it will not die for a hundred years. Can I be trapped here for a hundred years?"


One whispered, but it was like Hong Zhong Da Lu. Qin Shuang Huoran looked back, and when he thought about it, he came to the front of the golden pillar in the town demon tower.

At this time, in the town demon tower, the five pillars were bright, releasing the light curtains, and the tower door emerged, forming a huge vortex, pulling the ghost tree.



This time the piano double saw it, and the golden pillars that were originally cracked had a thin crack.


From the other four pillars, the sound of "咔嚓" was also heard. The heart of the piano doubled up and immediately called:

"The town demon tower, close the tower door."


The town demon tower closed the tower door and cut off the branch that came in. The branch was instantly pulled into the air by the fringe chain and swallowed.

The town demon tower also restored the size of the fist, and was tightly sucked by the same shrinking leaves.

Inside the town demon tower.

Qin double's look is very ugly, at this time she has already wanted to understand, not the town demon tower can not get the ghost tree, but the town demon tower is far from the complete repair. Didn't you see cracks on the five pillars?

"It’s just a crack in the cracks. It’s hard to break with the ghost tree. If it’s completely repaired, what kind of power would it be?”

Qinqin stood there and laughed sillyly, and then reacted. Now the town demon tower has not been completely repaired, and he is still trapped here. Raised his hand and wiped a mouthful of water, his eyes were helpless.

"My strength is still too weak."

Qin double's look is a bit sorrowful, the town demon tower is just a foreign object, and ultimately rely on its own strength, and now its own strength, in the face of the tree demon, has no ability to resist. After a while, the spirit of the piano doubled, and the body exuded high spirits.

"Self-death has nothing to do with me, I want to be stronger. I have to work hard to become stronger, not to fall into sorrow. I am weak now, but I will not be weak all the time. Although trapped here, there is a town demon. Tower, that grimace tree can't help me. Since its vitality is lost, I will continue to harass it and let it lose faster. At the same time, breaking through myself will make me stronger."

The fighting spirit in the double heart of the piano burned up, perceived the ghost tree, and found that its vitality was still lost, but the speed of the loss was slower than when it was fighting with the town demon tower. If the speed of the loss just made it die for a hundred years, this speed can now live for five hundred years.

"Then I will let you speed up the loss. Xuanwu, help me fight it."

"What to fight? You can't beat it." Xuanwu said lazily.

"You are a waste of this." Qin double airway: "No one can beat, what do you want?"

"Who said that I can't beat it?" Xuanwu anger.

"Hey..." Qin said with a smile: "What are you playing?"

"I have not recovered to the peak. If I return to the peak, playing it is a wave."

"You just blow it. Help me fight it."

"Too lazy to move. You wait for me to recover, turn it and destroy it. Don't delay me to recover now."

Xuanwu no longer speaks, let Qin double scream, and no longer respond.

The piano was born for a while, and the tower door was opened again. The grimace tree saw the tower door open, and immediately became alert, but this time it did not dare to explore the branches, a grimace staring at the town demon tower. However, Qin double is regardless of ignorance, martial arts and law, plus a variety of Taoist and martial arts, taking turns to the ghost face tree constantly bombarded. At the same time, the ghost face tree was touched in detail, and it was found that the loss of the ghost tree tree accelerated. Of course, I didn’t lose so much when I was fighting with the town demon tower. At this rate of loss, the piano double feels that it takes four hundred years to make the ghost tree die.

There is no way to be frustrated in the heart of the piano. Doesn’t this mean that you have to be trapped here for four hundred years?

Then she cheered up again.

"I don't always do this, it won't always be so weak. When my cultivation is upgraded, the damage to the face tree will naturally be greater, and it will accelerate its loss of vitality. Just..."

The piano doubled and attacked, and frowned.

"How can the loss of this grimace tree be lost? With the weak one, it is impossible to give this kind of damage to the face tree.


Even when he does not attack the face tree, its vitality is lost. In this way, this ghost tree should be a problem for itself. No matter what, first attack and then hope to aggravate its problems. ”

In the following month, the piano doubled the release of the Fa and the martial arts, thereby cultivating various Taoist methods and martial arts, so that her Taoist and martial arts could be upgraded rapidly. Once the spiritual power and the gods are consumed, the piano will close the tower door and practice in the town demon tower. The time flow rate in the town demon tower makes the piano double recovery very fast. This makes the ghost tree very depressed.


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