Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 686: Fierce name



His laughter suddenly stopped, his look distorted, and his eyes became fierce.

"I still don't want to be safe! Don't make the final struggle."

The eyes of the sky are red as blood, and the look is terrible. After half a ring, his look returned to calm, but the pupil had a faint blood red, and he could not see it without paying attention.


The sky ran fast and ran through the trails. One day later, he stood on the edge of the island and looked at the twisted mask.

The shape of the sky was suddenly turned into a blood, flowing toward the twisted light curtain, stuck on the light curtain, and then infiltrated, turned into a **** light and flew into the air, and it became a new one. God-given appearance.

"Ha ha ha..."

The sky resounded and laughed, turning into a **** stream.

A sea area.

The piano double carries the dragon sword, has washed away the blood stains on his body, changed a dry white dress, cling to the sea, and walked on the waves.


A scream of sound screamed from the surface of the sea, and a golden light pierced the surface of the water and flew toward the piano. It was the Jinpeng sword lost by Qin Double, which turned into a golden stream of light and entered the sea of ​​Qin.


Eight water mines rushed out of the sea and were accepted into the sea by Qin. When I thought about it, I thought of a fire phoenix, stepped on its back and flew in the direction of the mainland of the warrior.

Three days later.

Qinqin fell on a desert island, this desert island is not small, Qin double opened a hole in the mountain wall, and then set up the array, and began to break through.

Sharp gold and Fenghuo breakthroughs are still fast, because there are white tiger Dan liquid and fire Feng Dan liquid. Xuan Shui took a few days to complete the breakthrough.

Qin double began to check his own cultivation.

The Ruijin method was completed to break through the ninth floor of Yuan Ying, and the martial arts repair broke through the sixth floor of Wushen.

Xuan Shui Fa Tao repaired the ninth layer of Yuan Ying, and Wu Dao Xiu broke through the eighth floor of Wu Shen.

The phoenix fire method was broken through the fourth layer of the sacred period, and the martial arts repair broke through the ninth floor of the Valkyrie.

The power of the soul reached the middle of the tenth layer of Wusheng. The body repair is not a little bit of improvement, it is still the third peak of Wusheng. It is the Haoran's heart in Haoran's heart that has two fights.

The piano doubled up the flag and came outside the Dongfu, looking at the direction of the mainland.

"It's time to go back. It won't take long. The monastic world will enter the mainland of the warriors. I don't know how the Wansha Huangsha big set up. According to the time, it should be laid."


The gods shed from the eyebrows and turned into a fire phoenix. The piano fell on its back, and the fire and phoenix wings spread out for a few miles, swaying toward the mainland of the warrior.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, and the white air was like a white cloud, floating in the air. The improvement of the piano double repair also makes her breath become stronger.

"I finally returned to the mainland of the warriors."

The piano doubles the fire and phoenix, and draws a gorgeous fire line in the sky, so I don't avoid my body shape. Along the way, the demon kills the demon, and the devil kills the devil.

The news that Qinqin once again returned to the mainland of the Warriors was like a gust of wind sweeping across the entire mainland. This news is awesome, the Mozu and the Yaozu are in vain.

There were hundreds of demons who chased the piano doubles at first, but the monks of the entire warrior continent knew it. And there are eight layers of Wu Sheng in those demons. Now the piano double is back, and none of the demons have returned.

what does this mean?

Does the strength of Qinshuang have surpassed the eight layers of Wusheng?

how is this possible?

The Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu monks have paid close attention to the whereabouts of the Qinshuang, and gathered together from the news of the Qinshuang in all directions.

For a time, Yuehuang Qin double fierce name!

Fengming City.

Countless demon people gathered outside Fengming City.


The demon cloud swayed, and Feng Ming and a demon were fighting together. The two of them continually collided in the air, and the demon was finally smashed by Feng Ming, and the body fell from the sky. Feng Ming was bathed in blood, his eyes swept away, and Hong Sheng shouted:

"Who else?"

In the sky, the enchanting commotion. Feng Mai glanced at the majesty, and snorted:

"How? Deceive me, no one in the phoenix? Or do you want to let the people and the devil see jokes? Today, you single-handedly phoenix, our Feng nationality has no opinion, and Fengming's cultivation is only the fourth layer of the Valkyrie, the heads-up demon The tribes can't surpass the Wusheng mid-term, even if it is the peak of the demon sacred, our phoenix should also be replaced by Fengming. But if it is more than the middle of the demon, or you are a group, then wait for the phoenix The anger of the family."

The demons were silent. At this time, a large number of demon monks came from the demon world, but after the demon world came to the warrior continent, the Feng people suddenly became tough, and countless Terrans and Mozus watched far away. It is true that they can't afford to lose the demon, so after the phoenix dance came out to discuss, they promised that the demons could play at the peak of the demon, but they must be singled out.

Feng Ming has been fighting in Fengming City for a month. With his powerful body, he even killed dozens of demons. He has lost his name.

"Feng Mingdao friends, I haven't seen you for a long time."

A figure is coming out of the crowd. Feng Ming stared at it.

"Gao Xiaoxiao!"

"The cultivation of Fengming Daoyou has been improved!" Gao Xiaoxiao flew to the front of Feng Ming.

"Your breath is also a lot stronger." Feng Ming said faintly.

"Come on, you and me fight." Gao Xiaoxiao took out a scimitar.

"I can't ask for it." Qin double pulled out the giant sword behind Feng Yu.

"The piano is back..."

The demons in the air suddenly screamed, and Gao Xiaoxiao and Feng Ming looked like a glimpse, erecting their ears to listen. Slowly, the look of both people has changed. Gao Xiaoxiao put away the curved knife road:

"Feng Ming, how is it better for us to make a bet?"

"What gambling?"

"See who killed the piano first. If I kill the piano, you will commit suicide. If you kill the piano, I will commit suicide."

"No interest, you have to fight, we will be jealous. If you want to fight, I will go back to rest. You have to fight with me one by one, I have been killed for a month, tired, tired. As for the moon Huang Qin double At that time, I will go to find her."


In the sky, one by one, Gao Xiaoxiao looked at Feng Ming and said, "You are afraid, I will spare you a life. When I kill the piano, I will kill you with a big victory."

"Call..." Gao Xiaoxiao also stepped away from the cloud.

Soon, only Fengming and Fengzu were left in the air. Feng Dance came to Fengming's front and looked at Fengming:

"You don't go?"

"Tired! I am going to this state, not necessarily the opponent of Qin double."

"Yes!" Feng Dance nodded. "You should rest well."

The words fell, leading the phoenix to whistle and leave.


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