Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 739: Dan demon



"The fools agree that the stupid cows are not smart. You think, we have only four Dandao divisions before Fengming, and the highest level is just the sixth grade Dandao. These four Dandao divisions do not. I know how many years I have been stuck in my own realm. I can’t break through because of the lack of inheritance. I can only explore it silently.

But it is different now.

We have a nine-level Dandao division in the demon world. The firemen can go and ask Fengming. As long as the gifts are enough, Fengming will certainly be taught. Maybe they will break through the teaching of Feng Ming.

In this case, do you say that the fire division will agree? If you, would you agree? ”

"No!" Qin double shook his head, but his heart was thinking: "I should go to Fengming to hide and hide. It is just too far away from Fengming City. It is impossible to go there with my current strength. ”

"What later?"

"The fireman is naturally rejected by words."

"What about the patriarch of the Qingniu family?"

"Leave, but I heard that he went to find treasures that could touch the fire division."

"Come, let's drink!"


"Water sister, look at your look, it seems very weak, are you injured?"

"My repair is not high!" Qin double whispered: "I met a human race before, and suffered a little injury. I blame me, I only know about Dandao, but I neglect cultivation. If my repair is If it is not so low, it will be able to kill the Terran, and it will not be hurt. However, this is also a no-brainer. We study the monks of Dan Dao and do not cultivate it."

"That's not necessarily!"

Qianlijuan chuckled and said: "My cultivation is very strong!"

"Your cultivation is very strong?" Qin double face stunned: "Are you not studying Dan Dao? Then... What is your repair now?"

"Water sister will try to know."

Qianli Juan extended his hand to the piano and held the hand of the piano. On the other side, the Thousand Miles also extended one hand and held the other hand of the piano pair. Then the two demons used their own strength and wanted to tear off the two arms of the piano.

Although the Yaozu has a sacred power, but the strongest is their body. At this time, the hearts of both of them are still stunned, and they are also full of contempt for the piano.

"It's a fool! It's so easy for us to grab your hand. I thought I had to work hard and didn't expect it to be so easy to deal with."

In this way, the faces of the two people could not help but smile. The piano double also showed a smile on his face. Today's piano pair, spiritual power and knowledge are only one percent left, the only thing that can be played is the power of the body. If Qianlijuan and Qianlifei keep a distance from Qinshuang, they can't stop bombarding the piano with the command of the gods. However, these two demons actually took the hand of the piano pair and used the mind of the power of the body. How does this make the piano double not laugh?

The two demon people use force, the double smile of the piano is more prosperous. From the power of the two demon, the piano pair knows that the two of them are just the realm of the demon king, such two demon, not to mention two. Twenty, as long as the piano is caught, the piano can be killed.


The two demon people used a force, their face was changed, and they found that the pair of pianos sitting between them were not moving. Qin double suddenly grabbed the hands of Qianlijuan and Qianlifei, then suddenly stood up, his arms smashed up and slammed into the middle.


Qianlijuan and Qianlifei two demon kings collided together, and one of them vigorously let both of them hear the cracking of the bones in their bodies.




The bodies of the two demon kings have been softened and fainted. Qin double throws Qianlijuan and Qianlifei on the ground, looking at the hands of the two demon people, can not help but grin, even a storage ring is not. The eyes fell on the waist of the two demon kings, and when they saw that they had a storage bag, they solved the storage bag.

The piano double looked at two storage bags, each with hundreds of pieces of Chinese stone, and some common herbs. Qin double shook his head and arbitrarily collected it.

Thinking a little with a low head, he untied his dress, took the storage ring, and took out a dress from Qianli Juan's storage bag.

A wave of hands into the two demon kings into the town demon tower, the town demon tower quickly appeared in the symbol chain, two or two demon king decomposition.

Stepping toward the door of the box, while walking, her face changed, and when she walked to the door, her fingers pointed out a circle in the air, and a circular water mirror appeared. The water mirror reflects the face of the piano double, but at this time the face and Qianlijuan are nine points.

Qinqin touched his face with both hands and whispered in a low voice: "It seems to be thinner."

The muscles on his face squirmed again, slightly fatter. It is very similar to Qianlijuan. Qin double nodded with satisfaction, waved away the water mirror, and then made a few lines of pattern, easily broke the seal array, opened the door and went out, closed the door with the backhand, and walked down the stairs go with.

"Miss!" Several buddies saw the piano double down and gave gifts.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and walked toward the gate, and said faintly: "I went out for a while and came back later."

Stepping out of the door, the shape of the piano pair quickly merged into the bustling crowd, passing a quiet alley, the piano double went in, when the piano double came out from the other side of the alley, it has become When she was in the demon world, she looked like a spirit. Feel free to walk into an inn, asked for a room, changed a golden dress inside, released a metallic demon, then left the inn and returned to the fire division. I handed in another herbal medicine, took out the room where Lingshi had been set for ten days, and lived in it again.

It’s ten days to go.

The firethorn taught again, and the content of this lecture was to make the eyes of the piano bright. This firethorn talks about how to refine the Danden.

Refining the Dan demon, this is the first time Qin Qin heard.

Listen carefully and understand what it means to be a Dan.

It turns out that this Dan Yao is a soul that draws a trace of the Yaozu. How to combine the attributes of this Yaozu and use a proper herbal medicine to make a kind of medicinal medicine. This kind of medicinal medicine is not used for eating, but for cultivation, but To help the monks fight. After refining this kind of Danden, when confronting the enemy, as long as the medicinal herbs are crushed, the Danish demon inside will appear to help the monks fight.

This makes the piano double interested, and those who come to the class are equally interested. When the question is asked, each monk asks about the Danden, and the piano is no exception. Combining the problems of all people, Qin double has some understanding of the refining of Dan Yao.


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