Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 684: God-given death



His original **** was originally half red as blood, half white as jade, but now it is as red as blood accounts for 80%, and white as jade is only 20%.

"Ha ha ha..." The **** suddenly burst into laughter, and the laughter was full of evil, but then filled with holiness and compassion. Only the holy and compassionate laughter was very short and soon became evil.

"God, don't struggle, the blood of your body's merits has already left 20%. Soon I will suppress them all, your soul will be suppressed by me, and eventually I will be swallowed up. I will become a new generation of blood. Devil, hahaha... The taste of Vientiane is really good, it is very helpful to me. Let me give you a few more pianos, you can rest assured, you can't take me, hahaha..."

"Oh..." Godsend spurted a blood, and the breath became weaker, trying to make your voice fierce.

"Piano double, let me down."

The piano is silent, carrying the godsend, and walking forward. There was a roar of noise behind the scenes. The piano doubled in the footsteps and turned around and looked hard. Then he saw the giant hammer smashing a monster, leaving only five demons.

Godsend is a pair of red and red, opened his mouth, biting toward the neck of the piano, the teeth are one inch away from the neck of the piano, but stopped, the face is struggling, the eyes are red for a while, black and white for a while distinct. In the end, God's eyes returned to the clear, but the breath was even weaker. His sternum was broken, wounded and wounded, and he said:

"Double children, let me down, my life is gone! Hehe..." Godsend spurted a blood. The sound is weak and unspeakable:

"My sternum is broken, the five internal organs are broken, the blood is lost too much, and the gods are wounded. Without a hope of living, let me go, let go."

Qin double looked back at the five demons, seeing the five demons getting closer and closer, they said:

"God, don't talk, save some effort, and Vientiane will heal you later."

"Vientiane is useless. Do you think I have a look of recovery? The demon behind is getting closer and closer. Don't take your own for this dead person. The Crescent Moon Empire can't leave you alone. Let me put it down. ""

"Double children, we can't both of them die here. If so, who will take revenge in the future? Put me down, you must hurry to escape."

The piano doubled his teeth and tried to explore the god-given body with a little bit of consciousness that had just recovered. Then her face changed and she slammed into the ground.

"How can this be? How can you not recover at all? As long as there is still a breath, Vientiane can cure people. It must have been clear to me. Yes, it must be, I will take a look."

"Don't look at it, the Vientiane is useless to me. Don't worry, let's go." Godsend squatted on the back of the piano, the blood in his mouth continually flowed out and flowed around the neck of the piano.

The piano doubles silently, and once again tries to scan the gods to scan the god-given body.


The piano double squirted a blood, unbelievable, and then became sad.

"How could this be?"

Her gods saw that the god-given body not only did not recover, but also reached the critical point of death.

"No! No! No!" Qin is a little confused: "There must be a Vientiane fruit, then eat two."

Godsend sighed in a heart, she did not want to eat the Vientiane, because it would be rushed to eat as blood, which not only did not help him, but it was harmful. Once the red blood grows up completely, it will suppress and even swallow his soul. At that time, Godsend would disappear between heaven and earth. However, he is not able to tell the truth of the matter to the piano. Once the piano has learned the truth, it will not leave alone.

Qinqin fed the godsend and ate a Vientiane, and then did not explore the godsend. In fact, he did not dare to explore. He was afraid to learn the truth about the ineffectiveness of the Vientiane. He silently took up the godsend and slammed toward the island. Go deep in the line.

The godsend behind it no longer speaks, but Qinshuang can feel the heat of the gods exhaling around her neck getting weaker and weaker, and the temperature on her body is getting colder...

The big and big tears in the double eyes of the piano flowed down, and her cultivation has already recovered 30%, but the heart is full of sorrow.

She looked back and the five demons were getting closer and closer to her.

"Double children..." The God-given voice is weak and inaudible: "Let me down... Escape... Revenge... This is... my last request... promise me... let me look..."

Qin double continues to move forward, tears flow into the river. Suddenly, her body trembled and her body was awkward. She felt the godsend's head weakly pulled over her shoulder and the body became temperatureless.


The piano doubles and cries, the nose and mouth bleed, and the eyes are crying.

She stopped and glanced around, then walked mechanically. Crossed a path and came to an open space.

Silently put the gods down from the back, pulled out the dragon sword and dug a pit, and then put the gods into the pit, and whispered:

"God, I will bury you here, face the mainland of the warrior. Look at me, demon and demon, revenge for you."

Both hands pushed the soil back, and looked at it for a while, then looked back and looked at the demon who was chasing after him. Pick up the dragon sword, speed up the pace, and go to a path.

Huanghuangwei can be squeezed in the movement, the path disappears, and the place where Tianci is buried is surrounded by Huanghuangwei. There is no path leading to it. There is a small path just a hundred meters to the left of Qinqin. Go and go.

The five demons stood on a clearing, and looked at the place where the gods were buried through the Huanghuangwei. There was no path leading to it, and they looked at the back of the piano pair. Straight line distance, they are not far from the piano double. However, there is no straight path, they have to find the path to go forward again.

Qinqin walked through a small path and looked back. He saw that the five demons also found a path and chased her. The eyes of five people looked coldly at her.

The physical condition of these five demons is not too good. It seems that the previous sword and a hammer did not kill them, but they also spread to them.

"Leave it! I will report this hatred."

Qin double knows that he is not the opponent of the five demons in front of him. The most important thing now is to prevent the five demons from catching up.

The trails appear from time to time and disappear from time to time. The piano double and the five demons are not a straight line at all, and they don’t know where they are at this time.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

The body of Qin double was finally restored with the help of Vientiane. It is only the body that recovers, but the gods and souls are far from being restored. The piano will take out all kinds of medicinal herbs and swallow them.


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