Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 737: Fire house


"The Qingniu patriarch? Come to the firefighter to make alchemy?"

"No!" The demon monk shook his head and said: "Do you know the hatred of Fengming and Qingniu?"

"Know." Another demon monk nodded.

"Tian Fengming is also a Dan Dao teacher. She has made a lot of big demon with medicinal herbs. Now, the Yaozu who wants to kill Fengming is left with only the Qingniu. It is said that the Qingniu patriarch came here and thought To ask the fire teacher to inform the entire Yaozu alchemy world, isolated Fengming. Let the demon monk not sell to Fengming herbal medicine, so Fengming has no herbal alchemy, no medicinal herbs, those big demon naturally alienated Fengming. It is so easy to avenge the Fengming, the Qingniu people want to revenge."

"Oh..." Another demon monk smiled and said: "He really thinks about beauty. That Fengming is now one of the five Dandaos in our Dandao world. It is the soul of our Dandao world. So he can Buy it?"

"I heard that the Fengshi is already a ninth-level Dandao teacher. It is now the first demon in the Danish world of our demon world..."

The two demon monks pushed the door open and walked in. The door was slowly closed again, and the piano double walked slowly to the front door, looking at the hidden door, and frowned slightly.

"I didn't expect the Qingniu family to target Fengming. But it is also true. After all, I have hurt the Qingniu family too much. If the Qingniu family can't take revenge, this face will not be lifted in the Yaozu."

Qin double brows locked a few points, and now most of her repairs are used to seal the blood of the blood of the blood, 10% of the repair for the remaining one, this time, if recognized by the Qingniu family, it is really ten No life.

"He shouldn't recognize me?"

Qin double carefully checked Lingnan himself. His appearance and dressing are the appearance of the water wave in the demon world, and there is no problem with the demon of the water property.

And with her strength today, it is really not suitable for the outside, once it is dangerous, it is difficult for him to cope.

In the firethorn here is a lot safer, there is no such a demon monk will be in the firethorn here.

"Just hide here."

Qin double raised his hand and pushed open the door of the virtual cover, and stepped into the door. Inside the gate is a bluestone road. Qin doubles along the bluestone road and walks toward the front.

Not far from the front, it is more than a hundred meters of road, you will see a row of houses in front of you, only the middle door is open. Qin double walked toward the door, stepped onto the steps, stepped into the door, and saw the opposite side of the door, a door to the back, a demon boy sitting behind a table in the room, seeing Qin double walked in and said:

"Are you also offering herbs?"

"Yes!" Qin double nodded gently.

The piano doubled up and took a herb from the storage ring and placed it on the table. The boy took a look and nodded:

"This herb can listen to the fire teacher once and have a chance to ask questions. After ten days, the fire teacher will give lectures publicly, and there will be problems in the class. Otherwise, if you miss it, you will miss it. The fireman will not. Will answer your questions again."

The piano nodded, and the boy said again: "You can live outside this ten days, and come back when the fire teacher teaches. You can live here, but here is a top grade stone. Of course, there is alchemy here. Room, divided into four grades of heaven and earth. The day of the alchemy room, a piece of Shangpin Lingshi, the character of the alchemy room, 50 pieces of Chinese medicine stone, Xuanzhen alchemy room one day a piece of Chinese spirit stone, yellow character alchemy room one day fifty The next product is Lingshi. This is the certificate for your lecture."

The demon boy handed the piano to a jade, and the piano double took over the jade, and the boy asked:

“Are you going to live outside or live in it?”

"Just stay here!" Qin double took out ten top grade Lingshi on the table, but in my heart was a sigh: "This firethorn is too profitable."

"No need first!" Qin double gently shook his head.

"Yeah!" The boy took out another jade and handed it to Qin Double Road: "Take this in."

Qin doubled the jade, and the gods swept in the inside, then walked toward the back. Out of the back, the front is a bluestone road, not far from the front is a moon door. Out of the moon gate, the eyes suddenly open, turned out to be a vast circle, in the circle of the relaxed cypress, there are countless houses, all are independent.

"Although the price is a bit expensive, the environment is good."

According to the map inside Yujian, Qinshuang found his own house. The courtyard door is closed and there is a groove on the gate. Qin double put the jade slip into the groove, and he heard a "beep" sound. The piano double took the jade slip, reached out and pushed the courtyard door open, went in, and closed the courtyard door with the backhand, facing the surrounding Look.

This is a small courtyard with a tree, a stone table and four stone benches under the tree, and a gravel road under the foot leading to the house.

Luo Xin walked down the gravel road to the front door, pushed the door open, in the middle is a flower hall, left and right, two hatchbacks, respectively, looked at two rooms. One is the bedroom and the other is the room for cultivation. The piano double enters the bedroom and lies on the bed, and the heart has been silently singing.

The piano double hides in the house of the firethorn, the door does not go to the second door, every other time, the next time you take the medicinal herbs, supplement the seal, and always meditation on the sound of Hao Ran.

It will pass in ten days.

The piano double checked the heart of Haoran. When I saw the ten golden buckets, only one of the bottoms of the golden bucket had a thin layer of arrogance, and could not help but sigh.

"How long will it take to become awesome!"


The jade slip on the table shook, and Qinqin knew that it was to inform her to attend the class. The piano doubled up and washed it. He grabbed the jade slip and pushed the door out.

As soon as I walked out of the gate, I saw the arrival of the quiet, rounded up in a quiet circle. One of the demon monks came out of the house and walked toward a large house in the center. Qinqin also followed people to go there. When I entered the gate, I saw that there was a lot of space inside, and there was a high platform in front of it, which should be the place where the firethorn taught. At this time, in the place near the high platform, there have been many demon monks sitting there, and later the Yaozu have also rushed forward, want to go further from the high platform, so can hear more clearly.

Qinqin did not squeeze forward, but found an inconspicuous corner to sit down. She is here to mix time.

About a quarter of an hour later, a cough came from outside, and the room suddenly fell silent, and I saw the firethorns stepping in from outside the gate.

The Yaozu people stood up and prayed to the firethorn. Qinqin also stood up and followed the call:

"See the fireman!"

The fireman nodded arrogantly and walked toward the high platform without saying a word. The sleeves of the robes were lightly slammed, and they stalked and fell on the platform.

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