Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 755: Lien Chan



The double strings of the piano are continuously popped up to six characters, and they are spurred from the top, bottom, left and right of the big demon. The horror of the big demon face.

Yes, although he was not killed by Fu, he sacrificed the defensive spirit. Now the defensive spirit has been shattered, and now it is still six symbols. If these six symbols are just like those powers...

The Qingniu big demon couldn't help but hit a shackle. Then he shook his body. Countless cow hairs shook down from the body and turned into a cow demon. In his hand, an axe was rushing toward the six characters.

Centered on the green bull big demon, the dense cow demon began to spread outward, and when the cow demon began to shake off from the green bull demon, it was only the size of a nail, but as they spread outward, But it has become bigger and bigger, just not working hard, the outermost cow demon has become more than two meters high, standing in the middle of the green bull big demon, holding a huge axe in both hands, looked nervously Opposite to the opposite hand, the leisurely piano double.


Six pieces of plaque burst open, and the dense swords smashed out without dead ends. Every sword smashed across the ground, and there was a deep bottomless gap on the ground. The peaks were easily broken by the swords, those The cow demon rushing out is falling down like a piece of wheat. It is only a time of three moments, and the sword has already been stunned to the front of the big demon.

The big horror was busy propping up the defensive shield, and the big axe in his hand danced, the water could not splash, and the air was impenetrable.


Like the tide of the sword, the big axe that hindered the dance, let the big axe reveal a myriad of flaws, and there are countless swords that spurted into the innumerable flaws.

"Puff puff……"

This time the big demon did not have a defensive spirit, and this time it was six characters. The defensive shield that he held up was smashed by the endless swords in less than a half-time, and the intensive swords were bombarded on her.


Just a moment of rest, the six characters were turned into ashes, but in this last moment, too many swords smashed into the body of the big demon. At this time, the big demon was so bad that it was not a cow. The whole body was like a sieve, and it was bloody. The piano double wrinkled a brow:

"It's a pity a cowhide!"

Then he danced his right arm, coiled around the top of his right arm, and gathered toward his fist, then rushed toward the big demon.

Wrapped in Fengqin!

The big demon wants to move, but more blood is ejected from the blood hole in the sieve. The style of the phoenix fist hit him on the body, a loud explosion, the body of the big demon burst, falling to the ground. Qinqin reached out and grabbed the air, and a storage ring was caught in her hand and collected.

"Seven Zhang Fu killed a big demon, some are not worth it!"

Qinqin looked up into the distance, and saw a big demon standing there, the big demon's eyes were small, but released the cold light.

The piano doubled up to the big demon, and slammed a bullet, and a scorpion spurred toward the big demon.


The big demon covered a layer of golden armor from head to toe, and the big feet slammed on the ground. The ground collapsed and there were thousands of gullies. The figure was like a sharp arrow and rushed toward the piano.


Fuxi burst, a sword river gathered by countless swords to the big demon to go, the big demon does not evade, double fists and a grip, greeted the Jianyan River.


His body collided with the Jianhe River, and the Jianhe collided on him, and his golden armor collapsed. His fists picked up the Jianhe River.

The time of the five interest moments passed, and the big demon double fisted open to the piano, and then suddenly grasped.


The golden armor of the big demon smashed away, and each of the leaves was turned into a sharp blade, which gathered in front of the big demon into a golden torrent, and spurred toward the piano.

Gold armor!

Qin Shuang’s heart is a glimpse. She instantly perceives that this golden armor has absolutely the power to kill her, and her hands are full of ten fingers, and one Zhang Fu is whistling out.


More than a dozen Zhang Fu were released continuously, and the sky was full of swords and smashes, like the Milky Way falling, colliding with your golden armor. The two pairs of pianos glimpsed a little, and saw more than a dozen Zhang Fu blocking the golden armor, and the body shape suddenly shot at high altitude. At the same time, the right hand waved, and the ten characters were thrown from the sky to the big demon.

The big demon face changed, the figure was fierce and then retreated, and at the same time, he reached out and the gold armored knife flew toward him.


The golden armor returned to the big demon and became a pair of armor. At the same time, both fists blasted.


The big demon was swallowed by the sword, and at the moment when the sword was about to disappear, the piano double sacrificed ten characters, and the sword once again covered the big demon.


A scream was heard in the sword, and then a golden shadow was seen rushing out of the sword and fleeing in the distance. The eyes of the piano were shrinking, but the golden light was fast, but it could not escape. Qin double eyes.

The big demon turned out to be a pangolin that has been wearing pangolins and eight layers of demon. The armor was the piece of nails on his body. At this time, the pieces of the piece had been broken in half, leaving blood on the body and fleeing in the distance.

"Want to escape?"

The piano double combines the three spiritual powers, and the foot is Feng Xiang, chasing the pangolin.

One demon!

Wind and power!

There was a towering mountain in front of it, the pangolin swept past the mountain, and the shape of the piano pair quickly approached the mountain.


The mountain suddenly smashed, the large rocks fell off, and the dense yellow spears, like the same wall, spurred into the air.

In the heart of the piano, the two sleeves flew forward, and twenty pieces of Fuxi sacrificed.


A series of intensive swords in the sky, Wang Yang's general swordsmen rushed toward the spears. The sky collapsed, and the ground was sloping and sloping. It was only a matter of time. The sword smashed the spear and smashed through the wall formed by the spear.

Qin double stared, and saw the mountain after the rock fell off, showing a huge demon, but this demon makes the piano double strange, because she can not recognize this is a demon. The sword that the demon saw at this time actually shattered his spear, and his eyes showed the color of fear. He made a scream and turned around and ran. At the same time, the spear in the sky turned back and turned back. The body of the big demon fell.

When the spears returned to the big demon in the escape, although the spears returned to less than half of the big demon, the rest were shattered by the strings of the double, but the piano double was recognized. A hedgehog. I just took off my hair and I really didn't recognize it.


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