Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 752: Mount



"Then I admit defeat!" Gao Xiaoxiao was busy.

Qin double shook his head, Gao Xiaoxiao prayed: "What do you want, will you let me go?"

Qin double looked at her and looked at the demon monk who drove the car.

"Then, I am tired of my high sister and give me a mount. I usually pull that car."


Gao Xiaoxiao's face has become ugly. In any case, he is also a four-layered demon, and is a mount for others?

And... usually it’s a cart!

Gao Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Double Road: "You are not afraid that our Qingniu patriarch knows that you have taken me as a mount and killed you personally. Also, we have many elders in the Qingniu family. You can let me take me as a mount. ?"

Qin double frowned, his face appeared a difficult color, Gao Xiaoxiao's face showed a happy color. But suddenly heard the piano double open:

"It seems that it is a trouble to keep you, it is better to kill."

Gao Xiaoxiao was shocked and quickly showed the original way: "I... I am willing to be your mount."

The face of the piano has a satisfactory color, and turned to the demon monk: "Don't hurry up and release your unicorn, then put the cow on it."

"Well, master!"

The demon monk was overjoyed, smashed from the ground, put the unicorn upside down, and put Gao Xiaoxiao in the car.

The piano touched the bull's head: "High sister, you said that if I grab a few cows to pull the car, is it very prestige?"

Gao Xiaoxiao said: "You don't think that you have killed some of the demon's six-story. It's awesome. We have a lot of demon holy eight layers, even the demon holy nine layers."

"Ha ha……"

Qin double smiled, and put the 18 rings on the ground into the storage ring, looking at the demon monk who drove:

"You are the family, what is the name?"

"Master, I am a dog!" The car demon nodded and said: "My name is Yunyun."

"Dog transport?"

"No, the head of the grass, the cloud of clouds."

"Oh!" Qin nodded twice, one hand still touched Gao Xiaoxiao's bull's head, but the heart was communicating with Fengming Road in the town demon tower:

"Feng Ming, I remember there is a kind of animal circle in the inheritance of the instrument?"


"You refine one for me."

"it is good!"

When Jinyun saw Qinqin standing there and touched the head of the bull, he thought that Qin double loved Gao Xiaoxiao, and there was some embarrassment in his heart. He took a slap in the face of Gao Xiaoxiao’s cow butt:

"Old cows, let's take our master's mount, run fast, and be steady..."

Gao Xiaoxiao turned to the bull's head, and a pair of bull's-eye shots killed the killing. Shen Sheng said: "I am a demon four-layered, unmarried yellow-flowered cow, you are a little demon in the knot period, dare to shoot my ass, do you want to die?"

The body of Jinyun was shaking and his face became pale. Then I thought of the piano doubles beside me, and I would like to have a body:

"We are both master servants. You are a mount. I am driving. I can't shoot your **** because of it. I will use a whip to pump your ass."


Gao Xiaoxiao’s heart was ashamed and angry, but at this time, although it was only a moment in the past, but in the town demon tower has also passed a short time, Feng Ming has refining the Yuchong circle. When the piano doubled his mind, he took out the royal beast, only the size of the palm, and held it in the palm of the piano. Gao Xiaoxiao saw the imperial beast circle in his hands, and his heart instinctively had a kind of disgust and fear. He couldn’t attend to see the clouds, and looked at the Qinshuang with caution. The clouds on the side also looked at the beasts in the hands of the piano with fear.

Qin double looked at the animal circle in his hand, his face showed a smile, and looked at Gao Xiaoxiao with a smile:

"High sister, you are my mount, my master can't be jealous, I have refining a collar for you, you can wear it, you can see it!"


The beast of the beast in the hands of the piano is enlarged, and the double piano of the piano is placed on the neck of Gao Xiaoxiao, and the beast ring is automatically reduced, hooping around Gao Xiaoxiao's neck. Gao Xiaoxiao immediately felt that her **** was as if she had been invisibly attached to a hoop. As long as the piano doubled her mind, she would crush her god.

She knew that she was finished, and her life and death were in the hands of Qin. For a time, there was no feeling of controversy with Xiaoyun, and he was holding the bull's head in frustration.

At this time, the piano double also sensed the animal circle with his eyes closed, then smiled and opened his eyes, looking at the collar of the cow's neck with satisfaction:

"Sure enough, I can see it!"

Gao Xiaoxiao's cow's face was black and the air was dark, and the heart said: "It looks good, are you wearing it?"

"What is the Royal Beast? There is no reason for it. How can she have such a thing as a beast?"

Controlled Gao Xiaoxiao, Qin double mood is very comfortable, jumped into the carriage, on the road:

"Go to the Feng nationality!"

"Yes, master!"

When Yunyun took out the whip, he used to want to pump Gao Xiaoxiao’s ass. Gao Xiaoxiao looked back at the clouds and said:

"You dare to smoke my ass, I will kill you."

In the heart of Jinyun’s heart, he sighed and sighed: “Go to the Feng nationality.”

Gao Xiaoxiao stepped on the four hooves and volleyed. Wearing clouds and fog, flying toward the Feng nationality.

Qin double looked at the speed of Gao Xiaoxiao's flight, and he was satisfied. This is much faster than her refining Dan. A formation was placed in the carriage, and then entered the town demon tower. When I saw Fengming, it was already the seventh floor of Wushen. My heart was even more happy. I continued to raise my spirits and constantly constructed a pattern of marks and marks in the body of Huofeng.

It’s just that I haven’t been cultivating for a long time. The glimpse of the gods in the town’s demon tower feels that the cow car has stopped, and then I heard the sound of the clouds:

"Master, there is a monk!"

When the piano doubled his mind, he came out from the town demon tower. His body flickered and appeared on the top of the carriage. He saw more than twenty demon clouds flying in the opposite direction. The piano is like a sword, and the heart is dark:

"Try to try the power of the gods!"

As soon as the mind was moving, a fire phoenix was drilled out of the eyebrows of Qin double. It was instantly enlarged in the air, and the wings spread. The striated lines on the phoenix phoenix suddenly fell off and turned into a phoenix. Twenty dozen demon clouds across the road swept over. When the time came, the fierce battle came, and the figures appeared in the demon cloud, and all kinds of magical lights shone.

The piano double frowned, just a moment of effort, those phoenixes fell on the wind. Qin double not only sighed, but the heart secretly:

"My law is still too low! It is only the ninth floor of the gods. Even if it is more than 20% of the power, it is only the peak of the demon, and my burning is not successful." These big demons are demon holy, and the worst is the demon god."


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