Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 742: success



What does this mean?

This shows that the blood of the Gorefiend has grown further. This growth will continue, and one day, even if the piano has six seals, it will not be eroded by the Gorefiend. And this is still the case when the Xuan Shui method is improved, if it is the original repair, I am afraid that five fingers will become the space occupied by the Gorefiend.

Qin double checked the heart of Haoran, at this time there is already a three-fun Haoran liquid. After calculating the time, Qinqin decisively began to cut off the supply of the seal of Ruijin God and began to practice the Ruijin Law. When Qinshuang broke the sharp gold method to the third layer of the Shenshen period, Haoran's liquid recovered to the four buckets, but the blood of the bloodsucker invaded the half of the palm of the right hand of the piano.

The piano doubled and washed a dress and left the town demon tower. Sitting in the room and sorting out the problems of the Dan demon, I went to the time when the firethorn was taught again.

This firethorn is not about refining the Danish course. However, after he had finished teaching, when each monk asked a question, almost all the monks asked about the Dane. Luo Xin did not rush to ask, but sat in the corner and listened carefully.

Those problems, some of which have been derived from the piano doubles, some of which are not understood by the piano, are one of the questions that Qin double is prepared to ask, and the firethorns are not hidden, one by one. Qin double is the last question, but when she asked this question, there are still three questions in her mind. No one asked a monk and tried to ask:

"Fireman, I still have three questions. Can you ask the firefighter to solve it?"

The fire engineer nodded: "One strain of four herbs."

When the piano nodded, he took out a strain of four herbs and sent it to the front of the firethorn. The firethorn nodded and looked at the piano pair. Qin double asked one question, and when the firethorn answered, he looked at the piano and looked at it with approval:

"Understanding the theory of refining Danden is very simple, but it is very difficult to actually refine it. And the questions you ask are all problems in the actual refining process, which proves that you have refining Danden more than once."

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

"And the Dan Demon you refine is a refining period."


"Not bad!" Firethorn once again admired the piano double eyes: "There is no high squatting, to refine the base period or even more powerful demon. The refining period Dan demon is the easiest, the more up, the more Difficult. I will only publicly teach the method of refining the Danish refining period, and the method of rebuilding the Danish refining period. I will not publicly teach it. Of course, if you can come up with more and better herbs, I will not be jealous. teach."

"Xie Firer!"

Qin double is a real gift, regardless of the Terran, the Yaozu, or the Mozu. Knowledge is knowledge. Being able to understand a kind of knowledge to such a realm is worthy of respect.

Qin double went to the registration office to hand over a herb and ten Lingshi, and then walked out. Walking on the street, I saw that the overnight notice was still there, and the corner of my mouth was slightly upturned, revealing a sardonic smile, which returned to the fire division.

After returning to his room, after the piano doubled again, he entered the town demon tower again. Immediately entered the alchemy room and began to refine the Danden.

This time, she spent a month in the town demon tower, refining once, failing once, quietly deducing it once, and then refining it once...

Each of the demon souls can refine the three Danemons. The Qinshuang eventually stopped, because the demon souls she purchased were consumed, not only did not successfully refine a Danboy, but accumulated more More questions.

Slightly sighed, the piano double put down the refining of the Danden, and began to practice again.

When Qin double successively upgraded the sharp gold method and the Xuan Shui method to the fifth layer of the Huashen period, her Haoran liquid recovered to the seven battles.

However, the piano double still has no confidence, the seven buckets of Haoran liquid is enough to purify the blood of the blood, at this time the blood of the blood magic has eroded to the right elbow of the piano pair.

When it was time for the firethorn to teach, the piano pair still went to the class, and the firethorn was still not the method of refining the demon. But after the question time came, most of the questions raised by the monks were still about the demon. Qin double still stayed in the last question, and finally paid two four herbs, got the answer they needed.

Qin double went to pay a herb and ten Lingshi, left the fire division, went to the shop, and purchased the soul of the ten refining period, and returned to the fire division. Entering the town demon tower, began to push it again, and began to refine alchemy.

After each failure, the piano double will be deduced for a long time, and then re-made the demon. Closer to success than once. When the piano was refurbished for the twenty-sixth time, it finally succeeded in refining a demon. Qin double holds this demon, and his face is full of joy. The finger is slightly forced to crush the demon.


There was a pig demon in the alchemy room, and the double end of the piano was measured, only the strength of the early stage of the refining period. Qin double knows that this is because it only takes one-third of the soul. If you can use the whole soul to refine, the strength will be stronger. The piano double waved the pig demon out of the alchemy room, and there was a striated chain in the air, which broke the pig demon.

Qin double took out the last bottle of the demon soul, this time she wants to use a complete soul to refine the medicinal herbs. However, after half a day, the refining failed.

Qinqin left the fire division and hurried to the shop. When the buddy saw the piano double, he hurriedly greeted him:

"Fairy, are you coming to buy the demon soul?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

"Old rules?"

Qin double thought a little bit: "I have to fly the soul of this class."

"How much is the fairy?"


The buddy thought for a moment, and his face apologized: "Fairy, there are not so many flying demons in the refining period. If you add the soul of the Mozu, you should be able to make up 50."

Qin double sank: "Take me fifty."

"Fairy, wait a moment!"

Soon, the piano double returned to the fire division with fifty demon souls, and began to refine the Danden. After losing 18 souls, Qin Double finally succeeded in refining a complete demon of the Dan. This time, the piano double excited, and then began to refine.

However, I did not expect to fail again. Qin double carefully recalled the process of refining the Dane, and then carefully deduced, and began to refine.




When there were six remaining fifty souls, Qin double finally succeeded. And the next six Dan Demons have been successful in succession. At this point, Qin double has been able to refine the Dan of the refining period.


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