Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 756: Monster holy list



"It’s a symbol!" The pangolin, which ran in front, looked back and looked even more frightened and escaped faster.

"How come she has so many signs?" The hedgehog did not run slow.

Farther ahead of them, Gao Xiaoxiao was flying with a oxcart. She was far away from Qin’s battlefield and didn’t know what was going on. At this time her heart is very tangled, she is tangled in the neck of this beast, this will make the face of the demon in the family, this face will be lost, and can not be a demon in the future.

The only hope she had at the moment was that Feng Ming could be killed by her elders in her own family. If Feng Ming died, this Yuhuan circle would have no owner and he should be able to take it down. After sensing it, I realized that the **** is still hooped, and I know that Feng Ming is not dead, and my heart is not afraid.

"Feng Ming is so powerful? The elders of his own family are eight layers of demon sacred. Is the strength of Fengming already reaching the eighth floor of the demon?"

She still doesn't know that the demon's eight-layered cow demon has been killed by the piano. At this time, Qin double is chasing the other two demon eight layers.

Suddenly, Gao Xiaoxiao paused in his figure and raised his bulls eye to look into the distance. I saw a lot of demon races flying from all sides, all races, and what is repaired. Flying one by one into the air, looking over the two peaks.

Gao Xiaoxiao paused in shape, and she was holding an ox cart at the moment, and there was a collar around her neck. At first glance, it is a mount for pulling a car. She can't afford to lose that person. They looked far away at the two peaks and erected their ears to listen.

On each of the two peaks stood a big demon, standing opposite, the body of the breath, murderous.

"This is a master duel!" Gao Xiaoxiao's heart is a glimpse, and there is a long-talking voice in his ear.

"The leopard challenged and won the first hundred of the demon sacred list."

"The leopard is originally the last life of the demon sacred list. The late stage of the demon sacred seven layers is said to be so bright, but it has just broken through to the late stage of the demon sacred seven, and then to compete for the seat of the hundredth place of the demon sacred list. Great and discouraged."


A few figures fell on the carriage of Gao Xiaoxiao. The big demon in the late seventh floor of the demon sacred, the scope of the spread was very wide. These monks were all repaired by the demon gods. They dared not rely too close to see Gao Xiaoxiao. The oxcart is here, and it falls aside. Of course, they would not go to see Gao Xiaoxiao. They looked at the clouds sitting on the rut and found that the clouds were just a knot period. They just wanted to let the clouds go down. They sat on the cart and watched it, but they suddenly felt Gao Xiaoxiao. The breath, can not help but look at Gao Xiaoxiao. The look is a huge change, although they can't see Gao Xiaoxiao's cultivation, but from the demon, they can tell that the repair is much higher than them.

That is the breath of the demon!

Several demon gods glanced at each other and looked at the carriage involuntarily. The compartment door is closed, but at this time, where are these demon gods dare to use the gods to explore whether there is a demon in the compartment? What is it for?

A demon who uses the demon saint to mount, what do you say is repaired?

These demon gods are very embarrassed in the heart, there is no sound in the compartment for them to leave, they are afraid to leave, they have to stand there and look forward.


Some figures fell on the side of the cow body, Gao Xiaoxiao lowered his head, and the cow hair on the neck became longer, hiding the collar in the cow hair. And those demons who perceive Gao Xiaoxiao's cultivation are not willing to disturb this oxcart. Even if they look at the clouds that only have a knot, they also smile and nod, which makes Jinyun proud.

Wherever you go, you must look at the eyes of the demon. Since you have followed the master, you are seeing yourself in front of these demon gods.

"It’s a cool dog!"

At this time, the Yaozu had no sound in the carriage of Gao Xiaoxiaola. Although they did not dare to use the gods to probe, the nervous heart relaxed and began to talk quietly.

"Isn't the age of the brightest?"

"Well! According to the life of our Yaozu, he is just entering middle age. Unfortunately, if he is younger, even if it is a young generation, it will not let the family and our demon Fengming specialize. before."

"If you are younger and younger, and there are now the late stage of the demon sacred seven layers, how is Qinqin and Fengming an opponent? I am afraid that when you slap a slap, you will shoot Fengming or Qinshuang."

At this time, the leopard standing on a mountain screamed and screamed:

"Bright, you are so courageous, just broke through to the late stage of the demon, and challenged me, are you so anxious to die?"

On the other mountain, I smiled and said: "Beat you is just a matter of convenience. I just went out, just want to find an opponent to test my strength. After this battle, I will leave the demon world and go to the mainland. Go to the Fengming of Fengming City and the Qin Double of the Yueyue Empire."

"Oh..." The leopard smiled and said: "One is our demon junior, one is a despicable human, but you have to go to meet them with great enthusiasm. Your vision is too small."

Yan Liang smiled and said: "The expectations of both of them are higher than the expectations of you."

"Looking for death!" The leopard listened and listened, and his face was furious.


The leopard's vertical and horizontal feet are heavily stepped on the mountain peaks. One third of your mountain peaks collapsed instantly, and the body shape rushed toward the opposite mountain peak.


At the same time, Luan Liang slammed his big foot and rushed to the opposite side of the leopard.


The two big demons fought together in the air, and the demon people watching around, one by one, looked passionate. A demon holy layer looks at the eyebrows:

"Too great, this is the power of the monk on the demon sacred list, even if it is the last one of the demon sacred list, it is terrible."

"It's so powerful! Is this the monk on the demon sacred list?"

"No wonder all said that the monks on the demon sacred list are all geniuses, and they are able to challenge more and more. They are really too strong."

Just as these monk monks sighed, they suddenly felt that there was a strong momentum from behind them, and this momentum was even stronger than the leopards and hustle and bustle in the fight. The demons turned back and saw the distant demon clouds rolling. A pangolin was like a golden light and went straight to them.

The demons are flashing away from the sides. Many powerful demon people have already seen that the golden light is a pangolin with a broken gold armor. It is still bleeding, very embarrassing, straight forward, as if in his There is something terrible behind him to chase him. He doesn't dare to turn a corner, or change direction. For fear of delaying a little time, he will be caught up by the terrible things behind.


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