Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 758: Hua Taixiang



As a result, Qin Shuang soon entered the inn in the inn, and in the inn, the Fenghuo Law Road broke through to the tenth floor of the Huashen period. This cultivation is already the peak of other monks, including the demon, in this realm, the next step is to break through to the distraction period. However, for Qinshuang, obviously not. Her pinnacle is the thirteenth layer of the gods.

Qinqin slightly trimmed a bit, then left the inn, changed a look, went to another inn, the Ruijin law road broke through to the ninth floor of the magical period. Only once again changed a look, went to the third inn, the Xuan Shui method broke through the ninth floor of the Taoist period.

Finally, I returned to the original inn again, in the inn's room. The piano double set up the array method, then entered the town demon tower, first counted the symbol, and then decided to make some, then took out a demon sacred six-layered demon corpse, began to pack up. At the same time continue to use the phoenix fire **** to identify the imprint of the streak.


Qin double just made the devil skin into a fuss, and the heart suddenly moved. Huo Ran stood up, and the figure appeared in the sky above the center of the town demon tower, and his eyes fell on the mysterious egg.

She once dripped her blood on the egg, absorbed by the egg, and had a vague connection with the egg. However, at this time she felt that the faint connection became clearer and clearer.

"Is this going to break the shell?"

The eyes of the piano are bright, and the eyes are full of expectations. What is the monster that repeatedly searches for the egg in the brain?

"No!" Qin doubled his head and looked at the mysterious egg. The egg was generally in the fairy power, half in the aura, and the heart could not help but flash a thought:

"I also absorbed Xianyuan force for the sake of sound. Should this be a hand? Just..."

Qin double thought about it and found that he did not know whether the beast was an egg or an egg.


When the piano was moving, the egg began to fall from the air toward the ground. The piano doubled down with the egg, landed on the ground, kneeling down and looking at the egg in front of it.


There was a knock in the egg, and the egg vibrated with the knock. Qinqin perceives an urgent emotion in the egg. Qinqin wants to help break the eggshell, but Qinqin knows that this is the first test of the birth of the egg, and he controls himself, but still Shouting a small fist toward the egg:

"come on! Come on!"


There was finally a crack in the eggshell, and then the cracks were getting bigger and bigger and getting bigger and bigger. Finally, an eggshell was shot out by the things inside, and then a furry head stretched out from the inside and looked at the piano pair. The look of Qin double is a stiff.

"This... how is it like a dog's head? Isn't it a dog? No, dogs are eggs, not eggs."


The little thing climbed out of the egg and ran to the piano. Qin double a **** sat on the ground, staring at the little thing.

"It’s really... a dog..."

The puppy ran to the side of the piano and climbed the thigh of the piano. The piano double-handedly held the dog with only the size of the palm in his hand, and the puppy extended his pink tongue and held the hand of the piano, making the piano tickle. Put the puppy on the ground again, whisper:

"Puppy is a puppy, an egg-born dog, or a dog that absorbs Xianyuan. It must not be a dog. You will follow me later, I have to give you a good name."

The piano doubled his chin and began to name the puppy. The puppy ran back to the eggshell and began to eat the eggshells. Qin double frowned, looking at the puppy while thinking about the name. It’s just that Qinshuang is really not good at raising names, thinking for a long time, and not thinking of a name that makes him happy. At this time, the puppy had already eaten the eggshell, thinking of a wild flower running over, rolling in the wildflowers, the eyes of the piano is a bright light:

"I will call you a flowery fragrance in the future."

"Wangwang..." The puppy screamed twice and continued to roll inside the flower sea.

"Giggle..." Qin did not smile happily. From the sound of the puppy, she could hear it. The puppy understood what she meant.

It’s really a monster that absorbs Xian Yuanli...

Do not!

Must be a beast!

Qinqin is in a good mood, and once again began to use the phoenix fire **** to identify the brand of the scent of the gods, while taking turns to use the sharp gold gods and Xuan Shui gods to make the symbol.

She did not know that at this time in the city of Wan Yao, the news about her has spread to all corners.

"Do you know? Feng Ming is back to the demon world."

"She still dare to come back?"

"What do you know? Fengming killed countless demon gods and demon saints on this road, and even killed the eight-layered demon sanctuary of the Qingniu family, chasing the squad and the squad of the demon squad to escape."

"so smart?"

"What do you think?"

"But... see her breath has not broken through to the demon holy?"


"Then how she killed the demon holy?"

"I don't know, the tyrants and the cemetery are hiding, and now they both know the means of Fengming."

"Feng Ming must have a big secret."

"Who doesn't know this? But dare you explore her secret?"

"I don't dare, but I always want to be interested in her secrets. I think she is in danger."

"I have a good time."

"Just waiting for her to leave the City of Demon, unless she is hiding in the city of Wanxue for a lifetime."

"That is impossible. It is said that this time she will be a Feng nationality and she will recognize her ancestors."

"The Feng family will send a master to pick her up?"



Qin double came out from the town demon tower, and it has been three days since she entered the Wan Yaocheng. She did not go to the palace of the Phoenix in the city of Wanxue, but she wanted to see what attitude the Feng family had towards her. If a Feng nationality monk picks up her within three days, it means that the Feng nationality has a good attitude towards her overall. If she does not care about it completely, the attitude of the Feng nationality to her will be blurred.

At this time, she was sitting in the inn's room, standing in front of her with Yunyun and Gao Xiaoxiao. From the mouths of the two of them, Qin double had learned that during the three days, there were no monks from the Feng family to see her. She waved her hand and let Xiaoyun and Gao Xiaoxiao leave. One sat in a chair and fell into meditation.

She does not doubt the authenticity of the Fengzuo to let her recognize her ancestor, because this is the phoenix dance to inform her, and the phoenix dance is really good for her. When she is dancing with the phoenix, she is higher than the soul of the phoenix dance. Force, she can be keenly aware of the sincerity of the phoenix dance. And Feng Dance also reminded her. In today's Feng nationality, the contradictions are fierce. Some support her to return to the Feng nationality to recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors. Some objected that she was a curse, and the wildness was difficult to tame. It did not contribute much to the Feng nationality, but it caused a lot of trouble for the Feng nationality.


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