Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 697: Mysterious egg




The eyes of Qin double fell on the egg, and the face was surprised. The egg was originally hovering around the glistening gas around the gray stone. However, at this time, the egg has a general entry into the crystal of jade, the crystal of jade gas, the piano double is known from Xuanwu, it is Xianyuan Li.

What kind of egg is this egg?

Even before I was born, I entered half of Xianyuan and began to absorb Xianyuan.

"What is this? Is it so absorbed that so much energy is not yet born?"

The piano doubled into the air and came to the front of the egg. Although it has not yet entered the fairy power, there is still a foot distance from the fairy power, but the power of the fairy power makes the piano double panic. She knows that if she absorbs a trace, I am afraid that it will explode and die.

Stretching his finger and gently tapping the half of the egg shell outside the fairy power, the egg did not react, still spiraling around the gray stone in the air. The piano double circling it, placing his hand on the eggshell and feeling the vitality inside.

"How is it still not born?" Qin double grasped his head: "Do you want me to drop blood like those auras?"

"No?" Qin Shuang grabbed his head again: "The aura needs blood to recognize the Lord and is not born."

"No matter what, try it and not die."

The piano doubled his finger and squeezed a drop of blood onto the egg. It was only an instant, and the drop of blood was absorbed by the egg.

"Well? Is it really absorbed?"

Suddenly, the double face of the piano changed, and she felt that she had a connection with the egg. Just a little embarrassing. I want to feel clearer, but I always feel embarrassed. Staring at the egg for a moment, shook his head.

"Should it be because you haven't been born yet? Forget it, don't care."

Qin double left the gray stone, looked down at the bottom, waved a hand, a dozen boxes of ghost face will be moved in the air by her, reaching out to volley, a dozen boxes burst into flames, flesh flies, revealing a The core of the fruit, the sleeves are smashed, and the nucleus of a fruit nucleus is like the ground.

The piano doubled out of the town demon tower, sitting in a chair and thinking for a while, then communicated Fengming in the heart.

"Qin double!" Feng Ming's consciousness passed.

"Feng Ming, I heard that you have been fighting in Fengming City for a few months?"


"How is it now?"

"Because of your appearance, it has become the enemy of the demon. And yesterday, at the invitation of the phoenix dance, I swear by the soul in front of the Yaozu, I did not get the enchanting, so the demon family is also considered as the Qingniu family. As an enemy, the rest of the Yaozu are no longer hostile to me, but also encourage me to fight with you."

"Oh..." Qin double could not help but smile: "Are you convenient now?"


"I am in the 18th Fortress, I will leave to look for you tomorrow. You are waiting for me in the south of the Fengming City."

"it is good!"

Turtle back slope.

Feng Ming sat on a large rock across the knee. Suddenly, she looked up and saw the clouds breaking open. A figure fell in front of her.

"Qin double!" Feng Ming stood up.

Qin double took out a jade and handed it to Feng Ming: "You can see if I can help me build a horn."

When the words fell, the piano doubled his mind and moved Feng Feng into the town demon tower.

Qin double did not change to Feng Ming's appearance this time. With her cultivation now, as long as it is not the top demon, she can still save her life. The white fluttering, down the mountain road, the turtle back slope, she did not have a clear place to go, because she can not stay away from Fengming City at this time, waiting for Feng Ming to build the horn, Feng Ming still wants to return to Fengming city. Therefore, she just walked down the turtle back and walked aimlessly toward the forest.

Gradually, walking to the depths of the forest, there are only birds and insects, ridiculous.


A sudden roar, attracted the attention of the piano, the footsteps slightly, and then passed the sound. From time to time, the small animal was alarmed and fled from her front.

When he opened the branch that was in front of his eyes, he saw a strong man looking forward to her, and there was a monster in front of him. Seeing that the piano is a human race, his alert is relaxed.

Qin did not expect to see a Terran here, but here is the area occupied by the Yaozu. Is there a group of people hidden in this mountain forest?

When the piano double came out of the woods, the strong man saw that there was only one person in the piano, and the look on his face was more shocking than the Qin double:

"Only you alone?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded: "Are you alone?"

The brawny did not answer the words of the double, but he screamed, "Do you dare to sneak in the area of ​​the Yaozu?"

Qin double laughed: "Come out and practice."

The brawny heard the words, and couldn’t help but look up and down the piano, and the look became solemn. How can a person who can go alone to the demon territory to practice?

"Right, not twenty miles away from here, is there a Fengming City? I heard that there is protection of the Terran, why don't you go there?"

"The demon family does not have a good thing, I don't believe it."

The piano double wrinkled his brow and then stretched out: "Are you here alone?"

The brawny look became hesitant, and the piano double understood that the other party did not trust themselves and did not want to tell themselves where they were hidden. And Qin double is just asking later, if they need help, they will help. She just turned around here, since the other party is not willing, then forget it.

So, the double pendulum swings: "Do not delay you to clean up the monster, I am gone."

"Hey, where are you going?" The brawny saw the decisive departure of the piano, and the direction of his departure changed his look and involuntarily shouted.

Qin did not say back to the double head: "Go ahead and see."

"There... can't go!"

"Can't you go?" Qin doubled his footsteps: "Why?"

The face of the brawny changed and changed: "There is a mystery there, and the people who entered did not come out."

Qin double asked: "Where is that place?"

"We call it a sinister forest."

"Sinister forest?"

The piano turned around and looked towards the sinister forest. His eyes narrowed and he pointed to the front:

"Is that person your companion?"

The strong man looked down at the fingers of the piano, and his face was confusing, but in the eyes of Qin double, it was a white robe who stood facing each other on a high **** leading to the sinister forest. .

At this time, the surrounding is quiet and strange, the sky does not know when it becomes dark. The brawny looked across the street and blinked:

"Where is there?"


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