Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 759: Bi Fangkong Fan



However, after analysis, she believes that the phoenix monks who opposed her ancestral return to the ancestors did not really oppose her confession of the ancestors, but instead used it as an excuse to fight for power.

She first came to the Wan Yao City, and did not enter the Fengzu Palace, it is to judge. Judging now, at the very least, the monks who opposed her ancestors should have the upper hand in the Feng nationality, but they did not have the upper hand, otherwise they would go directly here and expel her.

"The Fengzu patriarch and the phoenix ancestors are good to me! There are two great powers in the Fengzu. If both of them support me to recognize the ancestors, how can this happen to me coldly?"

Qin double frowned deeply: "But neither of them can object to my ancestor's return to the ancestors. Now this ambiguity is caused, and the attitude of both of them should be vague.

But why? ”

Qin double shakes his head and is very puzzled.

However, in the end she decided to go to the Phoenix. On the one hand, Fengming City in the mainland of the Warrior needs the protection of the Fengzu and lost the Fengming City. The people who were protected in Fengming City not only became the ration of the Yaozu, but also lost a part of the Yaozu. chance. On the other hand, she cultivated the phoenix phoenix, and the fire phoenix was also made from the bones of the ancestors of the Feng nationality. She believed that going to a phoenix community should be good for herself and Feng Ming.

As for the danger, there is no danger on the way to cultivate the fairy.

Stroked the storage ring on the hand, there are more than three hundred swords, with these swords, should be able to ensure her safety on the way.

Qingniu Mountain.

The young ancestors of Qingniu received the news that Fengming once again entered the demon world. After the news of the Fengzu nationality recognizing the ancestors, the look on his face could not help but move slightly.

"This Fengming's courage is really big! Actually dare to go back to the demon world. Actually dare to kill so blindly all the way. And the Feng nationality does not give her the slightest help. Feng nationality, you really see the world of the demon is nothing ?"

He opened his eyes, and the eyes gradually disappeared into the pupils, and they disappeared into white eyes, turning into nothingness, like two black holes, very strange.

In the space in front of his eyes, there was a space collapse of one meter. The space is invisible and colorless. I couldn’t see any place to collapse, but it will give people a feeling. The empty space is suddenly missing.

Suddenly, the heavy eyes shed tears of blood, and the space in front of them suddenly gave birth to a storm. Fortunately, the space that collapsed was small, the storm quickly subsided, and the space returned to calm.

"Failed again!" Gao Zhong sighed: "Why is this illusory eye always failing to reach the realm of Xiaocheng? There is nothing wrong with the way I cultivated. The magical power left by my ancestors is not wrong. But why do I always practice? To the realm of Xiaocheng?"

The high-heavy look became irritable. After a moment, his emotions gradually subsided and he thought:

"Is it because my blood concentration is not enough? Do you have to have the blood of the ancestor level in practicing imaginary eyes? Is it not the blood of the ancestor level, even the small Chengdu cultivation?

Do not!

Will not!

I am trying it once.

As long as I practiced imaginary, I will force the Feng people to kill the Fengming and send it to me. ”

Wan Yaocheng.

Inside an inn.

The chain was sitting cross-legged in the room, and eight corpses were crawling on the body. The eight corpses gradually disappeared into his body. The chain opened his eyes and picked up the clothes beside him. A touch of light color.

"At the end of the refining of eight corpses, and refining eight, my cultivation can break through the six levels of the demon."

The image of Fengming suddenly flashed in front of his eyes, and his eyes appeared to kill. I remembered that in the secret world of the demon world, I was almost killed by the piano. I first left the secret world of the demon world, and even the ship did not dare to return. I fled from the sea and almost fled, and the killing in my eyes became even more Rich.

"It is estimated that Feng Ming also knows that I am not dead. Only she knows my identity. If she does not die, I will not feel at ease."

"My zerg is only me alone, and I can't be exposed. But there is no record of Zerg in the demon world, she said it, and there is no demon believe. And she is now killing so many demon monks, I am afraid it has not yet arrived. The Feng nationality is already dead."

"What I want to do is to secretly help and make her a public enemy of the demon world. Even if she can't make her a public enemy of the demon world, she must become the eye of most forces. So, I don't believe her Feng Ming does not die."

工具 double doubles, greeted 苟 and 晓xiaoxiao. Gao Xiaoxiao was humiliated and turned into a prototype. He was set in the oxcart. The piano was placed in the compartment, and Jinyun sat on the rut. The oxcart drove down the street and headed for the gate.

The oxcart left the Wanxiong City, and the message in the Wanxiong City was passed out.

"Feng Ming left the Wanxiong City!"

"Fengming continues to travel to the Feng nationality!"

"Feng Ming did not come into contact with the Feng nationality. It seems that the Feng nationality is not very friendly to Fengming!"

"Feng Ming is just a demon god, but he can kill the demon saint in more order. There must be a big secret!"


Above the clouds.

A dog demon drives a bright cow car and walks in the clouds. A red woman sits at the top of the carriage, and a red feathered sword circling around the body of the woman in red.

This person is the Qin double to the Feng nationality, she is practicing fire lotus.

After all, the town demon tower has not recovered, not a real world, the rules are incomplete, and the heavens are incomplete. Therefore, the piano pair is still sitting at the top of the car, practicing the lotus.

Qinqin constantly changes the fingertips, and the Fengyu sword hoveres around the body of the piano pair. Each circle is circling, and eight fire lotuses will be displayed.

Qinshuang has cultivated the lotus to the lotus, and is trying to comprehend the nine lotuses.

Feel the power of the eight lotuses, and the cow hair on Gao Xiaoxiao stood up. Turning over the head of the bull and glanced at the pair of pianos that had been covered by layers of fire lotus, the heart was a shake.

"This is really getting better and better!"

Subsequently, a pair of bulls eyes showed a confused color.

"Why do I feel that she is still the peak of the demon god, not the demon holy. Is she really killing so many demon saints with the demon god?"

"What kind of exercises did she practice?"


A loud tweet, one person, one cow, one dog, all looked at the screaming sound, and saw a magnificent and colorful cloud flying from the horizon to their side.


After the color cloud approached, I saw that it was a party that drove the clouds. The two sides were agitated, and the front body was lifted. A beautiful arc was drawn in the air and turned into a red man. At the top of the carriage, pray to the piano:

"Kong Fan has seen Fengming Fairy."


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