Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 757: Re-enter the Wanxiong City




The direction in which he went straight was the place where the leopard and the cross were fighting. The pangolin didn't want to waste a little time, yelling at the two big demon who are fighting:

"Get out!"

It was the leopard that was in the straight line of the pangolin. When I saw the pangolin flying wildly, it was too late to escape, so I went to the pangolin and bombarded it. The pangolin is furious, and he can now race against time to escape, and then several magical powers have been bombarded. The two figures collided together, and countless supernatural powers exploded. The body of the leopard had been smashed out like a projectile. The bones were broken and the blood was spurted. The pangolin has already fled.

Standing brightly in the air, looking pale and looking at the leopard that was still flying like a projectile, and at this time, I heard a loud drink in my ear:

"Get out!"


His figure was swept away by a huge body, and he spurted blood in the air, and the sound of broken bones was heard in the body.


A huge hedgehog has gone far away.


The leopards and the two people were hit and flew in the mountains, smashed the mountain, and fell to the ground. The two big demons endured the pain of the broken bones, rolled over and rose to the sky, shouting in the direction of pangolins and hedgehogs.

"who is it?"

"If I am not mistaken, it is a tyrant and a cemetery." A big demon.


The look of the leopard and Shen Liang’s face is a surprise. The two of them can know the strength of the two big demons, and they are the two powerful demons, but they are fleeing and chasing them. Who are the two?


A silhouette flies, and the leopard looks and feels the moment when someone is flying fast, and will flash toward both sides. You don’t have to look at it, you must be chasing the tyrants and the big demon. I have already been hit by the tyrants and the squadrons. Where are the two of them dare to block the big demon who is killing the tyrants and hiding?


The figure was blown from the sides of the two of them, and then stopped again. The leopard was stunned and stunned, and he could not help but fly backwards back a hundred meters. The eyes of the demon are gathered on the figure.

"It's Feng Ming!"

The image of Feng Ming’s smashing knives on the ring was spread all over the demon world. Too many demons knew Feng Ming. At this time, the piano doubled the shape of the flying, and everyone was recognized. However, although recognized, no one expected that it would be Feng Ming.

Not to mention other people, it is Gao Xiaoxiao who is pulling the ox cart at this time. It is also a shock of a look. I did not expect this result.

She knows that her family's predecessor, a sacred eight-story predecessor, is killing the piano pair. It was originally thought that even if the piano pair was not killed, it would fall away.


She did not see the elders in the family again, but she saw that the same tyrants and secrets were repaired by the family elders.

This shows what?

This shows that the family elders have been killed by the piano!

"She was able to kill the Eighth floor of the demon?" Gao Xiaoxiao whispered in disappointment: "She is getting more and more abnormal."

"Feng Ming is actually chasing two demon holy eight layers?"

The hordes in the air are in vain, and the eyes of Qin Shuang are very complicated, respectful, admired, fearful, and dissatisfied...

The reason why Qin Double stopped, was the discovery of Gao Xiaoxiao. Since it has already caught up with Gao Xiaoxiao, it is not a matter of chasing it.

Qin double looked at Gao Xiaoxiao, Gao Xiaoxiao instinctively lowered his head. Instead, he was sitting on the rut of the rut and shouted excitedly to the piano:

"Master, we are here."

In the face of Gao Xiaoxiao, the face of the demon is suddenly realized. It turns out that this oxcart is Fengming. No wonder it will be used as a sacred sacred mount.


Does the Qingniu family have a hatred with Fengming? How can I give Fengming a mount?

"Come on!" Qin said faintly.

"High sister, fast, go to the master." Yunyun urged.

At this time, the eyes of the demon are not gathered in Gao Xiaoxiao's body. As for the cloud of the knot period, there is no such demon to go to the idea. Suddenly, a big demon shouted in shock:

"You are Gao Xiaoxiao!"

Gao Xiaoxiao had even a heart of death at this time. I only felt that this face could not be lost after it was lost. Head down and walk towards the piano.

"Don't the Qingniu and Fengming have been reconciled?"

"I think it should be, otherwise, how did Fengming pursue the killing of the Qingniu family?"

“Is Gao Xiaoxiao a gift given to Feng Ming’s mount by the Qingniu family? Feng Ming has been so strong?”

"Following the two demon squad, do you say that you are strong?"

The piano double opened the car door and flew in, then closed the door. Gao Xiaoxiao rushed to the air and refused to stay here for a while.

In the air.

The leopards and the crosses of each other looked at each other and the two big demons lost their minds. The leopard suddenly grinned and smiled:

"Oh, you are not going to the military, will you have a Fengming and Qin double?"

The bright look is as gloomy as water, and the robes are sleeved, and the figure is like an ion. The leopard looked at the direction of the piano and left, and sighed deeply. He knew that after Feng Ming’s pursuit of killing the tyrants and the cemetery, the position of the hundredth of his demon sacred list could not be saved.

It is not far from the city of Wanxiu. It took less than half a day to come to Wanxiong City. The piano double came out of the compartment:

"Get the car away."

When Yunyun jumped off the rut, he went down the cover that was placed on Gao Xiaoxiao. Gao Xiaoxiao became a human figure. Jinyun took the car into the storage bag. Qinqin first entered the Wanxue City Road:

"A few days off here, then we will go to the Phoenix. You don't have to follow me these days, you can play in the city."

Gao Xiaoxiao walked to the side of Qin double and whispered: "Master, are you going to the Phoenix Palace?"

Qin double thought: "I won't go there. I live in the inn, are you going back to the Qingniu family in the palace of Wanxiong?"

Gao Xiaoxiao moved in the heart, but then he knew that as long as the Yuhuan ring on his neck was not taken down, it would be useless if he escaped. He shook his head:

"I live with the owner in the inn."

"also may!"

The piano nodded and went to an inn. I have three rooms and I have lived in them.

The reason why Qinshuang lived in Wansha City for a few days, because she found that she had reached the critical point of breakthrough, but also because of the constant fierce battle on the road, it is difficult to suppress the breakthrough. Therefore, she decided to go to the Phoenix after breaking through the city.

The only thing she wants to break through is the cultivation of the Fa, because she is on the way, in the town demon tower, she has been using the phoenix fire **** to mark the streak of the gods, and to use the mysterious water and the sharp gold **** to make the symbol, and did not practice the martial arts. Not only did she not practice martial arts, but she also deliberately suppressed martial arts. After all, she is not fully integrated with the three spiritual powers.


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