Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 740: latency



After class, Qin double hurriedly came to the registration office, and handed a herb and ten top grade Lingshi, then left the fire division and went to the shops in the tribal city to buy the soul of the Yaozu.

The demon battle is very powerful. There is a special acquisition of the soul of the demon, and also the soul of the demon and the human race. These souls can be used to refine the spirit and make the spirit more spiritual.

Not far away, I saw a group of demons surrounding a notice, Qin double walked in and looked at the original one. It depicts the appearance of a person. The eyes of the piano swept over the portrait on the notice, and the gaze was slightly shrunk. The portrait above is exactly what the piano double looks like with water waves. There is also a line of words written next to it.

"If you catch this person, you will get a thousand high-quality stone. If you inform the reporter, you will get a hundred pieces of top quality."

"A thousand pieces of Shangpin Lingshi!"

The piano is also slightly surprised to see, but it is the top stone, a thousand is not a minority.

"Who is this person? How can there be no name and specific information on the notice?" asked a demon monk.

"I heard that the thousands of people in the home issued a notice that their son and the lady were killed by the monk on the notice. They only knew the appearance of the monk, but they did not know the name and other information of the monk."

Qin double quietly left and came to a shop. After entering the shop, another guy greeted him:

"Fairy, what do you need?"

"I want to buy some souls."

"Fairy please come with me." The buddy, while leading the way, asked: "What kind of soul does the fairy need? Is it a human, a demon, or a demon? What level is it needed?"

The piano stands in front of a row of shelves, and the top grades are filled with jade bottles, each of which has a seal. Qin double slightly stunned:

"The demon family."

"So... what level is it needed?"

"It's in the refining period."

There was a disappointment in the eyes of the guy. The soul of the refining period was too cheap, but it was still strong:

"How much does the fairy need?"

Qin double thought: "Give me ten."

"it is good!"

There is nothing happy with that guy. The soul of a demon in a refining period is just ten middle-class spirit stones. Ten souls add up to be a top-grade stone. Ten jade bottles were removed from the shelves and placed on the counter. After checking the piano, he took it up, then took out a piece of Shangpin Lingshi and placed it on the counter. He also bought some herbs for refining Dan Yao. After thinking about it, he bought the necessary refining Daniel. The seeds of various herbs returned to the fire division.

Back to the Fireman's House, Qinshuang first set up the array in the room, then entered the town demon tower, handed the seeds to the ghost tree, and asked them to open an independent medicine garden for these seeds. The room.

Qin double stayed in the room for three days, repeatedly pushing the details of the Dan demon. On the fourth day, he rented a day of the alchemy room with Lingshi, and went in and put down the dragon stone.

Qinqin began to open the alchemy, put a part of the herbs into the alchemy furnace, and controlled the fire with the gods. After half an hour, the face of Qin double became pale, she slightly frowned, but still no Stopped, but took out a jade bottle and opened the seal.


A roar, a soul of a pig demon emerged from the jade bottle, the piano double stretched out his finger toward the soul of the pig demon, and then settled the pig demon, and then began to play a layer of Taoist, charging a soul of the pig demon .

Refining the Dan demon, of course, is the complete soul refining the Dan demon is the most powerful. But now the piano is an experimental process, do not want to be so wasted, a soul can be drawn three times, that is to say, it can have three opportunities for alchemy. The soul of the pig demon was extracted by one-third, put into the alchemy furnace, and the remaining souls were put into the seal of the jade bottle, and the piano pair began to concentrate on the last part, the steps of melting the Dan.


There was a loud noise in the alchemy furnace. The face of the piano pair was extremely pale. He sighed softly and took out a weak water suit. He then lifted the dragon stone and left the alchemy room and returned to his room.

Sitting in the room, slightly frowned. She was the first to refine the Danden. Although she did not know whether the steps of her refining were completely correct, she knew that the main reason for the failure of this refining was that her own power was insufficient.

What she cultivates is the sacred refining of the gods, the use of the gods to control the heat, the fusion of herbs, etc., the requirements for the knowledge of the gods is very high. Today, 90% of her knowledge is used to seal the blood of the blood of the blood, the rest of the gods are simply not enough to refine the medicinal herbs.

Of course, she can solve this problem by taking weak water Dan, but it consumes weak water Dan, which makes Qin double very reluctant. We must know that weak water Dan is made from weak water grass. Although Qinshuang has a lot of weak aquatic plants, there are countless ones. Waiting for the weak grass on her body to run out, she will never have a weak water Dan.

"It's all made by this **** blood, and I don't know if Haoran's Qi has any effect on the blood of the blood!"

Qin double sank into the heart of Haoran, seeing only one golden bucket, with a thin layer of awe-inspiring spirit. When Qinqin thought about it, he sat down on his knees and took a trace of arrogance from the heart of Haoran, pouring it into the seal of the little finger of his right hand.


The trace of the awe-inspiring gas entered the seal and met the blood of the blood of the blood. The blood was boiled like boiling water, and the awe-inspiring spirit and the blood-devils were fighting together. The end result was that the arrogance was wiped out by the blood of the blood demon, and the piano double watched for a while, then opened his eyes and his eyes were full of anxiety.

Hao Ranqi is indeed the nemesis of the blood of the blood demon, able to eliminate the blood of the blood of the blood, but in turn, the blood of the blood of the blood can also destroy the awe-inspiring, to see who the number is. Just in the process of the battle between Haoran and the blood of the blood, although the trace of the heart was finally wiped out, it also consumed a little blood and blood, just after the annihilation of the awe-inspiring, the little bloodsucker consumed. The blood has gradually recovered.

"It seems that the blood of the Gorefiend must be completely eliminated at one time, otherwise it will be able to recover slowly. But... I will be able to restore the speed of the awe-inspiring temperament with my day and night, and it will take years and months. Restore to the extent that the blood of the blood is destroyed?"

The piano double thinks, the more you think about it, the tighter the brow wrinkles. If you can't completely eliminate the blood of the blood, you will almost lose your cultivation.

“Would you like to take a risk?” Qin double muttered, isn’t it an adventure? ”

Qin double thinks of a breakthrough!

If you want to quickly restore the arrogance, only through breakthroughs, each breakthrough to absorb the rhyme, is the way to quickly restore the awesome.


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