Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 736: Re-enter the Three Cities



"The monks who thought that we attacked the monks were the demon squadrons who had gone to attack the empire of the crescent moon. They had more than 50 million monks, and they were killed half by the empire of the sacred moon. There was nothing to be happy with the martial artists."

"Yeah!" Another demon said: "We have more than 100 million demon monks in the mainland of the warriors, and the Mozu is probably this number. Together, it is more than 200 million. Now it has been killed for two thousand. Tens of thousands. The remaining 20 million demons went to kill with the monks, and I am afraid that there will be many casualties. More importantly, now that the Wu Zong Dian is holding this and starting a counterattack, has already taken back four fortresses. ......"

The demon monk was silent, only heard the sound of the rut and screamed.

The piano in the carriage was a jump in the heart, and Wu Zongdian finally counterattacked. Although this counterattack came late, it was a counterattack.

"Oh..." Another demon sighed a sigh: "Now, apart from the south is our demon door, the north is a monk, the west is Wu Zongdian, and the east is the crescent moon empire. The human race has formed us surrounded. The trend."

"Hey!" A cold voice, a fierce voice sounded: "They are not arrogant for a long time. Now we are sending more monks to the mainland of the warriors. I heard that the devil is also there. Wait until our reinforcements come. Then, it will completely defeat the Terran.

What Wu Zongdian, what the empire of the moon, and what the monks, let them fly away. ”

"Yes! The strength of our demon family is comparable to the humble human race."

A group of demons were excited again. Qinqin was lying on the carriage, but he fell into thoughts, and his heart was also a sigh.

"The real big time has begun!"

"came back!"

Suddenly the demon monks gave a cheer, and the piano doubled up and sat up, looking to the front. From afar, I saw the majestic Sanzu City.

"Now the Terran and the Demon are fighting again. I don't know how the human races in the Tri-City are? What happened to Ling Mo and Sun Wei?"

"I am now in a weak time, it is not good for travel, just stay in the Three Cities for a while."

More than a dozen carriages, driven by a group of demons, gradually approached the gates of the three-city city.

The guards at the gate of the city saw the demon family, but they did not stop it. They only vigilantly swept the goods on the demon and the carriage. His eyes also swept the piano double on the carriage.

Qin double jumped from the carriage, the precious blue silk dress, the enchanting liberation of the basaltic book reveals a noble atmosphere, the pale face because of injury, and the temperament of the double aristocrats.

The demon guards looked at the piano pair, just in time with the eyes of Qin double. In the eyes of Qin double, with the unique arrogance of the nobles, I looked faintly at the demon guard.

Qinqin was originally a nobleman, and this temperament could not help but pretend that it was distributed from the bones.

The demon guard is a glimpse of the heart, the heart is secret, this is the son of the big family? Is it just from the demon world? By the way, Master Firethorn has just come to the Tri-City from the demon world. Is this person also coming to the fire? Immediately put a smile on his face, humbly said:

"This adult is also coming to the teacher?"

"Apprentice?" The piano moved in the middle of the heart, but his face was not moving, then he threw a lower spirit stone and said faintly:

"Speak to me."

The demon guards caught the Lingshi, and the heart was a joy, and a smile in his arms, the smile on his face was more humble:

"The great Dandao division of our demon world came to the Tri-City, and many monks went to the division, and you moved over to see."

Qin double followed the demon monk into the city gate and saw a notice on the wall.

The eyes of Qin double fell on the notice, swept away, but the eyes showed the color of thinking.

This notice is very simple. After the firethorn arrived in the tribal city, there were many demon monks who went to see the teacher. Such a thing is really normal for the Dandao, who is standing at the top of the demon world. He did not reject the demon monks, but he did not agree with the apprentices. He only listed some conditions, and all of them met these conditions. The demon monk can go to his residence in the tribe. It’s just not for the apprentice, just give pointers. How much can you comprehend?

This is like a deal.

The ones you need for the firethorn, the Pyracantha will give you equal instructions. Don't count on the firethorn to accept you as a disciple.


The demon monk does not think so!

First of all, as long as you take out the things that the firethorn needs, you can get the guidance of the firethorn. This is already a big chance. If you are talented?

It’s hard to say that he was taken over by the firethorn and accepted as a disciple. Therefore, the monks in the tri-family city are eagerly agitated, and the news has spread from the tri-cities. These days, there are many demon monks who come from thousands of miles to get the guidance of firethorns and even get fire. The favor of the spine is accepted as a disciple.

"The firethorn has left the demon world!"

Qin double squinted his eyes, his eyes on the notice showing the materials needed for the firethorn, are some of the more precious herbs.

She has these herbs, just thinking about it, do you want to go to the firethorn?

Just a little indulgent, I decided to go to the firethorn. Firethorn is now four of the demon world...

Do not!

Nowadays it should be one of the five Dandao divisions. It is very important in the demon world. It is the safest place to hide in the firethorn. Also, there may be some herbs that you need, after all, there is now a gathering of the demon monks who love Dan Dao.

I took back my thoughts and turned to look at the guardian:

"Where does the fireman live? Take me there." Then he took out a Chinese stone and threw it away.

The surrounding demon monks looked enviously at the guard, and the guard rushed to pick up the middle-aged stone, nodded and said:

"Adult, please come with the small."

Then he directed a few words to the guards, and he took the piano and walked in the trio.

After about half an hour, I saw a door far away. The guard pointed at the doorway:

"Adult, there is the residence of the fire division."

The piano nodded twice and took out a lower spirit stone and threw it to the guard. The guard turned to the piano and thanked him and turned away.

Qin double looked at the door, there was no guard at the gate, and at this time, there were two demon monks walking behind the Qinshuang, while walking and talking.

"I heard that the patriarch of the Qingniu family came to visit the fire division."

Qin Shuang’s heart was a jump, and then he followed the two demon monks behind him and listened to the conversation between the two demon.


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