Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 698: White Crown Jade Cave House

The piano double frowned, there was a white robes with her back to her, and I looked at the white robes, and I was familiar with them.

"Where? Two hundred meters away, a white robe."

"White robe?" The brawny squinted again: "No, there is only one lake, where is the white robe?"

"Yes? You really can't see?" Qin double turned and looked at the brawny.

"Really not!" The brawny nodded.

Qinqin turned his head in confusion and looked at it. The eyebrows were a jump, and the white robe was gone.

The sky is getting more and more gloomy, the clouds are in four, and the spring rain falls from the air like a thin bead curtain. The piano double feels a little wrong.

She lowered her head slightly and thought about the white robe. She suddenly looked up and looked forward. There was still no one in front, but she remembered who the white robe was.

White crown jade!

That has been shouting Yang Lingqi betrayed the Alliance’s obsession, the white crown jade that followed her from the seabed secret.

It has only disappeared since he appeared in the lifeline last time. Never appeared again, why is it here?


The thunder of spring thunder, the lightning bolts opened the dark clouds, illuminating the entire forest, and the snow of the Qinshuang and the brawny's face were shining.

Qinqin walked toward the Xiaoyuan Lake 200 meters away. The strong man behind him thought about it and put the monster on the ground against his shoulder and followed the piano.

Soon, Qin double stood on the edge of Xiaoyuan Lake, looking around, but where is the shadow of white crown jade?

"This friend..."

The double pendulum swings: "Daoyou, you leave."

The strong man looked a little stagnation, and he had a moment of hesitation, and finally he said:

"Daoyou, here is the territory of the Yaozu, very dangerous. Follow me to our shelter."

Qin double shook his head and said: "No, I will leave soon."

"That... you take care!" The brawny looked at the piano with a strange look, and the beast left, and soon disappeared into the forest.


Qin double spread the power of the soul, and when it was less than three, he received it. She did not find the trace of the white crown jade.

"This lake..."

The piano double frowned, and the white robe could not leave so soon. Of course, if the white robe hides, Qin double knows that his soul power cannot find him. However, Qin Shuang always felt that since the white robe came out, he would not deliberately avoid her.

“Is it really a problem with this lake?”

Qin Shuang's gaze looked into the lake. This lake is not big, only a few squares. The piano double extended a hand slowly, grabbed it toward Xiaoyuan Lake, and then lifted it toward the air.


The lake in the whole Xiaoyuan Lake was captured by the piano as a solid crystal. It was lifted in the air, and the eyes of the piano pair looked into a large pit that had become.

"Oh la la..."

A spring is constantly pouring out of the spring at the bottom of the pit, and the right hand of the piano doubles toward the spring.


The spring was frozen, and then Qin double grabbed his left hand toward the bottom of the pit. The spring that had just flowed out was caught by the piano.


When the piano was moving, she saw a water stain in the center of the bottom of the pit, which was about one meter long and half a meter wide. In the way of Qin double, when you catch it, you should grab all the water, how can there be water stains?

The piano double stretched out the left hand and then caught it, her eyes lit up. The piece of water stains was not caught.

"The water stain is not really water stain, there is a problem."


The double opening of the piano sprayed toward the bottom of the pit, and a flame was sprayed to go straight to the water stain at the bottom of the pit.

After the five interest.

The flame is extinguished and the piano is double-eyed. His eyes flashed, but the bloodstains still existed, and there was no change.

"Sure enough, there is a mystery!"

The right hand of the piano is holding a solid lake like a crystal, and it steps down to the bottom of the pit. She fell very slowly, and when she came to the water stains less than half a foot, she stopped. Looking down at the water stains, I finally fell to the water stains.


The crystal-like lake suddenly swayed, and the lake swelled around. However, the shape of the piano double disappeared into the lake water at the bottom of the pit. The water stain at the bottom of the pit was no longer visible because of the cover of the lake.


The piano feet fell on the ground and looked up to the top. The top piece is transparent, about one meter long and half a meter wide, showing a water-stained shape.

"It’s a wonderful array!"

Qin double can not help but admire, that water stain can not help but play a hidden role, as well as the effect of transmission. It became the entrance to a cave house.

"Just don't know if this cave house is the original cave of Bai Guanyu?"

Qin double regained his gaze and looked around. Behind her back and left are the mossy stone walls, only the front is a long passage.

The entire passage is green, it is because it is covered with moss. The green and green passages slanted toward the ground, as if there was no end.

The piano doubled up the foot and gently lowered it, and the foot was slippery. There is no other reaction. Move the lotus step lightly and follow the passage.

It took about two quarters of time to walk. There was a stone wall in front of it, blocking the passage, but it was erected on the stone wall with a water stain.

The double-pitched corner of the piano is slightly tilted, and one step is toward the water stain, as if it has passed through a space. When it was dark for a moment, it recovered its light.

In the eyes of the piano, the color of surprise was slightly revealed. In her field of vision, there was an underground world. There are mountains, water, trees, grass, flowers...

Just quiet, there is no trace of human voice.

The piano double looks around, this underground world is very vast, so that the piano does not know to go in that direction. There was no trace of Bai Guanyu at the sight.

"Qin double!"

Qinqin is just looking at a direction, but suddenly heard the sound of Fengming, the look is a hi.

"Feng Ming, is the horn refining finished?"

"Well, come in and have a look."

Qinqin once again glanced around, and the light in the underground world was very dim. Suddenly, a cold wind blew, the branches swayed, and the sound of screaming.

"The wind that comes?"

The piano double sensed for a moment, then went in the direction of the wind, and at the same time, in the consciousness, Feng Ming said:

"Feng Ming, you wait a little while."

The piano flies in shape and flies against the wind.

Suddenly, she paused, because the wind in the underground world stopped. The piano double stood motionless, like a statue.


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