Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 716: Sound attack monster



The distance between the stars of Qinqin is to realize the realm of Dacheng, which is due to the opening of the cave. Every time she opened the hole, she had a deep understanding of the Star Sword, and she had a deep understanding of Heaven. At that moment, she seems to be integrated with the stars universe, she is the star, she is the universe.

A total of thirty-three points have been opened, and only three are from the small stars. The sword domain is finally infinitely close to the fourth realm. The only thing that makes the piano sore is that the white tiger liquid is consumed.

The strength of the body is still the beginning of the fourth layer of Wusheng. In the realm of her, if there is no external force to help, it is extremely slow to rely on the copper body forging to enhance the strength of the body. Feng Zhiyun has unveiled the corner of the veil in the ninth. However, it is only a corner, and still does not comprehend the ninth phoenix rhyme.


The piano doubles out the lines, and the battle moves to the stars. The figure of the people disappears on the holy mountain. The next moment, it appears on the edge of the big array. Through the large array of light curtains, they can clearly see that the demons outside the big array are constantly bombarding the Wanli Yellow Sands.

At this point, the one million demon continually bombarded the big array, and behind this million demon, another million demons were ready to take over. In the center of these demons, some demon saints and demon saints gather together. The sacred eight-story peak looked at the swaying array, and the corner of the mouth had a cold smile:

"It seems that this big battle will be broken."

The sacred eight-story peak said: "This big squad is really strong enough. It has been bombarded for twenty-five days in a row, and it has broken signs."

"When the big break is broken, it is the beginning of our slaughter. I just don't know if the Huang Qin double is in this big array."

"It should be, even if it is not, when we start slaughtering the Terran, she has to come out. Can kill a future genius, is there anything better than this?"

"Ha ha ha..."

The piano sits on the desert with a pair of knees, and the heart is moving. The guqin in the heart of Haoran is placed on the knees. The guqin at this time is still illusory, but it has a feeling of four points of solidification, although this kind of solidification is only a feeling of gas. It still exudes heart-warming power.

Qin double infused the power of the soul of the tenth layer of Wu Sheng into the strings, and the hands began to fluctuate on the strings.


A virtual shadow spread from the body of the piano double, sitting around the piano into a ten-faced ambush, each of which has a ghost of the guqin on both knees, with Qin double Move the strings together. The red arrow vibrates, the sound of the piano is smashing, and it spreads away from the big array.

Destroy the soul: the soul sleeps.

The one million demons who were bombarding the big array suddenly felt drowsy, their eyes could not open, and the bombardment in their hands stopped unconsciously.

"Well?" The demon and the devil's face were shocked, and then they roared angrily: "Hurry up and bombard me!"


In the eyes of those demon saints and devils, they saw one demon falling to the ground, and also snoring, and sleeping like a scent!

Before they got angry, they suddenly found out that behind the sleeping million monsters, the million demons that were supposed to rotate were also shaken, then fell to the ground and began to fall asleep. Later, they heard the music spread.

"This music..."

It is necessary to know that the piano pair at this time is playing the spirit of the soul with the soul of the tenth layer of Wu Sheng. Even if the two demon sacred sacred sacred peaks, the heart rises in a sleepy mood.

"Well? What is going on here?"

The two great monks bit their tongues and woke up, then they clung to the gods and stared at the big array. The big battle is recovering quickly, which surprised both of them. As a result, the attack of nearly a month is not in vain.

"This is sound work!" The two great monks looked at each other and saw a shocked color in their eyes.

"Who is releasing the sound, how can it be so strong? Even me will be affected?"

"This Fengming is the power of Wusheng in the late stage!"

The two demon sacred and the demon sacred eight-layered eyes show a faint color, and when they look around, they see that nearly 50 million demons have already slept half of their souls. The remaining half is not because of their strength, but because of the distance. The innocent desert is too far away, and the reception of sound is very light.

"Retraction ~!"

The demon saint and the demon saint drank at the same time, and the remaining half of the demons that were not affected too much were withdrawn. At this time, the two demons opened their mouths at the same time and shouted.

At the time, the demon sounds rolling, the magic sounds, although the two of them will not sound, but the repair is placed there, just a simple snoring, they wear gold cracked stone, so that those who fall into sleep can wake up.

Within the vast array of thousands of miles of sand, the **** of the piano sitting on the knees changed, and the extinction of the soul suddenly became heated.

Destruction of the soul: the soul burst.


The demon who has just been awakened by the demon sacred sorrow, the soul is in complete unprepared, the most vulnerable time. When the soul bursts, the name of their souls, from their bodies, comes a series of intensive soul explosions. In just a moment, there are more than one million souls that are closest to the piano. Die.


The sound of the soul bursting is still coming from the body of a demon like a fried bean, that is, the souls of the eight demon martial arts are all shaken up, so that their snoring can not help. The surprise of the two great monks was even worse. They had to pause for a moment of snoring. This pause, the soul of the piano doubled the sound of the sound, and the sound of the soul explosion in the body of the demon was more dense. The demon squad turned to the back of more than 20 million demon martyrdom:

"Everyone is together!"


More than two thousand demons screamed together under the leadership of the eight-layered monk of the demon, and entangled with the soul of the piano, so that those who did not die finally stopped in the soul, one by one, the face lost Stand up pale.


At this time, the **** of the piano double changed, and the third movement of the soul-killing spirit, the soul played.

In order to interrupt the sound of the doubles, the original more than 20 million demons rushed into the soul with a fierce scream. The soul of the piano double is through the fierceness of more than 20 million screams, and they will bring those demons into the illusion of war.

Originally, even the soul of the double is the tenth layer of Wu Sheng, the sound is the ten shadow master, and will not immediately bring those who have just awakened into the fierce battlefield. But with the fierce screams of more than 20 million demon, it achieved this effect in an instant.


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