Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 751: Are dead



The eyes of Qin double also swept through the demon saints in midair, and the eighteen demon sacred six layers, which also put pressure on the piano. I did not expect that after so long, there are still so many demon people to put her to death.

The surrounding air seemed to be solid and the atmosphere became suffocating. A big demon in the air suddenly laughed and laughed:

"Today we are killing phoenix!"

"Yes, we eat phoenix!"


"You killed me a lot of monks in the Qingniu family. Today you will eat your flesh and drink your blood."

"Feng Ming, you kill my daughter, today will destroy you."


In the air, eighteen big demons opened their mouths as if they were starting a fight. Qin double hands up, looked up and quietly looked at the 18 big demon. The snoring gradually subsided, but the killings of the 18 big demons were a little bit solid, and the clouds were all in the sky, as if they were the last days.

"Are you finished?" Qin said faintly.

The old cow of the Qingniu family looked at the piano and said: "What other words do you have?"

"There are no last words!" Qin said faintly: "Just think that you are too embarrassed, I suspect that you are preparing to kill me."

"You... let go!"

Eighteen big demon look a glimpse, then I was ashamed. But before they broke out in the anger, they saw the double backhand holding the hilt of the phoenix sword behind them.


A loud sword, the double sword of a piano stabbed, the body shape was lost, even the 18 big demon in the air also disappeared, only one shadow of the feather feather sword in the air.

Sword field!

Within the sword domain.

The piano is standing on top of a sword, and his eyes are lightly looking at the eighteen monsters under the sword. The eighteen big demon looks first, and then they are stunned.

"Just the sword field!"

The eighteen demon sacs have all realized the field. Although they are trapped in the sword field of Qinshuang, there is no slight confusion, and some are just sarcasm. Even if some of them have a big demon sword field, they can't reach the third world. However, the 18 demon sacs released the field at the same time, but they were absolutely able to explode the swords of the doubles, and even hit and kill the doubles.


Just as they were about to release the field, they saw the piano on the sword slammed open, and a silent melody rang from her mouth.


At the same time, there were ten illusions in her back, and Zhang mouth sang to the eighteen demon singers.

The eighteen demon hearts were shocked and suddenly remembered the news that they had spread to the demon world. It is said that the Moon Emperor Qin double who killed 20 million demons is a ten-time master. Every time there is a sound, there will be ten ghosts.

"You are... piano..."

However, before they finished speaking, they felt that their gods were screaming, as if they were going to fall asleep.


Thousands of long swords on the sword screamed out, like the long river, rushing toward the 18 big demon. At that time, the 18 big demons were still in the middle of it, and the music of the soul sleep made them sleepy. They are only the sixth floor of the demon, and the power of the soul of the piano is the middle of the tenth layer of Wu Sheng. When the soul sleeps out, where can they resist?

Even if it is only a moment, it is enough. Several swords have shattered the heads of the eighteen demon, and there are only eighteen headless bodies left in the sword field.


The shadow of the giant sword disappeared in midair, and the figure of the double piano appeared. At the same time, there were eighteen headless bodies that fell from the sky and slammed on the ground and swayed a piece of dust.

Gao Xiaoxiao stared at the eighteen bodies on the ground, and the body began to tremble slightly, eventually whispering without a god:

"It's all dead... how could this be... all dead..."

Gao Xiaoxiao suddenly looked up at the piano double in the air, and he played several cold wars in succession. When he remembered that he still wanted to single out Fengming...


That is the 18 big demon! Eighteen demon holy six layers! Just for a moment...

how long?

Is there a time for two interest?

Eighteen demon sacred six floors have turned into eighteen headless bodies.


At this time, her mind was completely lost, and the only thought she thought was to escape as soon as possible. However, suddenly a figure fell in front of her, they saw the piano double smiled and looked at her:

"High sister, the irrelevant demon has finally been cleaned up, and it is our turn to learn from each other."

Gao Xiaoxiao's face was pale, her eyes turned round and again, and suddenly she showed a respectful look on her face:

"I can be yours!"

"Oh!" Qin touched his chin and shook his head. "I am used to being alone. It is inconvenient to take a shackle. Why bother?"

"It's not tiring! You can do a lot of things." At this time a voice came, Qinshuang and Gao Xiaoxiao turned around and looked around, and they saw that the demon monk who drove the car did not know when he ran over, a face worship Looking at the piano double track:

“Master, you can warm your bed before you go to sleep, tea for you when you want to drink tea, cook for you when you want to eat. When you are tired, you can lick for you. leg……"

Qin double stayed, and then to the demon monk said: "Why do you call me the master?"

"噗通!" The demon monk squatted in front of the piano pair, holding both hands in the thigh of the piano: "Master, you have always been my idol! You kill the monster knife on the stage, killing the blue cow alone There is a **** demon world. It’s just a model of our generation..."

Qin double was exaggerated and shyly said: "I am not a mess, I am a Feng..."

"No!" The demon monk squats in the color of worship: "You are a mess, you have cultivated to this day, isn't you not getting the resources of the phoenix?"

"That's it!" The piano is smug on both sides.

"Master, the villain is right? Just ask the host to accept the small."

"You let go of my thigh first!"

"Do not let go unless the owner promises!"

"Let go!" The piano sounds cold.

"Oh!" The demon monk slammed the thighs of the piano. Qin double looked at Gao Xiaoxiao: "High sister, we are all monks, dining is very common, so I don't need warm beds, tea, cooking and lame people, let's talk about it."

Gao Xiaoxiao’s face turned pale in an instant, and now she is afraid to play against the piano. The eighteen demon's six-story body was still in front of her, and she didn't want to die.


How to escape?

This Fengming stood in front of her. Fengming was able to escape in the first place, and the speed must be very fast. How could she let her escape?

"I, I, I... I don't know how to do it... can't you?" Gao Xiaoxiao looked at the piano double with pity.

Qin double thought: "No."


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