Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 685: Sky inverse



After another three days, Qinshuang’s gods and souls have all returned to their peaks, and she has found that she has made great progress in all aspects.

"The revenge!"

Qin double walked through a path, turned and looked at the five demons opposite. The five demons were walking on a path at this time, and the piano looked at them silently until they walked out of the path. At this time, the path that the piano has passed has disappeared, and a small path appeared two hundred meters to the right of the piano. The five demons went to the path and quickly entered the path. The five demons saw that the piano double stopped, and a demon family said:

"She can't escape."

A demon gaze flashed and said: "This time we have so many casualties, she must die."

"What is she going to do?" A demon suddenly spoke.

The five demons looked at the piano doubles in shock, and they saw the double body of the piano rushing to the end of the path they were walking. They looked at them with the eyes of the dead, and let the five demon hearts glimpse.

The piano sits on the ground and the heart is moving. The guqin in the heart of Haoran is placed on the knees. Then both hands are on the strings.


Ten images appeared behind the doubles of the piano, and the movements of the soul-killing movements followed the five demons in a small radial direction. The power of the soul of the peak of the tenth layer of Wu Sheng was poured into the movement.

The five demons felt a groan, footsteps, and swaying, and they slammed into the swaying powers on both sides of the path. They were twisted into glutinous powder by Huanghuangwei.

Qin double minded and moved the guqin. Turned away and left.

After half a day.

The piano double slammed into the footsteps, and the eyes showed light. She suddenly remembered the past.

"Tianci him... He has died many times, and he has not only survived, but he has also been refined. Right, he said, he has a devil in his body and a mysterious seal.

He is not dead! ”

The piano is bright and bright, and it is necessary to look for a place to bury the godsend. Then there was an urgent color on her face, because at this time she had no idea of ​​where the godsend was buried, and that the royal power had covered everything.

"I am going to find him."

The piano doubles by imagination, a small path runs through a small path.

one day!

Two days!

Three days!

Qinqin not only did not find a place to bury the gods, but also went to the edge of the island. At this time in front of her is a layer of distorted mask.

"God, sorry, I can't find you..." Qin double eyes tears: "You must not die, right? I will leave here, you will find me, right?"

The piano raised his hand and wiped his tears, then walked toward the twisted light curtain.


The figure of the piano pair was bounced back, and the piano looked a glimpse of it and waved a punch to the distorted light curtain.


The body of the piano double was once again bounced back. The look of Qin double became serious. He raised his hand and pulled out the dragon sword, and he took it to the ground and made a sword.


The twisted light curtains oscillated, the colorful floats, and the aura surged, but the twisted light curtain still showed no gaps.

"It turned out to be in, not to go. No wonder God said that when several demons came in, they never went out."

Sitting on the ground and looking at the island, Qin Qin saw that Huang Huangwei could change all shapes and shapes. For a while, like the flow of the Tianhe River, it’s like a sea tide, and it’s like a mountain suspension...

"I want to sleep here?" Qin double whispered.

"Where are you trapped again?"

Xuanwu’s voice was thought of, and Qin’s double listening was a look of joy, followed by endless sadness, and sadness:

"Xuanwu, why did you wake up? If you wake up early, Godsend will not die..."

"God is dead? Where is it, what happened?"

A blue stream of light blew out from the heart of Qin double, turned into a basaltic, fell on the shoulders of Qin double, seeing the piano double tears, could not help but ask:

"Taro, what happened?"

"Thanks to him..."

The piano doubled and tweeted and told the story. Xuanwu silently, the piano double gradually did not speak, so I sat there so dumb.

"Taro..." Half a ring, Xuanwu said: "I am leaving."

"You are leaving?" Qin Shuangmu's look fluctuated.

"Yeah!" Xuanwu nodded. "I told you before I fell asleep. When I wake up, I am afraid I will break the void."

"You...have it reached?"

"Well! I was originally a half-sex body, and because I was injured for hundreds of thousands of years, once I recovered, I directly reached the realm of broken voids. It is not surprising."

Qin double looked at Xuanwu, and said: "The blood piano is gone, the gods are gone, are you leaving?"

"Shantou, I will take you out of here. Then you work hard to cultivate, we will see you again in the fairy world."

Qin Shuangmu nodded and said: "We are in contact with the contract."

Xuanwu silently for a moment, and finally nodded: "Remove it, this is good for you."

Qinshuang and Xuanwu were both at the same time, and they canceled the contract. Qinqin felt the inexplicable looseness in his heart. The soul of the peak of the beginning of the Wusheng 10th level has been broken into the middle of the tenth floor of Wusheng. Yuanshen also rose to the critical point of breakthrough. The piano doubled a little, and then suddenly lost.

"It seems that signing the contract, although it has got a strong helper, but the mind seems to have a shackle. I did not expect that just canceled the contract, let me reach the critical point of breakthrough."

The body of Xuanwu began to grow bigger, and as its body became larger, the power of Huanghuang was released. That power can not even stand up and stand on the ground.

"Is this Xianwei?" Qin Qin could not help but feel awkward.

A round hole appeared in the sky, and the colorful light fell from the round hole, plunging toward the island, piercing the twisted light curtain, and covering the basalt body. Xuanwu extended his head and slammed the piano in his mouth. The body rose up in the beam, passed through the twisted light curtain, and ascended up to the round hole in the air. Xuanwu will shake the head, and then the piano will fly out. The piano double tumbling in the air, standing in the air, staring at Xuanwu, and seeing the figure of Xuanwu rising higher and higher, finally entering the round hole. Among them, the colorful beams contracted back and the sky returned to its original appearance.


The piano spit out a sigh of relief, glanced at the twisted island, and emptied into the distance. A voice emerges from the heart.

"God, you must not die, I am waiting for you to find me."


The earth flew and the godsend jumped out of the pit.

"Ha ha ha..."

God-given mouth burst into a sullen laugh: "God, I finally suppressed you. You can rest assured that when I improve my strength, I will swallow you up and let me reach a perfection. Godsend, huh, huh... From today, I am It’s called Tianrui. Hahaha...”


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