Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 715: Rehabilitation



It is estimated that the warrior of the crescent moon will take about twenty days to get in touch with the demon who entered the Wanli Huangsha array. Anyway, the five million demons will not be able to get out, and they have been locked up in the big array and honed the human race. Stepping stones, waiting to kill these more than five million demons, the string moon people will certainly have a leap-style growth. ”

"Moon Emperor, if you interrupted the demon's bombardment against the big array with the sound, the monks above the gods in the demon, crossed the Wansha Huangsha big array, how to do it in the depths of the string?"

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil! When you try to resist it. And..." The eyes of the piano flashed in the eyes: "We don't have a good time. The demon wants to bite us, we will smash them." ""

Qin double shot a handcuff in the light, and the light curtains constantly flashed into the demons that entered the Wansha Huangsha array.

Qin doubled and nodded: "The demon who entered the Wanli Huangsha big array did not even have a demon king and a demon king. Let the warriors of the string month go to honing it. People above Wuwang don't have to hunt the demon, they are hurrying. Let's practice. Second brother, I will send you some medicinal herbs. These medicinal herbs are the best remedies. I hope that you can improve your training as soon as possible."

"Xie Yuehuang!"

In less than two quarters of an hour, Qinwu distributed the medicinal herbs, and then the shuangqin took the Qinwu and Qinqin clouds, and the wilderness entered the tent, arranged the array in the tent, and then entered with three people. Go to the town demon tower.

"Second brother, Jingyun, Yuan Ye!" Qin double looked at three humanities: "The concentration of aura here is fifty times that of the outside world."


The shock of the three faces, then the ecstasy.

"You are here to practice and take the best Dan, and here is the time and flow rate has changed. The outside world is one thousand and twenty-four days. In twenty-five days, here is more than seventy years. I hope that you can Everything broke through to Emperor Wu."

The three people are full of self-confidence, let alone the piano on the qualifications, and Qinwu is also full of confidence.

Fifty times the concentration of aura, the best Dan eat casually, seventy years, how could it break through Wudi?

Qin Jingyun and Yuan Ye immediately searched for a place to start practicing, but Qin Wu had a hesitant color on his face.

"Two brothers?"

"Seven sisters, I think..." Qin Wu's look gradually became firm: "Seven sisters, since here is fifty times the concentration of aura, and there is the end of the best Dan, the most important is the time flow. I want to rebuild."

“Repairing the work?” Qin double looked at Qinwu with surprise.

"Yeah!" Qin Wu re-emphasized: "I am now the eighth floor of Wuwang. There is no problem in my mind. Even if I am doing a rehearsal, I can quickly cultivate to the eighth floor of Wuwang. And my mentality has been achieved. In the past seventy years, Yuan Ye and Jingyun will be able to make breakthroughs, and those outside Wuwang and Wudi, and even Wushen and Wusheng can make breakthroughs, whenever they break through. I went out to comprehend the rhyme and promote my state of mind. So maybe seventy years, enough for me to break through to Emperor Wu."

Qin double silence for a while, Qin Wu said yes. This is an opportunity for Qinwu. Seeing that the piano double sinks, Qin Wu rushed:

"Seven sisters, you don't know how much pressure I have every day. You threw the whole empire to me. Although others don't say anything, I can feel the contempt for them in my heart. Now you are fine, if One day you are flying, and I can't hold the world with my strength. They are afraid of you, not me. At that time, this string month will definitely not be our piano. If I rebuild I have the confidence to hold on to the foundation you have worked so hard."

Qin doubled and nodded: "Is the second brother metallic?"

"Yes!" Qin double spirit is a vibration.

The piano double searched for the inheritance of the blood piano. After about two quarters of an hour, the piano looked to Qinwudao:

"Two brothers, there are now two kinds of exercises for you to choose, one is the ancient method of riding the power. Although this method can not say that the same level is invincible, but in the same order is also a leader. Another method is me, Jingyun and Yuan Ye are similar in their cultivation. Once they are successful in cultivation, they are absolutely invincible. However, the former method is much easier to cultivate than the latter. The latter method is slower to enter. Many, which method do you choose?"

"I choose the second one."

"Second brother, you have to think clearly, maybe this time in the town demon tower, you can practice to Wudi once. This is because there is a town demon tower, and your state of mind is repaired. However, I can not stay in the string all the time. In the month, once I leave the string month, you will lose the opportunity to cultivate in the town demon tower like the shocking clouds. Once you break through to the emperor, your mood is not superior. I am afraid that the cultivation is very slow and can break through. It is unknown to the **** of war."

Qinwu hesitated for a moment, biting his teeth and nodding his head: "I will practice the second, please complete the seven sisters."

"it is good!"

The piano nodded twice, then transmitted a golden light from the eyebrow and shot it into Qinwu's eyebrows. The Baihu Collection was passed to Qinwu. Qin Wu felt that there was one more practice in his consciousness.

"Second brother, I am only thinking about the realm of Wudi in this practice. The follow-up exercises need to be taught and then passed on to you."

"Thank you for the seven sisters." Qin Wu said excitedly.

"Go to practice."

Qinwu searched for a place to start practicing, and the piano doubles still restored the original law. During the daytime, Qinqin will practice in the town demon tower, and practice three times of copper body forging in the town demon tower. The rest of the time is to understand the rhyme of Feng in the mirror. When the outside world arrived at night, the piano double left the town demon tower, and opened the hole in the middle of the night. When the child was able to wash the warm and yin, he realized the fourth star of the star sword in the middle of the night.

Twenty-five days passed quickly. Within these twenty-five days, Wu Sheng’s revenge and four martial arts, although the twenty-eight martial arts were greatly improved, but no one broke. However, there are more than a dozen Wudi who reached the critical point of breakthrough, although it is a small realm.

On the contrary, more than a thousand Wuwang had six people who broke through to Emperor Wu, so there were thirty-four Emperors in the Jiuyue Empire.

Qin Jingyun not only broke through the realm of Wudi, but also reached the third floor of Emperor Wu. Yuan Ye reached the first floor of Emperor Wu. Qinwu has a state of mind, and because Yuan Yuan and Qin Jingyun went outside to break through, he also followed and absorbed the Taoist comprehension. Now his state of mind has reached the first level of the Emperor Wu, but the real The repair has not yet broken through to Emperor Wu. Even if it has a 50 times aura, even if it has the best Dan, but after all, it is a rehearsal. From the beginning, let his cultivation be upgraded to the tenth floor of Wuwang, and there is still a distance from the peak.


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