Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 741: Restore Haoran's liquid



However, today's Qin Shuang's 90% spiritual power and 90% of the gods are used to seal the blood of the blood of the blood, if you choose to practice breakthrough, you can seal the blood of the blood of the blood?

"If..." Qin double thought carefully: "I just choose to break through the sharp gold method? Now the Ruijin method and the Xuanshui method are the lowest, and it is relatively easy to break through. It takes a short time. Some, and they are just breaking through the sharp gold law, so spiritual and phoenix gods, and Xuan Shui gods can continue to seal the blood of the blood, should you still be able to seal the blood of the blood?"

"Always try! Otherwise it would be too dangerous to live in the territory of the Yaozu. And you can't hide here for a lifetime?"

The piano double sets up the array and then enters the town demon tower. Sitting cross-legged in the town demon tower, cut off the power of the sharp gold gods that supply seals, began to practice the Ruijin law.

On both sides of the piano, he practiced the Ruijin method with the knowledge of the gods, while paying attention to the seal with the power of the soul. The heart could not help but hang up. The seal of the **** of the golden **** lost the perfusion of the gods and began to weaken gradually. Only in less than a day, the seal constructed by the sharp gods finally dissipated.


The blood of the Gorefiend in the little finger of the right hand boiled and began to continually impact the seal. The spiritual seal and the seal of the gods began to gradually recede.

A month later.

The little finger and ring finger of Qin double are occupied by the blood of the blood demon, and the blood of the bloodstains is silent, and they are accumulating their own strength.

Every day passed.

When the two months passed, the blood of the Gorefiend in the little finger and the ring finger became rich, and then began to attack again toward the seal.

one year later.

The five fingers of the Qin double were eroded by the blood of the Gorefiend and began to impact toward the palm of the piano. Only the piano pair still has a spiritual seal and two kinds of **** seals, which makes the blood of the bloodstains very slow.

Town demon tower!

Three years passed.

The entire right palm of the piano pair is already red and snowy, emitting a violent, bloodthirsty atmosphere.

Qinqin opened his eyes, the dawn was shining, and the joy floated between the eyebrows. She finally upgraded the sharp gold law to the peak of the late stage of the Huashen, and reached the critical point of breakthrough.

In the town demon tower for three years, the outside world is only a little more than a day. Qin double left the fire teacher's house, and casually lived in an inn, set up a battle, and set up a spiritual array with Lingshi, swallowed the medicinal herbs, and held the town demon tower between his hands, and extracted the town demon tower. The rich spiritual power inside began the breakthrough of Ruijin Law.

Tiandi Aura began to gather at the inn, attracting a lot of demons to take a look.

"There are demons in the breakthrough!"

Those demons took a look and why should they go. There is nothing unusual about the breakthrough of the Emperor in the Three Cities, and the demon **** breaks through in the Tri-City!

After more than three hours, the piano double broke through. She rushed into the heart of Haoran, looking into the golden bucket, and her eyes showed disappointment.

Only one gold bucket filled with Haoran's liquid, the remaining eight golden buckets were empty, and there was a golden bucket with a thin layer of awe-inspiring temperament, which was restored before the Qinshuang meditation.

"There is only a bucket of awesome liquid!"

The piano double feels not enough, it seems that we still need to continue to cultivate!

"But this time, my Ruijin method broke through to the second layer of Huashen. If I use the Ruijin method to seal the seal and switch to the Xuan Shui method, should I be able to keep the seal for a long time?"

Qin double got up and went back to the fire division, and entered the town demon tower, but did not immediately choose to practice, but came to the alchemy room in the town demon tower, once again began to refine the Dan demon.

This time she has a complete sense of sharp gold, but she does not care enough about the power of God.


She has been refining five times in a row, and she has consumed two demon souls in the refining period and eventually failed. However, it has accumulated a lot of problems.

Calculated the time, from the next Firethorn lecture, there are still five days, Qin double decided to practice again. Sitting cross-legged in the alchemy room, first construct a seal with the sharp gold method, and oppress the blood of the blood demon. Once the sharp gold seal was added, the seal immediately began to take the upper hand and began to squeeze the blood of the blood. Only the blood of the Gorefiend is now a lot more refined, and the seal is fiercely fighting.

Fenghuo Lingli Seal, Xuanshui Spiritual Seal, Ruijin Lingli Seal, Fenghuo God Seal, Xuan Shui Shen Seal, Ruijin God Seal, Six Seals constantly squeeze the blood of the blood of the blood, let the blood of the blood The festival is retreating. Only after this time the blood of the Gorefiend is squeezed into the little finger and the ring finger, it will no longer squeeze the blood of the blood.

This makes the heart of the piano worry.

This shows what?

This shows that after so long, the blood of the Gorefiend has grown up. If you can't purify these bloodstains as soon as possible, one day, the piano will be demonized.

Moreover, Qin Double knows that if he can't completely purify the blood of the Gorefiend, it will slowly grow up again. Therefore, Qin double must restore Haoran's liquid as much as possible, to avoid the lack of vitality, and ultimately defeated.

"Start practicing!"

Qin double took a deep breath and began to cut off the supply of Xuan Shui Shenzhi seal, swallowed the weak water Dan, and began to practice the Xuanshui law.

In the town demon tower, it is three years, the blood of the blood demon has spread out of the wrist of the piano, which makes the piano know that although his cultivation is increasing, the blood of the blood is constantly growing.

"I hope I can get it."

Qin double left the fire division, and found an inn, began the breakthrough of Xuan Shui. When Xuan Shui broke through, Qin double returned to the town demon tower, and did not manage the blood of the blood demon, but continued to break through the Xuan Shui law.

For another three years, Qin Double broke through the third layer of the Shenshen period. But the blood of the Gorefiend has spread to one-third of the arm. Qin double raised his hand and glanced at it, and could feel the tyranny and bloodthirsty from his right hand.


Qin double sighed and practiced again.

So three years later, Qinshuang’s Xuan Shui cultivation has broken through to the fourth layer of the Huashen period. But the **** blood has eroded two-thirds of her right arm.

The piano double stopped to practice, because the continuous breakthrough of the Xuan Shui method has reached the extreme. If it is not honed and precipitated, it will cause the foundation to be unstable. The seal on the blood of the Gorefiend is a kind of temper and precipitation.

Qin Double immediately began to use the Xuan Shui **** to construct a seal, and joined the seal of the blood of the blood of the blood. The Gorefiend Gorefiend was gradually squeezed again by the six seals. However, the time of this squeezing obviously took longer, and it took a full three months. Qinqin squeezed the blood of the bloodsucker into the fingers of the little finger, the ring finger, the **** and the index finger, and never again. Can squeeze a trace.


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